February 11th.2013 012

us house

If you decide to be a Doctor you have to get the necessary education as stipulated by law, you also have to satisfy State certification requirements.

This a very rigorous and arduous task which requires years of hard work ‚determination and sacrifice.This is true of literally all other disciplines. There is formal training, there are in many case, probationary on the job training, which requires step by step monitoring. It just doesn’t stop there, there are stipulations in law which requires Operating insurance, and a plethora of bureaucratic Federal, State, and County Regulations.

All of these hur­dles cre­at­ed by, you guessed it, Politicians but have you ever thought about what is required of the politi­cians who lord over you? Seriously, oth­er than their mam­moth egos and nar­cis­sis­tic sense of self-impor­tance there is real­ly no oth­er require­ment except just get­ting elected.

Insofar as that is con­cerned it becomes even more galling that a pop­ulist, the class clown who bare­ly squeezed through, but pos­sess­es the gift of gab and pop­ulism are gen­er­al­ly the peo­ple who make life and death deci­sions for the rest of us.

Republicans have con­tributed great­ly to the way the gen­er­al pub­lic feels about Politicians, Congress’ approval is some­where around 11%, make no mis­take about it, this neg­a­tive per­cep­tion is as a result of the brain-dead Republicans in that body over the last 4 years.

Republicans blame Obama for being a par­ti­san who does­n’t want to work with them, of course this is the best of the names they have for Obama. So Obama names Chuck Hagel a Republican from Nebraska to replace Panetta at Defense.

Republicans are now fil­i­bus­ter­ing Hagel the President’s choice. This is unprece­dent­ed as only two oth­er Cabinet choic­es have ever been denied con­fir­ma­tion in this coun­try’s history.

The irony is that Harry Reid The Democratic leader in the Senate could have changed the fil­i­buster rules and he failed to do so, some said out of fear that when the tables are turned he would not have that tool as an option. Of course the ven­omous snakes must have been laugh­ing at him when he failed to put an end to the fil­i­buster as con­sti­tut­ed , they knew exact­ly that they would con­tin­ue to jam the President’s agen­da by con­tin­u­ing to abuse the fil­i­buster option.

There is no such thing as a rea­son­able Republican those have long been purged from the par­ty, the list is long,Charlie Crist, Colin Powell, Chuck Hagel, Dick Lugar, Arlen Specter(now deceased) as well as oth­ers on the low­er rungs of the lad­der. Others like John McCain once thought to be mod­er­ates have lunged with great alacrity to the right to head off pri­ma­ry chal­lenges on their right flank..

In the case of John McCain the irony is even more pro­nounced, McCain fan­cied him­self a mav­er­ick, a man of con­vic­tion, a man who stood on the prin­ci­ples of his con­vic­tions, it is the same McCain who is lead­ing the charge against Hagel for stand­ing on the prin­ci­ples of his convictions.

It was John McCain only a few years ago who said that Chuck Hagel would make a fine Secretary of State, of course this was when McCain was seek­ing the Presidency. So what has changed ? Well Chuck Hagel wants to be Secretary of Defense for Barack Obama and that is a disqualifier.

Lost in all of this is the fact that Chuck Hagel is a Republican, yes in case you thought the President’s choice was a Democrat, he is not, he is a for­mer two-term Republican Senator from the red State of Nebraska.

So let’s exam­ine what has tran­spired so far that could pos­si­bly cause Republicans in the Senate to be so hell-bent on derail­ing Chuck Hagel’s bid to be Secretary of Defense. before we do that how­ev­er, let’s take a look at the lead band of Republican pon­tif­i­caters in the Senate

.john mcain. lindsay grahamted cruz kelly ayote

John McCain Lindsay Graham Ted Cruz Kelly Ayotte

John McCain, Lindsay Graham, and Former Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman were a group of what many thought were a trio of inde­pen­dent thinkers in the Senate, it turned out that they were mere oppor­tunists. With Lieberman out, they have recruit­ed Kelly Ayotte the fresh­man Senator from New Hampshire to put a more sym­pa­thet­ic face on their shenanigans.

The fact is Ayotte is just anoth­er hack in the vein of Sarah Palin, maybe a lit­tle more edu­cat­ed. While we are on the sub­ject, I chal­lenge the con­tin­ued hog-wash being per­pet­u­at­ed in the media that women are bet­ter con­sen­sus builders, bet­ter nego­tia­tors for the com­mon good.

The entire notion that women are so much bet­ter at gov­er­nance is lit­er­al­ly domi­ciled in fem­i­nist utopia. There are less women in posi­tions of pow­er and author­i­ty, as such instances of abuse of pow­er, and author­i­ty would nat­u­ral­ly be ampli­fied on the part of men.

