A Bloviating Narcissist Who Simply Cannot Shut Up

The Definition of Government is char­ac­ter­ized in sev­er­al dif­fer­ent ways but is gen­er­al­ly under­stood to be the polit­i­cal direc­tion and con­trol exer­cised over the actions of the mem­bers, cit­i­zens, or inhab­i­tants of com­mu­ni­ties, soci­eties, and states; the direc­tion of the affairs of a state, com­mu­ni­ty, etc.
Government is made up of var­i­ous branch­es geared at deal­ing with dif­fer­ent inter­ests areas of a soci­ety, much the same way there are can be many dif­fer­ent roads and avenues lead­ing to the same place, or the many branch­es on the same tree.

With that in mind, I find it curi­ous that the Commissioner of INDECOM found it nec­es­sary to issue a release sur­round­ing the recent­ly declared lim­it­ed state of emer­gency in St James Parish.
In the release, Terrence Williams the com­mis­sion­er said INDECOM ful­ly sup­ports the recent deci­sion by the Government of Jamaica to declare a state of emer­gency in the parish of St James.
We are con­fi­dent that the secu­ri­ty forces will per­form their duties with­in their own use of force policies.
“We are par­tic­u­lar­ly pleased that as a part of the strate­gic approach to the state of emer­gency, mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty forces have received refresh­er train­ing in human rights and pub­lic engagement.” 
The com­mis­sion added that ded­i­cat­ed staff mem­bers of the Western Regional Office, locat­ed in Montego Bay, will con­tin­ue to serve the region and mutu­al coöper­a­tion with the mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty forces is antic­i­pat­ed as they work to restore order and pub­lic safe­ty in St James.

It is under­stand­able that self-serv­ing nar­cis­sism is a thing in today’s world, not just in Jamaica but in oth­er coun­tries as it is in America at the high­est perch­es of gov­ern­ment. Yet it is gross­ly unat­trac­tive to oth­ers who are exposed to it.
Sometimes just stay­ing in the shad­ows sends a far more impor­tant mes­sage that jump­ing in front of a bunch of cameras.

Whether Terrence Williams believes it or not INDECOM is a part of the Government. Issuing a state­ment declar­ing his sup­port for a legit­i­mate act by the gov­ern­ment is out­side the scope of what is required by Williams and indeed INDECOM.
Simply put, as an arm of the gov­ern­ment INDECOM need not issue a declar­a­tive state­ment of sup­port for the legit­i­mate actions of the said Government, unless the com­mis­sion­er believes his role is to super­vise the Government.
Which would fit into what we have been say­ing all along, that the [Frankenstein] agency cre­at­ed by the JLP with the bless­ings of the PNP, is actu­al­ly the tail wag­ging the Dog and as a con­se­quence is one of the rea­sons the law should be repealed?

I will await declar­a­tive state­ments from the com­mis­sion­er of Taxes, Customs, and oth­er Commissioners of the Government. It is extreme­ly impor­tant that as a country[all of Government ]is behind the actions of the[said Government].[sic]
Terrence Williams has stepped for­ward to val­i­date the Government’s actions by issu­ing a thin­ly veiled warn­ing to the mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty forces who are active­ly exposed in what is essen­tial­ly a war zone. The coun­try now owes a debt of grat­i­tude to Terrence Williams for giv­ing his seal of approval fail­ing which none of this would have had legitimacy[sic]