A King Never Gets Due Honor In His Own Country..

In an online poll conducted by the Jamaica Observer which included 1,175 respondents 50.2 per cent said that they were not confident in new Commissioner of Police, George Quallo, 49.8 per cent said that they were confident in his ability to successfully fight crime.
Commissioner of Police George Quallo (file photo)

I don’t think this poll result require a PhD in psy­chol­o­gy to fig­ure out the thought process­es which led to the out­come of this poll.
According to some of the com­ments in the Observer, sev­er­al peo­ple expressed some of the same sen­ti­ments which I believe are rep­re­sent­ed in the poll results.
Said One person.:

What did you expect.specially as its the same method of select­ing a com­mish from the ranks of the JCF which has not worked as the island suf­fers under the strain of criminal/​terrorists with no answers.and as the famous once said“keep doing the same thing over and over and over again.and expect a dif­fer­ent result.thats the def­i­n­i­tion of mad­ness”..

What Country in the world bring in for­eign­ers to head their secu­ri­ty apparatus?
None, Zero, Nada !!!!
But the poster’s com­ment was a syn­op­sis of a larg­er mind­set which brought Mark Shields and oth­ers from Britain to Jamaica to tell Jamaican Police how to Police Jamaica.
Oh sure ‚there is noth­ing wrong with using for­eign exper­tise, but plac­ing them in crit­i­cal posi­tions of pow­er over career natives is ridicu­lous and laughable .

Shields got a busi­ness and a bride from the deal, he did­n’t even both­er going back, why should he he is a god there.
Journalists run to him for his opin­ion on every­thing relat­ed to crime, to hell with the Jamaicans who came up through the ranks.
Never mind that when giv­en a chance to sit in a class­room with local cops these guys are left chok­ing on our dust.
Secondly Jamaican cops who leave the JCF and con­tin­ue in law enforce­ment careers in oth­er coun­tries rapid­ly become standouts.

If the peo­ple are still shack­led with the resid­ual chains of slav­ery and mass indoc­tri­na­tion how can they be expect­ed to sup­port even the best our coun­try has to offer?
Is it any won­der that over 600 peo­ple sim­ply walk away from the JCF each year?
Is there any won­der that coun­tries like Canada and the US are able to lure our nurs­es and oth­er pro­fes­sion­als away?”

No it’s not just about bet­ter pay, many Jamaicans do not want to live in any oth­er coun­try but our own .
If they are treat­ed right and appre­ci­at­ed, they are quite will­ing to stay and build Jamaica , they sim­ply need lead­ers who know how to moti­vate and lead.

Why would we expect a dif­fer­ent result from this poll however?
Jamaicans are reluc­tant to do any­thing to remove the mur­der­ers from their com­mu­ni­ties, choos­ing instead to point to the sins of the police.
Of course they also have faith in the low life politi­cians who give the youths guns to kill their neigh­bors from across the way.

They bow to the idiots who spend their time bang­ing on desks and hurl­ing insults at each oth­er in Gordon House,instead of updat­ing the laws so that they can have the req­ui­site deter­rent effect.
Instead of get­ting behind law enforce­ment to cre­ate the envi­ron­ment in which pros­per­i­ty can real­ly begin to become a real pos­si­bil­i­ty and not a jin­gle, they pro­tect the crim­i­nals with­in their con­stituen­cies, mak­ing law enforce­ment and the rule of law an alien to be feared and hated.

No, why would a peo­ple who wor­ship these men­tal midgets respect the life of accom­plish­ment and ded­i­ca­tion to ser­vice that a com­mis­sion­er George Quallo bring to the table.
He is not a for­eign­er , we all know how they wor­ship the for­eign goods at the expense of safe Jamaican foods .
We know how they love all things for­eign, why would they not want a for­eign­er to solve their problems?