A Department In Denial About It’s Deep Problems

Former New York City may­or, the all-know­ing Rudolph Giuliani wants the Mayor to apol­o­gize to the NYPD . In a state­ment to CBS face the Nation the race-baiter in chief beseech­es Mayor deBlasio to apol­o­gize to cops. The dis­gust­ing Giuliani knows he would nev­er apol­o­gize no mat­ter how wrong he was. Never mind that the Mayor has absolute­ly noth­ing to apol­o­gize for. In fact the Mayor should fire every cop who demon­strate dis­re­spect to him.
Nowhere else can employ­ees dis­re­spect their employ­ers and keep their job.
What makes New York City Cops any different ?
What is absolute­ly dis­gust­ing is the apol­o­gists who con­tin­ue to pre­tend that Mayor deBlasio or any­one else is respon­si­ble for what is hap­pen­ing to cops, except cops themselves.

NYPD hoodlum cops once again booded their boss the Mayor at cops Graduation  NYdaily newsphoto
NYPD hood­lum cops once again booed their boss the Mayor at cops Graduation
NY Daily news photo

It is also rep­re­hen­si­ble that Media hous­es and racial­ists like Giuliani can spread bull that police are under attack .
Un-pun­ished crim­i­nal acts by police are under attack. As in any war some­times there are inno­cent casu­al­ties. Some peo­ple feel that they have no out­let to express them­selves sub­se­quent­ly they kill oth­ers , loot and com­mit acts of arson and oth­er destruc­tion to infra­struc­ture. Pretending that pro­test­ers are the prob­lem is not only dis­hon­est it is counter pro­duc­tive. If all com­mu­ni­ties are policed the same way , with respect and civil­i­ty we would not all be hav­ing this dis­cus­sion. New York’s may­or Bill deBlasio must be com­mend­ed . He ran on reform­ing Police, he won and he is doing just that. He is reform­ing the old boys club and the good old boys and those who lick their boots do not like it. There is much to be said for a man like the Mayor who stand on his con­vic­tion to effect change despite the noise, than can be said for the State’s Governor who is an absolute dis­grace as far as lead­er­ship is concerned.

A sea of blue recruits being added to the already unaccountable NYPD
A sea of blue recruits being added to the already unac­count­able NYPD

Of course no one should expect lead­er­ship from Andrew Cuomo who sold out his Democratic Colleagues, keep­ing them out of pow­er in the state’s sen­ate. And who just hap­pen to be fac­ing ethics Investigations.
The state’s gov­er­nor has a respon­si­bil­i­ty to stand with the Mayor yet Cuomo is con­spic­u­ous­ly silent as the city’s police force engages in con­tin­ued defi­ance and engage in a qua­si coup. At least as far as the Mayor’s author­i­ty is concerned.
So lets exam­ine the argu­ments of cops and sup­port­ers like Giuliani, and oth­er cop apologists.

The Mayor threw police under the bus when he spoke about cau­tion­ing his bi-racial son Dante to be care­ful around cops. They argue that police are not bad peo­ple and there is no sys­tem­at­ic prob­lem of abuse in the NYPD
I won­der what sta­tis­tic they are look­ing at. Over the years there have been tor­ture and a mul­ti­plic­i­ty of ille­gal killings of inno­cent New Yorkers by the NYPD, and hun­dreds of mil­lions paid out to com­pen­sate cit­i­zens who endure these abus­es. Despite that they main­tain that there is no sys­temic prob­lem in the depart­ment. This leads ratio­nal thinkers to con­clude that since the assaults, tor­ture and killings met­ed out to blacks and Latino peo­ple is not a prob­lem, the NYPD must be train­ing them to com­mit these crimes against citizens.

Mayor deBlasio would be remiss in not warn­ing his son to be care­ful around these dis­re­spect­ful jack-boot­ed thugs. Who did they think they were hurt­ing when the turned their backs on the Mayor as he spoke at Ramos’ funer­al. Who were they hurt­ing when they turned their backs when he went to Woodhull Hospital after two of their col­leagues were killed. Despite the class-less thug­gery dis­played by the goons in blue, none of the dis­plays were as bad as as the dis­play in front of 884 new recruits at Madison Square Gardens . The endem­ic prob­lem of indis­ci­pline must sure­ly have been made worse with this dis­play in front of these new recruits. What kind of respect will these young cops have for the cit­i­zens they police if they see such dis­re­spect go unpun­ished for the Mayor of the city. What kind of respect will they have for poor, pow­er­less black and brown peo­ple in under-served communities?

Rudolph Giuliani
Rudolph Giuliani

When you are caught on cam­era chok­ing some­one until he dies and the laws which are sup­posed to pro­tect all peo­ple are ignored and the killers walk free, what did they believe was going to happen?
Who is respon­si­ble when some­one is exe­cut­ed by police and some­one takes it onto him­self to exact revenge? Is it the Mayor who address the prob­lem, or is it the peo­ple who com­mit­ted the killing?
There is a mas­sive sleigh of hand being employed by police and their apol­o­gists, they want you to believe the prob­lems you wit­nessed, the prob­lems of killings, the steal­ing of mon­ey from cit­i­zens are real­ly not hap­pen­ing. What they want you to believe is that the cit­i­zens who demon­strate for changes and account­abil­i­ty for ille­gal police prac­tices are in the wrong.

