One of the problems facing our country is the inability of people to think outside the box, or even allow themselves to entertain other ideas outside the opinions they initially formed on any range of subject matters.
We form opinions, and nothing else will change what we made ourselves believe, facts become mere points to be countered.

In a September 24th, 2018 Jamaica Observer Article titled: Railway Corp supports development of Kendal crash site, Chairperson for the Kendal Crash Committee at the Municipal Corporation, Angella Edwards, said that the vision is that visitors to the proposed memorial/recreational park will be able to park their vehicles and take a rail car to the area.
Find the link below.

Not a bad idea for an actual area where visitors to a shrine could honor the dead who fatefully lost their lives in that horrible crash. But why are Jamaicans so preoccupied with parks?
So I flippantly wrote the following in response to the [park suggestion]
Memorial/recreational park !!!
In other words, build a park for sound-systems to blare and semi-nude bodies to gyrate.
Why not?
Nothing trumps the need to be entertained, not even a solemn event as the Kendal crash.
Like bait on a line, it did not take long for one particular fish to take me on
Castleton Gardens & Emancipation Park are recreational parks and I don’t see what you describe there. Why would you think that the Kendal site would be different
No dearest, the idea of a recreational park is okay, but in a tragic event like the Kendal train crash in which over two hundred people lost their lives in that single event don’t you think that a monument is more fitting?

I was at a loss when I read the comment too was too dumbstruck to respond. Because my thought is that this thing should have been
Now after correcting some of the misspellings I responded.
Instead of a “RECREATIONAL PARK”, how about a fitting monument which appropriately honors the dead, and takes into account the grief of the people at the time this unfortunate event occurred?
I too heard about it, the gory details and all, I would suggest that we have a fitting monument to remember the event by, not a recreational park.
I agree with you on this one, Mike. But yuh no know how di ting
So far so good right?
So the monument cannot be placed in the Park giving it a more tranquil setting while you stand there reflecting.? We so small minded when it comes to things of substance but we have no qualms about politicians spending our tax dollars on their own frivolous pursuits.
Actually, that is not an unreasonable position to take but I am thinking the cost would probably be astronomical so let’s focus on an edifice which honors those who lost their lives.
So how about something like the Lincoln Memorial, how about something like the Holocaust museum, the civil war memorial, the African-American Museum.
I don’t know something substantive, like a presidential library, just not a park.
Okay, it seems that your brain, what’s left of it, is a stuck in a permanent a state of [park], hence your obsession and preoccupation with parks.
Can you think outside what the stupid politicians propose for a change despite the blinkers?
FYI You sir seem to have less of a clue as to what a brain actually does and I am presuming it
Again I had to correct the misspellings but anyway.
Now he/she went there, (smile).
Okay, I don’t mind discussing issues but when you are losing and you decide to engage in ad hominem attacks, I take off the gloves.
The nuclear response.

I’ll tell you a little story after which it will be radio silence, my time is far too valuable.
In parts of Africa, they would catch monkeys by cutting a little hole in a pumpkin, enough to accommodate the monkey’s paw.
They would then use a special stick to loosen the gut of the pumpkin and leave it where the monkeys would find it.
The monkey would force, it’s paw into the squash and scoop all the entrails it’s little paw could hold and it would not let go.
The only problem is that with a paw full of pumpkin entrails, the monkey was unable to get
If only it let go of what it initially grabbed.……
You are that (monkey)