A Good Day For The Rule Of Law…(warning Graphic Imagery)

Police say two gun­men trav­el­ing on a motor­cy­cle attempt­ed to rob a motorist dri­ving along the West End main road in Negril on Wednesday.
According to the report, one of the men bran­dished a firearm and demand­ed that the dri­ver pull over, after pulling along­side his vehicle.

The dri­ver report­ed­ly ini­tial­ly com­plied, they then grabbed prop­er­ty from his vehi­cle and attempt­ed to get back on the motor­cy­cle, where­on the alert motorist rammed the motor­cy­cle send­ing them crash­ing into a build­ing. A ful­ly loaded 9mm pis­tol was seized at the scene.

One of the rob­bers was bad­ly injured accord­ing to reports and he was held at the scene, res­i­dents assist­ed the police who were quick on the scene with cap­tur­ing the oth­er man.

The scourge of rob­beries involv­ing two men on motor­cy­cles is all too real across the Island.
These two ver­min weren’t so lucky. These par­a­sites on motor­cy­cles rob and kill inno­cent cit­i­zens, and there seem to be no end insight to their reign of ter­ror.
This time lets cheer for the good guy who had the pres­ence not to cow­er in fear, but to fight back and send a strong mes­sage to these lowlives, that they can­not sim­ply take what they want, when­ev­er they feel like it.