Dathan (duffy( HenryToday we learned that the death of Senior Superintendent of Police Dathan Henry o/​c Duffy was ruled a homicide, as a result of poisoning.

At the time of his death I opined that it was shame­ful that Henry spent days in the Hospital before he died, although I’m not a Doctor I con­clud­ed that the evi­dence seemed to sug­gest that despite com­plain­ing about stom­ach pains, Doctors at the Kingston Public hos­pi­tal was unable to even diag­nose what was the cause of his aliment.

I thought that Senior Superintendent Henry’s fam­i­ly and the Agency he served may have dropped the ball in not treat­ing his ail­ment with the due dis­patch it deserved. Clearly between the time he start­ed com­plain­ing that he was feel­ing ill, and to the best of my rec­ol­lec­tion, hav­ing seri­ous stom­ach cramps, and the time he died, any com­pe­tent Doctor could have the­o­rized that he may have been poisoned.

That lev­el of diag­nos­tic com­pe­tence was cer­tain­ly not going to come from that facil­i­ty how­ev­er, so essen­tial­ly Dathan Henry died for want of com­pe­tent med­ical help

The Kingston Public Hospital is one of the most poor­ly run filthy facil­i­ty that could ever be called a med­ical facility.

It has always been and under the present lead­er­ship of both polit­i­cal par­ties , prob­a­bly will be for­ev­er. I mean that place is so bad I refused treat­ment there though I was shot and bleed­ing in 1987. The hor­ror sto­ries asso­ci­at­ed with that facil­i­ty are too many to men­tion. As numer­ous and hor­ren­dous as those sto­ries are they real­ly are not the focus of this article.

Duffy Henry laid in that facil­i­ty for days un-diag­nosed, and end­ed up ( dead fi wants) Jamaican ver­nac­u­lar for dying for lack of of prop­er assistance.

The focus of my argu­ments how­ev­er is on the inves­ti­ga­tions sur­round­ing this now declared homi­cide. From the off­set I com­ment­ed in these blogs that despite the lack of con­clu­sion in the first reports, the Police still had a job to do in run­ning a full inves­ti­ga­tion, focused as a homi­cide inves­ti­ga­tion, until the evi­dence or lack of it deter­mines otherwise.

SSP Cornwall (big­ga) Ford i/​c Flying Squad.

The report shows that at the time of his death, the senior super­in­ten­dent had the sub­stance Warfarin in his body. 
Checks with online med­ical ref­er­ences show that Warfarin is used to pre­vent the blood from clot­ting, so that it takes longer than usu­al for some­one to stop bleed­ing if they have a cut or is injured.(jamaica​glean​er​.com)

The Gleaner reports that head of the (MIT) Superintendent Michael Phipps, was tight-lipped about the report. This would be laugh­able if it was­n’t seri­ous. Having spent 10 years in the JCF and 5 of them at the CIB I have seen my share of tight lipped inves­ti­ga­tions. In fact the so-called big-wigs were so clue­less they had no option but to be tight-lipped, in fact if they dared open their mouths they would have stuck their feet down their own throats.

Next Sunday March 10th the Jamaica Observer will fea­ture a sto­ry detail­ing the death of for­mer Wailers drum­mer Carlton Barrett, Barrett was gunned down at his gate as he returned from Ligunea with Jerk Chicken for his fam­i­ly. The sto­ry if detailed cor­rect­ly will show how inves­ti­ga­tions revealed that Barrett was set up by his own wife , the very wife he went to get jerk chick­en for that week­end evening.

The report will most cer­tain­ly tell how Police Detectives cracked the case with good old-fash­ioned detec­tive work.

What that report will cer­tain­ly not tell you is that case was solved because a young gung-ho cop just recent­ly assigned at CIB walked into the CIB office at Constant Spring that morn­ing and picked up the phone as it rang. On the phone was a woman who iden­ti­fied her­self as the wife of the mur­dered Barrrett, she want­ed to know how far the Police had reached in their investigations.

That fate­ful tele­phone call nev­er left the mind of that young cop as he watched the big-wigs run­ning around chas­ing after sup­posed leads like a dog chas­ing it’s tail, to no avail.

After going back to his boss, the then Detective Inspector Noël Asphall, the young cop final­ly got him to lis­ten to his sus­pi­cion about that tele­phone call. What woman who just lost her hus­band overnight in such a fash­ion would be call­ing the police the morn­ing after want­i­ng to know where they were in their inves­ti­ga­tions< unless she had some­thing to wor­ry about of course?

That young cop was me, that was what cracked that case wide open. There will be no men­tion of my name when the Article is writ­ten. The truth is these guys could not inves­ti­gate a loud music report if it was in their front yards.

Dathan Henry was a young con­sta­ble in that CIB office,he is now dead. Retired Superintendent Anthony Hewitt was gunned down in broad day­light , no one has been held account­able. Retired Superintendent Denzil Boyd was mur­dered just over a week ago, to date no one has been held accountable.

No life is more impor­tant than the oth­er but , more than 3 Jamaicans are slaugh­tered dai­ly in a coun­try of 3.6 mil­lion, how can there be con­fi­dence on the part of the pub­lic ‚if the Police can’t even solve mur­ders of their high­est rank­ing officers?

The Jamaica Constabulary Force must bring the killers of these three pub­lic ser­vants to jus­tice, not bring jus­tice to them. The Police has made the task of polic­ing much more dif­fi­cult, through cor­rup­tion, incom­pe­tence, nepo­tism, and a whole host of oth­er vices they ought not be involved in.

They are fac­ing irrel­e­vance, polic­ing is a lot more than guns and brute force.