POLICE Commissioner Owen Ellington’s decision to retire sent shockwaves across the island yesterday. But none were more surprised than his top ranking officers with whom he had his weekly Monday morning Executive Management Board

(EMB) meeting without uttering a word about his plan.
It was after the EMB meeting that Ellington met with his deputy commissioners — Glenmore Hinds (Operations); Carl Williams (Crime); Delworth Heath (Inspector General); Clifford Blake (Administration) and James Golding, the former Commandant of the Island Special Constabulary Force (ISCF) who became a deputy commissioner after the recent merger of the ISCF and the JCF — and informed them of his decision.
Yesterday, the national security ministry said Ellington indicated that he would retire from his post on completion of his vacation leave which starts today.
“Commissioner Ellington has indicated that his decision to retire is based on the need to separate himself from the leadership and management of the force prior to the commencement of the upcoming Commission of Enquiry into the conduct of the operations of the security forces in Western Kingston and other areas during the limited State of Emergency in 2010,” the ministry said in a news release.