A 4‑foot‑8 Black Woman Was Accosted By Group Of Boys, Minutes Later A Louisiana Deputy Was Flinging Her By Her Hair In Shocking Video; Investigation Launched

Like Rabid Dogs, they attack for no reason. They themselves can not articulate the reasoning behind their attacks, because they generally attack before finding out if a crime has been committed, or ascertaining who is the victim from the aggressor.
Thank your US supreme court.
What you will see in this video will more than shock or outrage you, it will sadden you that any nation would commit this kind of barbarism against it’s citizens.
What kind of monster would do this to another human being?

An inves­ti­ga­tion has been launched in a New Orleans sub­urb after a video cap­tured a Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office deputy fling­ing a 4‑foot‑8 Black woman just min­utes after she had been attacked by a group of boys.

It’s unclear who cap­tured the graph­ic footage, but in a clip that has since gone viral, the uniden­ti­fied deputy could be seen grab­bing Shantel Arnold by the wrist and drag­ging her along the pavement.

At times, the deputy could be seen lift­ing Arnold up and slam­ming the 100-pound woman to the ground repeat­ed­ly. Witnesses say that at one point, the deputy slammed Arnold’s head into the pave­ment so hard that sev­er­al of her braids ripped straight from her scalp, the Nola reported.The inci­dent report­ed­ly took place on Sept. 20

However, Arnold’s hor­rif­ic expe­ri­ence that Monday start­ed well before her inter­ac­tion with the deputy. Bystanders told the out­let that Arnold’s slim frame and a miss­ing eye she suf­fered from a pri­or car acci­dent made her an easy tar­get for the three boys that accost­ed her min­utes before the deputy arrived.

The youths beat the woman and slammed her to the ground as bystanders jeered while she tried to defend her­self with a stick.

That attack, which also was cap­tured on cell­phone video, went on for min­utes until 71-year-old Lionel Gray ran the boys off, the New Orleans news­pa­per reported.

When Jefferson Parish deputies caught up to Arnold — who was walk­ing home cov­ered in dirt and in a gen­er­al state of dis­ar­ray — she refused to talk about the incident.

Witnesses said that’s when the deputy stopped his vehi­cle, grabbed the woman and threw her to the ground as Arnold flailed fruit­less­ly against the much larg­er man. The video ulti­mate­ly ends as the deputy crouch­es down and puts a knee onto the woman’s back.

Arnold would lat­er describe the encounter to the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office inter­nal affairs divi­sion: “I’m on my way home. I ain’t make it all the way to the block, the police come out of nowhere, swarm­ing, get­ting me like, ‘Come here.’ I’m like, ‘What’s going on? I just got beat up by two chil­dren, what ya’ll doing?’”

She didn’t have a chance to pull away because, you know, this guy was strong. He grabbed her arm and some kind of move he made, and she went down to the ground,” Gray, who is like a step­fa­ther to Arnold, told JPSO investigators.


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He added, “So I was walk­ing up to him, and he told me, ‘If you come any clos­er, I’m going to kick everybody’s ass out here.’ So, I said … ‘You don’t have to use that type of force on that lit­tle woman right there; she’s a midget.’Arnold suf­fered mul­ti­ple injuries from the encounter with the deputy, includ­ing a bust­ed lip and oth­er bruis­ing and scratch­es, and she was tak­en by ambu­lance to the hos­pi­tal that day. Arnold is said to be suf­fer­ing from recur­ring headaches as well. She was not hit with any charges. Meanwhile, the inves­ti­ga­tion is ongoing.