Have you ever been pulled over by a female cop? many women attest to the fact that they much rather hav­ing a male boss. My point is that the entire raft of women in the Republican Party are all bit­ter par­ti­sans like their male counterparts.

John McCain Lindsay Graham and the new agi­ta­tor Kelly Ayotte all con­spired to tor­pe­do the pos­si­ble nom­i­na­tion of Susan Rice to be Secretary of State. Ayotte being dragged along had no idea why she was against Susan Rice, not that the oth­ers could artic­u­late a rea­son they opposed Rice’s poten­tial nom­i­na­tion either. So much for females doing the right thing.

McCain who has spent his entire adult life being ele­vat­ed to God-sta­tus because of his for­mer POW sta­tus has no com­punc­tion about lead­ing the charge against Chuck Hagel who earned two pur­ple hearts and still has shrap­nel embed­ded in his body from his gal­lantry in Vietnam.

Even more galling is Ted Cruz line of ques­tions to Hagel sug­gest­ing that Hagel may have earned hun­dreds of thou­sands of dol­lars from North Korea, of course Cruz has no facts to bear out his out­landish claims yet he did it anyway.

This mis­cre­ant nev­er served a day in any of branch of the mil­i­tary, but seem to crave the role of present day Joe McCarthy.

Some argue as McCain allud­ed, that Republicans are extract­ing their pound of flesh from Hagel for his stance on Bush and the Iraq war. Whats inter­est­ing is that Chuck Hagel opposed the ille­git­i­mate Cheney /​Bush war of choice, he was right, they were wrong. Hagel under­stands and argues for the Judicious use of America’s Military pow­er, he has the wounds to show, he’s entitled.

On issue after issue Hagel has been right when his par­ty has been in the wrong. Hagel went to the Middle East with can­di­date Obama, they are friends. Both Obama and Hagel agree on the need for a small­er, lean­er, smarter mil­i­tary, with less dupli­ca­tion and bloat, they do not plan on wag­ing ill-advised wars.

That is at the heart of the John McCain led war on Chuck Hagel. Neo-cons wants to have America engaged in nev­er end­ing wars, thats how their super wealthy pup­pet mas­ters make mon­ey. Corporations which man­u­fac­ture weapons needs to make mon­ey by sup­ply­ing weapons the mil­i­tary does not need but which the poor tax­pay­ers are forced to pay for to keep them filthy rich.

That is at the heart of mis­ter bomb, bomb, bomb Iran McCain’s war on Obama and Hagel, plus that old man is a great bear­er of grudge, he will not just go away after a loss, he stays and make a nui­sance of him­self, he did it to George Bush the last President from his own par­ty, he is doing it to Obama, and no one will call out McCain on it.

At what time does the fact that McCain’s pro­tec­tive cov­er as a for­mer pris­on­er of war become obso­lete, how much longer will he abuse oth­ers while he him­self is insu­lat­ed from right­eous rebut­tal and just confrontation?

John McCain is not the only per­son ever cap­tured in war, many oth­er Americans have served , many paid the ulti­mate price in defense of America, many endured more than McCain, many returned to seg­re­ga­tion , to be spat on, ridiculed, and forced to the col­ored drink­ing foun­tains and the back of the bus.

Many returned to be bil­ly clubbed by uni­formed thugs with badges, many returned to be teth­ered to pick-up trucks and dragged, end­ing up decap­i­tat­ed by vile big­ots. Many returned to despair, degradation,denial, depri­va­tion, and humiliation.

What makes McCain any dif­fer­ent than any oth­er sol­dier who fought and bled or paid the ulti­mate price for coun­try? What is the rea­son so many fall over them­selves to be def­er­en­tial to a man who abus­es oth­ers, by virtue of his own knowl­edge of that seem­ing infi­nite well of good-will and deference?

What is hap­pen­ing is a damn shame, Republicans are ruin­ing the coun­try from oppo­si­tion, obliv­i­ous to the will of the vot­ers who spoke in no uncer­tain terms regard­ing the direc­tion they want­ed for the coun­try. Republicans are deter­mined that the will of the major­i­ty be damned, they will wreck the econ­o­my as they have harmed the coun­try’s cred­it rating.

This seem laugh­able to the rest of the world that Americans could allow this to pre­vail even after an elec­tion where vot­ers made their choice clear. Clearly rules which allows a sin­gle Senator to grand­stand by hold­ing up any President’s nom­i­nee needs changing.

Republicans have decid­ed that they will run the coun­try from the minor­i­ty, they have decid­ed that the only bills which will become law are the bills which gives them 100% of what they want.

On that basis the results of the elec­tions are worth nothing.