6‑year-old Son Of Man Fleeing Arrest Dies In Police-involved Shooting

Jeremy Mardis, a first-grader, was shot dead Tuesday night after his father, Chris Few, fled police. Few is in critical condition, authorities said.
Jeremy Mardis, a first-grad­er, was shot dead Tuesday night after his father, Chris Few, fled police. Few is in crit­i­cal con­di­tion, author­i­ties said.

Authorities say a 6‑year-old boy is dead and his father is in crit­i­cal con­di­tion after mar­shals for a city in cen­tral Louisiana shot at a vehi­cle they were flee­ing in. Officials say the two were shot about 9:30 p.m. Tuesday in the city of Marksville.

Avoyelles Parish coro­ner Dr. L. J. Mayeux iden­ti­fied the dri­ver as Chris Few and his son as Jeremy Mardis, a first-grad­er at a near­by ele­men­tary school. Mayeux says city mar­shals were chas­ing Few after he fled an attempt to serve a war­rant. The coro­ner says Few reached a dead end and was back­ing into the mar­shals when they fired. The coro­ner says the boy was “caught in the line of fire” and was killed. State police are han­dling the inves­ti­ga­tion, but they pro­vid­ed few details.
6‑year-old son of man flee­ing arrest dies in police-involved shooting