70-Year Old Grandmother Tased 3 Times By Florida Police Officers

Manatee County, FL — Barbara Pinkney, a 70-year old grand­moth­er from Florida, was repeat­ed­ly tased dur­ing a vio­lent arrest by police who were search­ing for her grand­son who vio­lat­ed pro­ba­tion. Police say Pinkney refused to let them into her home.

On December 26, police came to Pinkney’s home to serve an arrest war­rant to her grand­son, Tevin Turner, on vio­la­tion of pro­ba­tion for car­ry­ing a con­cealed weapon.

We heard a knock at the door. Actually, there wasn’t a knock. I think they kicked the door. Bam! Bam! At the door,” Pinkney told WFLA.

In a video shot by his grandson’s wife, Elizabeth Francisco, Pinkney can be heard ask­ing to speak to a sergeant. When the police refused, she tried to close the door, but an offi­cer then grabbed her wrist before tas­ing her and tak­ing her to the ground.

I was just hol­ler­ing. I was scared. I didn’t know what else to do. I was just hol­ler­ing,” said Pinkney, who suf­fered injuries after she was hit three times with a stun gun in her left arm, back, and upper back.

Pinkney was arrest­ed for obstruc­tion and resist­ing an officer.

Now, Pinkney, who has nev­er had trou­ble with the police before said she can’t even sleep at night because of the trau­ma it caused her. She said, “I don’t know. Whenever I see the police I just try to not look at them.”

Meanwhile, his grand­son has not been caught. She claimed that “when he was on pro­ba­tion he gave this as his address, but he wasn’t liv­ing here.”

Moreover, Manatee County Sheriff’s Office said they are inves­ti­gat­ing the inci­dent. Manatee County Sheriff Rick Wells said, “We’re try­ing to prove whether or not any pol­i­cy vio­la­tions or any law was bro­ken. That seems to be the indi­ca­tion of many in the com­mu­ni­ty, a bad arrest.”