86-Year Old Woman And Her 3 Sons From New Orleans Have All Died From Coronavirus


New Orleans, LA — Antoinette Franklin, an elder­ly woman from New Orleans who was 86-years old, and her 3 sons, who were aged 58 to 71, have all died from com­pli­ca­tions of the coro­n­avirus after test­ing pos­i­tive of COVID-19.
My uncle passed, my grand­moth­er passed, my dad passed, then my oth­er uncle passed its lit­er­al­ly like 7 – 8 days apart it’s hor­rif­ic,” Anthony Franklin told WDSU. 58-year old Anthony Franklin Sr. was remem­bered for his love for music and his fam­i­ly.
61-year old Timothy Franklin was con­sid­ered the base­ball enthu­si­ast in the fam­i­ly.
71-year old Herman Franklin want­ed to be clos­er to his fam­i­ly so he just recent­ly moved back to New Orleans.
Their fam­i­ly said they are not sure how they were infect­ed with the virus, but con­firmed that they all got sick almost at the same time.
“I want the world to know if it hap­pened to the Franklin fam­i­ly it could hap­pen to any fam­i­ly,” Jacqueline Franklin said. “Let’s take this seri­ous­ly my chil­dren have to bury their father, their pre­cious grand­moth­er and their uncles. Let’s not let this hap­pen to anoth­er fam­i­ly.”
A ser­vice for her 3 sons was held last Friday and attend­ed by only a few rel­a­tives and friends to adhere to the social dis­tanc­ing restric­tions. A sep­a­rate ser­vice was set for Antoinette on Saturday.

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