90-Year Old Grandma Intervenes As Texas Cops Point Guns At Her Grandson

In a dra­mat­ic video that has sur­faced online, a 90-year old grand­moth­er from Texas can be seen shield­ing her 21-year old grand­son, Tye Anders, from at least 3 police offi­cers who were point­ing guns at him. They were appar­ent­ly try­ing to arrest him.
The video shows the police instruct­ing Anders to exit his car, but he refused to coöper­ate at first because he was afraid. “Upon exit­ing the vehi­cle, offi­cers advised the sub­ject to walk towards them to be detained, the sub­ject then stopped and laid on the ground,” Midland Police told News West 9.

Police had their guns drawn while Anders’ fam­i­ly and friends can be heard shout­ing at police not to shoot him. One said, “Y’all gonna find any rea­son to shoot because he is Black.” Anders can also be heard say­ing he’s scared. That’s when Anders’s 90-year old grand­moth­er walked towards him with a cane and stood next to him. As offi­cers con­tin­ued try­ing to detain Anders, his grand­moth­er appeared to fall on top of him. The video end­ed with an offi­cer cov­er­ing the cam­era. Anders was tak­en into cus­tody for evad­ing police and was lat­er released on bond. According to Midland Police, they tried to stop Anders for a traf­fic vio­la­tion, but he con­tin­ued dri­ving instead until he arrived at his grandmother’s home. However, Justin Moore, a civ­il rights attor­ney who was hired as Anders’s coun­sel, claimed Anders did not com­mit any traf­fic vio­la­tion yet he was assault­ed by police dur­ing the arrest.

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Racial pro­fil­ing and pre­text stops have been at pan­dem­ic lev­els in this coun­try for gen­er­a­tions,” he said. “This inci­dent falls with­in this age-old trend of fol­low­ing Black men and arrest­ing them for fab­ri­cat­ed rea­sons.” The video, which was post­ed on social media, sparked out­rage about the police’s appar­ent use of exces­sive force. One per­son said, “Why the hell do they need sev­er­al guns, includ­ing a shot­gun, to sub­due a sin­gle, appar­ent­ly unarmed, vis­i­bly afraid man that has already sub­mit­ted and laid down to be cuffed?”