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If a build­ing is struc­tural­ly unsound the thing to do is to shore it up as best you can, get the engi­neers in to do an assess­ment, then get to the task of solid­i­fy­ing the struc­tur­al imper­fec­tions of
that building.
That’s com­mon sense right?
Then why do you believe the United States Supreme Court did exact­ly the oppo­site of that com­mon sense principle?

Tampering with the Voting rights act!
What the Supreme court did in rav­aging the 1965 vot­ing rights act was exact­ly the oppo­site of what is com­mon sense.
They took out a fun­da­men­tal piece of the act which makes sure that the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment has over­sight of states which has had a his­to­ry of vot­er suppression.
What they did was effec­tive­ly said to the dys­func­tion­al Tea-Party con­trolled con­gress , ” You go ahead and fix vot­ing rights, but in the mean­time we will just go ahead and remove the effective
pro­tec­tions which have been in place for the past 48 years “.


Members of the Supreme Court
It is impor­tant to note that nei­ther Shelby coun­ty nor the State of Alabama has shown how the fed­er­al super­vi­sion of their activ­i­ties has affect­ed them negatively.
This must then lead to the con­clu­sion that the desire is to sup­press the vote.
The United States Supreme Court did not do this in a vac­u­um. This right-wing court, led by John Roberts knows exact­ly where it wants to take the coun­try. Roberts has been on a path to eras­ing vot­ing rights
since he served as a young lawyer in the Reagan Administration.
As I wrote a few days ago the court knew exact­ly what it was doing when it evis­cer­at­ed the vot­ing rights act just a day before it tore down the foun­da­tions of what most of us under­stood mar­riage to mean. It was a cal­lous and rep­re­hen­si­ble act of big­otry aimed at sub­ju­gat­ing peo­ple of col­or back to the trench­es of racial disenfranchisement.

They were patent­ly aware that their rul­ing evis­cer­at­ing The defense of mar­riage Act,would com­plete­ly over­shad­ow their cal­lous and craven act of the pre­vi­ous day.

Many states which had vot­er sup­pres­sion laws in the works are now run­ning to ensure that they are immide­al­ty insti­tut­ed. Nothing stands between them and their wish to make sure that black peo­ple can­not vote.
In States like Florida, black and brown vot­ers were forced to stand in line an aver­age of 20 min­utes longer than whites to exer­cise the same fran­chise. Many states cut the amount of days that pre­ced­ed vot­ing day, these ear­ly vot­ing days allowed peo­ple liv­ing in heav­i­ly pop­u­lat­ed areas the oppor­tu­ni­ty to vote.
Common sense right?
So we look at who lives in these areas of high pop­u­la­tion den­si­ty. The answer is blacks and Latinos. They have also lim­it­ed or elim­i­nat­ed elec­tion day reg­is­tra­tion of vot­ers. Most galling they have elim­i­nat­ed Sunday vot­ing in some states, this is the most brazen attempt aimed at African-Americans who used Sunday vot­ing, coin­ing the term “souls to the polls”
Former pres­i­dent Bill Clinton said the attempts he saw at vot­er sup­pres­sion the last nation­al cycle was the worse he had witnessed..

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Georgia Rep: John Lewis.

African-Americans will have to fight the fights that were fought 50 years ago because they stopped the fight, they believed the bat­tles they won was the war. Looking at Georgia Congressman John Lewis brought tears to my eyes, as I watched him talk about the road he traveled.

African-Americans sat on their behinds and pre­tend­ed that all was well. Not get­ting edu­cat­ed, pants sag­ging, dope sell­ing Ebonics slang­ing, chil­dren after chil­dren out of wed­lock, refus­ing to read and avail them­selves to what is hap­pen­ing in their own country.

When you let oth­ers decide for you, they decide for them­selves, that’s exact­ly what they did. Are we to repeat the beat­ings John Lewis took, what about Medger Evers, Martin King, and Malcolm X ? Where will we find these men to sac­ri­fice once again? What about Emit Till, and all the Martyrs that who gave them­selves to the cause, where will Black America source these heroes once again?

A peo­ple who so quick­ly for­got what they went through was con­demned to find itself right back there, The next gen­er­a­tion if edu­cat­ed are too sold out and if not, are far too stu­pid. We have a problem.


  1. The first ½ white/​1/​2 black pres­i­dent to date hasn’t com­ment­ed that much about the rul­ing, because he has reached the moun­tain top that oth­ers suf­fered at the hands of the same peo­ple who sit on the Supreme Court bench­es. Less not for­get that an “Uncle Tom” Clarence Thomas sits on the bench and he ruled with the racist judges. So as a peo­ple we have prob­lem with even our own; then this dou­ble agent “Kennedy” vot­ed with them. Anything to destroy and pre­vent the black peo­ple in this coun­try from advanc­ing, “Kennedy” is the man. He is super “racist.”
    The Supreme Court rul­ing on the “Battymen/​Gays” mar­riage is what our beloved “President Barack Obama” has been cham­pi­oning since last year before his elec­tion. He went to “Senegal” and before he spoke about how the Supreme Court has been strip­ping away our (Blacks) rights. He is telling the peo­ple of Africa to embrace and free up “battymen/​gays” hav­ing no respect for “God” laws of nature and science.
    As I can see the Bible is ful­fill­ing, and there are more mad­ness to come. Maybe, the next thing, his Churches they are going after, because that’s where the blacks get a lit­tle “solace, peace of mind, somber feel­ing and feel com­fort­able” by singing and pray­ing. Of all the peo­ple in this world our ances­tors (we as a peo­ple) suf­fer the most because we’re a very for­giv­en and lov­ing peo­ple. And it is time for us to stop for­giv­ing our ene­mies and pray that the good Lord destroys them and their off-springs. Let them suf­fer at the hands of out eter­nal father. Hatred breeds hatred. I don’t believe in extend­ing or give my ene­mies any love or com­fort unless it is to send him to the dev­il!!! God is good and let’s keep praying.

  2. Interesting per­spec­tive Mike . It’s obvi­ous from this rul­ing , that their is an attempt, real or imag­ine , to con­trol the immense influ­ence of so called minori­ties , blacks and Latino, who will most like­ly be the affect­ed par­ty , by this very action . This can only be described as a sub­tle impo­si­tion of racist tactics .

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