A 13-year Old Dressed Down A Group Of Idiotic Adults…

There are times when we elders should shut up, sit and lis­ten; this was one such time. Let me be the first to say that even though she is thir­teen years old, (13) I am not as smart as she is.
So since it will be their world, I believe we should let them have a say in how they want it to be shaped.
Idiotic and com­pro­mised politi­cians both on the polit­i­cal right and left con­tin­ue to lie to a gullible and low infor­ma­tion pop­u­la­tion that the answer to the crime prob­lem is more police.
The answer to home­less peo­ple sleep­ing on the streets is to hire more cops to arrest them and throw them in jail, not to get to the root of home­less­ness, which usu­al­ly stems from the widen­ing income gap.
The answer to mass shoot­ings is to hire more cops and turn our chil­dren’s schools into armed con­cen­tra­tion camps where the police body slam chil­dren in their own class­rooms and oth­er­wise abuse them.
The soci­etal prob­lems that we face give the peo­ple who want to turn our soci­ety into a mas­sive police state gives sup­port­ers of police state what they want. Even those among us who ought to know bet­ter fall right in line with the ever-tight­en­ing grip of the evolv­ing author­i­tar­i­an police state.

The 13-year-old in the video above gives us cause to hope that despite what appears to be a world full of old fools, there is rea­son to have hope because of the next generation.
Despite the mas­sive buildup of police resources, I guess courage is not a part of some they hire. Vice News report­ed that as the shoot­er wreaked hav­oc in the Texas Elementary school, there were active 911 calls from inside the school beg­ging police to do something.
Police offi­cials now admit that there were active 911 calls from with­in the class­room while dozens of police wait­ed out­side the door for a tac­ti­cal team and keys from a janitor.
They should all be fired and face charges of crim­i­nal neg­li­gence. But what the politi­cians will tell you is that we need more of these incom­pe­tent bul­lies to ter­ror­ize our neighborhoods.