They want you to believe police are under attack. Police are not under attack. Illegal police killings are under attack. Every New Yorker and indeed every­one should be offend­ed when they tell you that the lives of Eric Garner Michael Brown or the dozens of unarmed black men are worth less than those killers who parade around with badges and guns.
Do not be con­sumed with the non­sense they ped­dle. Irrespective of whether some­one com­mits a crime or not, police have zero author­i­ty to sum­mar­i­ly kill an offend­er because of it.
One of the strate­gies they employ is to trot out rap sheets of young men who police kill unlaw­ful­ly, as if hav­ing a rap sheet gives police the pow­er to sum­mar­i­ly kill them. That of course is after they cre­ate con­vo­lut­ed lies and dis­tor­tions of being attacked or being afraid for their lives. Giuliani was one of the archi­tects of that strat­e­gy dur­ing his tenure as Mayor of New York City. As such Giuliani has no moral, much less eth­i­cal author­i­ty to give advise to this Mayor. In fact Giuliani is a big part of the prob­lem the city faces with the ille­gal acts being com­mit­ted by cops.
Giuliani used that strat­e­gy to demo­nize and dehu­man­ize Patrick Dorismond a secu­ri­ty guard in 2000, when NYPD cops mur­dered him. Giuliani the Mayor then, hur­ried not only to release, but dis­tort the crim­i­nal record of an unarmed secu­ri­ty guard who had been shot to death in an alter­ca­tion with an under­cov­er cop.Giuliani even released a sealed juve­nile record of Patrick Dorismond’s arrest for rob­bery and assault when he was just 13. “People have the right to know the back­ground and record of a per­son involved in a crim­i­nal sit­u­a­tion,” he said, adding dark­ly, “He’s no altar boy.” Giuliani failed to men­tion that the juve­nile arrest arose from when Dorismond punched anoth­er kid in the nose in a dis­pute over a quar­ter and that the charges had been dropped before the case even went before a judge. Nor did Giuliani men­tion that Dorismond’s arrests for assault and weapon pos­ses­sion as an adult had been reduced to dis­or­der­ly con­duct, a vio­la­tion. In fact, Dorismond had nev­er been con­vict­ed of a crime On top of that, Dorismond actu­al­ly had been an altar boy, at Holy Cross Church in Brooklyn. As the Dailynews Michael Daly wrote then.

Jesus said, ‘He who is with­out sin, let him cast the first stone,’ ” the priest there said as he pre­pared for the funer­al. “Patrick’s dead and they’re still throw­ing stones at him.” Yet the racist, divi­sive hyp­ocrite Rudolph Giuliani had a com­plete turn­about when it was his daugh­ter under scruti­ny. “It’s a pri­vate mat­ter,” he said after his 20-year-old daugh­ter was arrest­ed for shoplift­ing. “And, it’s going to stay that way.”
These are the immoral hyp­ocrites who are crit­i­ciz­ing Al Sharpton and oth­ers who have the char­ac­ter to speak out against injus­tice. This hyp­ocrite is not con­tent with the dam­age he did to the city as a result of the seeds of hatred he sowed nor the dis­re­spect he nur­tured and encour­aged in the NYPD. He is now mis­chie­vous­ly play­ing Monday-morn­ing-quar­ter­back to every move the present Mayor makes. Giuliani is a pub­lic­i­ty hound whose own fam­i­ly can­not stand him and are alien­at­ed from him

The nar­ra­tive has been changed every­one is back in love with cops at least in some com­mu­ni­ties. News Networks are solic­it­ing dona­tions to pay off the mort­gage of the two slain offi­cers. Noble yes, these two cops were prob­a­bly good cops, we don’t know . Noble that their fam­i­lies should not be left des­ti­tute, that their chil­dren should not be left to suf­fer. Where is the same respect to the wife and chil­dren of Eric Garner. Where can peo­ple donate to the fund for the daugh­ter of Akai Ghurley ?
You see how hyp­o­crit­i­cal you are when you cry croc­o­dile tears for the lost lives of one set of peo­ple yet com­plete­ly ignore the suf­fer­ings of those you do not like?
It does not make you good, it does not make you human . It makes you sub-human hyp­ocrites. All lives are cre­at­ed by God Almighty, from the pres­i­dent to the pau­per. The blood of the inno­cents are on the heads of all of you , you should be ashamed but you are not. You are not ashamed about slav­ery. You are not ashamed about Jim Crow seg­re­ga­tion. You have no shame for the lynch­ings, nei­ther are you remorse­ful for over 400 years of geno­ci­dal pogrom which has dec­i­mat­ed a peo­ple whom you blame for what you have done to them. 
Why would any­one believe you would be ashamed of killing a few more ?.….….….…