Malaysia Flight MH370: New Data ‘shows Possible Debris’

New data from a French satel­lite shows poten­tial debris from Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 in the south­ern Indian Ocean, France’s for­eign min­istry says. Radar echoes had picked up sev­er­al objects about 2,300km (1,430 miles) from Perth, a state­ment added.

It is the third pos­si­ble sight­ing in the area off west­ern Australia that has become the focus of the search effort. Flight MH370 dis­ap­peared on 8 March while en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, with 239 peo­ple on board.

_73759442_circle_mapMalaysian offi­cials believe the plane was delib­er­ate­ly tak­en off course. Based on infor­ma­tion received from a satel­lite, the search has been in two dis­tinct cor­ri­dors — one stretch­ing to the north-west of the last known loca­tion in the Malacca Straits and one to the south-west. http://​www​.bbc​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​w​o​r​l​d​-​a​s​i​a​-​2​6​7​0​5​073