A Letter Of Caution To Rank And File Cops In The ZOSO.….

Now that the first so called zone of spe­cial oper­a­tions (ZOSO) has been estab­lished in the Mount Salem area of St. James look for crime to spike in oth­er areas of the parish and even in adjoin­ing parishes.
Like a plas­tic bag half filled with water, squeeze one end and the water sim­ply rush­es to the oth­er end of the bag.

I cau­tion indi­vid­ual rank and file offi­cers not to detain any­one, sim­ply show up and com­plete your shift.
This is not a crime fight­ing strat­e­gy, the pow­ers who cre­at­ed it know that hard­ened crim­i­nals will not stick around wait­ing for a mas­sive amount of secu­ri­ty per­son­nel to be infused into their zones of operation.
As a con­se­quence offi­cers must see this exer­cise for what it is.

It’s impor­tant that each and every one of you use your deduc­tive rea­son­ing, extrap­o­late from the cha­rade play­ing out, of which you are a part, that you are mere pawns on this chess board set up so you will take the fall for this Government’s failures.

Understand also that the polit­i­cal oppo­si­tion, like the Government, does not respect the rule of law.
Both polit­i­cal par­ties pay lip ser­vice to human rights you must know their pos­tur­ing about human rights and set­ting up tele­phone lines to mon­i­tor these zones are dog whis­tles, “I stand with you against the police”.

Know also that this is not about remov­ing guns and dan­ger­ous mur­der­ers from the streets.
It is a smoke­screen which was announced ahead of time, mak­ing sure that the dan­ger­ous killers with­in the com­mu­ni­ties are long gone by the time you arrive.

It is impor­tant that you rec­og­nize that both the Prime Minister and the Justice Minister have said you are not in these zones to kill anyone.
Those retard­ed com­ments by them­selves depict the lack of respect they have for what you do.
Police offi­cers includ­ing your­selves are sworn to pro­tect lives, that include your lives and some­times that of others.
In obser­vance of those sworn com­mit­ments offi­cers are some­times forced to use dead­ly force.
No real cop goes out look­ing to get into life and death sit­u­a­tions not know­ing how those encoun­ters may turn out.
Yet these peo­ple who pur­port to be your lead­ers, the very same peo­ple who cre­at­ed these volatile com­mu­ni­ties send you into these most dan­ger­ous of com­mu­ni­ties and set you up to be killed.

How any­one could send cops into explo­sive sit­u­a­tions and lec­ture them not to kill any­one is to tell you that you have no right to self-defense, nev­er mind defend­ing any­one else.
This is the lev­el of lunatic polit­i­cal oppor­tunism this admin­is­tra­tion brings to the table under the guise of crime fighting.
It is the most glar­ing exam­ple yet that it is a shame­less exploita­tion of police and mil­i­tary bod­ies with a view to chang­ing perceptions.

This ZOSO act, if at all a crime reduc­tion act would have empow­ered you to go after crim­i­nals which by the way each and every one of you is sworn to do.
Technically speak­ing not only does the ZOSO act not give you any more pow­ers it actu­al­ly cur­tails your pow­ers to make polic­ing decisions.


Each time you have to go to a so called lay mag­is­trate to seek per­mis­sion to detain a sus­pect under­stand that you are being asked to sur­ren­der your train­ing and sense of what you were trained to do to, sub­ju­gate your­selves to an untrained indi­vid­ual who was giv­en a piece of paper and told they are lay magistrates.
Understand that many are polit­i­cal hacks with loy­al­ties to the two polit­i­cal par­ties and hard­ly any inter­est in see­ing an end to crime.

Bear in mind that you are mere­ly being asked to place your bod­ies in these com­mu­ni­ties so that crim­i­nals will stop killing in the area they the admin­is­tra­tion will hence­forth des­ig­nate zones of spe­cial operations.
The law does noth­ing to empow­er you to go after the killers with a vengeance. Ask your­selves why it doesn’t?

Peter Phillips oppo­si­tion leader

The Government is quite pre­pared to move your bod­ies around the coun­try from place to place depend­ing on the flare up in mur­ders just so they can have some­thing to point to and say crime went down in a so called zone.

In the end, crime will con­tin­ue because nei­ther of the two polit­i­cal par­ties wants you to police the coun­try, the lack of edu­ca­tion, pover­ty, and vio­lence is a per­fect envi­ron­ment for them to exploit for polit­i­cal purposes.
You are mere­ly the fall guys and gals.

I believe we all know that for the most part, the major­i­ty of your polit­i­cal lead­ers belong behind bars.
Because crim­i­nals get to make the deci­sions we have the coun­try we have.
Remember Tivoli Garden’s offi­cers, if pos­si­ble do not touch any­one, don’t even speak if you can avoid doing so, com­plete your shift and go home.