Just When I Thought I Had Heard It All:

Cops told to stop wast­ing light and water:
That is the head­line on a sto­ry in the Jamaica Observer of August 13.2011
That head­line is not news, but became so because Jamaica’s Police Commissioner Owen Ellington wants to be trans­par­ent to the pub­lic. Scrap that , he has no back­bone so he makes the week­ly com­mu­ni­ca­tions doc­u­ment between his Office and the Department pub­lic. I may be wrong, you read­ers can bring me up to date on these assump­tions, but I would ven­ture to say, no agency, par­tic­u­lar­ly one that is in the busi­ness of secu­ri­ty and law enforce­ment , makes their inter­nal com­mu­ni­ca­tions public.
For those who do not know what the Force Orders is , let me explain, the Force Orders is a week­ly doc­u­ment that is issued from the offices of the com­mis­sion­er of Police to the var­i­ous Police Divisions Island-wide. In the force orders Police per­son­nel are made aware of exist­ing strate­gies , and brought up to speed on changes in pol­i­cy. It includes Divisional strength, and informs mem­bers of their trans­fer from one sta­tion divi­sion or parish to anoth­er .It informs them of pro­mo­tions, and con­veys to them all that they need to know from com­mand and control .
This was a sen­si­tive doc­u­ment that the pub­lic has no right to , and should not have access to .
Owen Ellington has made it a pub­lic document.
What this has effec­tive­ly done is give the media a con­stant stream of infor­ma­tion, that ought to have been between com­mand and con­trol and per­son­nel, he has effec­tive­ly turned this sen­si­tive doc­u­ment into a source of news.
This is a shame­ful and cow­ard­ly capit­u­la­tion to Jamaica’s crim­i­nal rights lobby.
Does the new­ly insti­tut­ed colo­nial mas­ters from England make avail­able to the pub­lic their inter­nal com­mu­ni­ca­tions memo?
This poten­tial­ly puts the life of mem­bers of the force and that of their fam­i­lies at risk. Criminals want­i­ng to kill cops can fol­low that cop’s trans­fer know­ing when and where that offi­cer and his fam­i­ly will be.
Anyway back to the topic,Ellington is ask­ing cops to con­serve ener­gy! I am at a loss as to how that is to be done ? are the police to turn off the lights in the sta­tion house? how exact­ly does a police depart­ment save ener­gy? are offi­cers now required to turn out the lights in the sta­tion hous­es at 10 pm ?
Finally, why is the Police depart­ment hav­ing to wor­ry about pay­ing elec­tric­i­ty bills? isn’t that a civil­ian mat­ter for the Mayor’s office? what hap­pens if the police facil­i­ties exceeds their bud­get, does JPS turn off the light ? does the same prin­ci­ple apply to the water? This is the most retard­ed Neanderthal sys­tem I have ever heard of !!!
Police do not make pol­i­cy, they do not deter­mine the price of util­i­ties, those are the func­tions of the pri­vate sec­tor and Government. Why is Ellington ask­ing police to con­serve electricity/
Please Commissioner Ellington tell the Nation exact­ly how you pro­pose to do that? I know you have to sat­is­fy your polit­i­cal han­dlers, but in the mean­time, ask them to loosen the leash a little.
mike beck­les:
have your say: