Wait There’s More !


images (8)Jordan Davis:

Jordan Davis, an unarmed black teen the same age as Trayvon Martin. Davis, 17, was shot to death by Michael Dunn.

Dunn told police that he asked Davis and three oth­er teens, who were parked next to him at a gas sta­tion, to turn down their music. Dunn claims he heard threats from the teens and saw a gun in their car. He says he feared for his own safe­ty, and that’s why he grabbed his gun and fired into the vehi­cle. Police say they found no guns inside the teens’ vehi­cle and that Dunn fired his gun eight or nine times.

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Michael Dunn:

Dunn has been charged with first-degree mur­der in Davis’ death and also faces three counts of attempt­ed first-degree mur­der for shoot­ing at the three pas­sen­gers in the vehi­cle who survived. 

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Robin Lemonidis:

Dunn’s attorney,Robin Lemonidis, has told CNN that her client was react­ing to what he claims was a gun being drawn. “When all the evi­dence has been flushed out, I believe that it will be extreme­ly clear that Mr. Dunn act­ed as any respon­si­ble firearm own­er would have under the same cir­cum­stances,” Lemonidis said.http://​www​.hlntv​.com/​a​r​t​i​c​l​e​/​2​0​1​3​/​0​7​/​1​5​/​j​o​r​d​a​n​-​d​a​v​i​s​-​m​i​c​h​a​e​l​-​d​u​n​n​-​z​i​m​m​e​r​m​a​n​-​t​r​a​y​v​o​n​-​m​a​r​tin

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The Trayvon Martin killing has gen­er­at­ed nation­al atten­tion. Fair mind­ed peo­ple all over the world are out­raged, they are not ready “to get over it” as Maryland Republican con­gress­man Andy Harris demands.

There are mul­ti­ple com­po­nents to this killing, which can­not be ignored as I argued before. As trag­ic as this case has been for Tracy Martin, Sabrina Fulton, the black com­mu­ni­ty and black peo­ple in gen­er­al, there is a more seri­ous aspect to this which must be considered.

What embold­ened George Zimmerman to take the actions he took?

Why do Police depart­ments tar­get, pro­file harass and abuse men of color?

Did the pros­e­cu­tion in Sanford Florida do a bad job, or did they even have a chance of gain­ing a con­vic­tion , irre­spec­tive of the enor­mi­ty of the evi­dence against Zimmerman ‚with a jury which did not reflect Trayvon Martin?

Let me say first, as a peo­ple ‚African-Americans sim­ply can­not afford this to be anoth­er “we shall over­come” moment. African-Americans have con­sid­er­ably untapped lever­age ‚they need to use it to access the kinds of leg­is­la­tion they need. Not by expect­ing the first African-American pres­i­dent to save them, but by pres­sur­ing their demo­c­ra­t­ic sen­a­tors and con­gressper­sons to push through mean­ing­ful leg­is­la­tion which the pres­i­dent will then sign. The Zimmerman case was not an iso­lat­ed incident.

Black men are assault­ed dai­ly by police depart­ments. There are innu­mer­able cas­es of police offi­cers barg­ing into hous­es owned by African-Americans assault­ing and killing even 80 odd year old women, and they enjoy the same lev­el of def­er­ence Zimmerman was afford­ed by white juries. In new York City over 90% of stop and frisks result in no arrest. Over 90% of the peo­ple stopped and frisked are young black and brown men, some of whom are bru­tal­ized. Their only crime being the col­or of their skin. These actions does noth­ing to engen­der trust between police and cit­i­zens. It strain rela­tion­ships and puts offi­cers lives at risk, it is sim­ply bad pol­i­cy which the New York City coun­cil have final­ly come around to recognizing.

It is rea­son­able to con­clude then, that part of any solu­tion must be to impan­el diverse juries which reflect the diver­si­ty of the coun­try. As we seek to use the leg­isla­tive process to dis­man­tle laws which empow­er scared white men to kill the object of their fears.

In the news now is the Trayvon Martin case, yet lit­er­al­ly every day all-white Grand-Juries fail to indict police offi­cers who act con­trary to law, kill or abuse peo­ple of col­or , and are not held to account. On the rare occa­sions they are indict­ed by grand juries they are always exon­er­at­ed despite the evi­dence against them.

How can this not embold­en cops to act as judge jury and exe­cu­tion­er? How can police offi­cers trans­fer their fear to some­one else , mak­ing it a life and death sit­u­a­tion every time the aver­age per­son of col­or gets pulled over in a traf­fic stop?

This can­not be the way police depart­ments oper­ate, the peo­ple empow­er the police to pro­tect us, all of us, no one should live in fear of the very peo­ple they pay to pro­tect them.

This sim­ply has to stop !!!