Police Departments Incubators Of White Supremacy

More and more police depart­ments across the coun­try’s length and breadth are forced to admit that their mem­bers were in Washington DC on January 6th and have played a part in the trea­so­nous insur­rec­tion. Up to the [pub­li­ca­tion of this arti­cle, sev­er­al cops have been arrest­ed and even more placed on admin­is­tra­tive leave for their par­tic­i­pa­tion in the January 6th insur­rec­tion against the United States Government.

Prosecutor considering charges against Indianapolis police officers in beating of protester | News | wdrb.com

Let me first say, there are many good offi­cers, black, white, and brown, who go out and risk their lives to pro­tect oth­ers; it is a job that I per­son­al­ly under­stand. But there are far too many that brings the dis­ci­pline into seri­ous disrepute.
If the pop­u­la­tion can not trust cops, who then can they trust?
New Hampshire to Texas and places beyond, Departments are forced to own up to the white suprema­cists in their depart­ments after being exposed by the media or reg­u­lar cit­i­zen journalists.
The social media accounts of many police offi­cers are trea­sure troves of racist, vio­lent rhetoric. Yet, their depart­ments allow them to police com­mu­ni­ties of col­or they hate and want to elim­i­nate. When they kill mem­bers of the pub­lic, their depart­ments defend and pro­tect them from prosecution.

NY commissioner defends police as disturbing videos surface - Insider

In Washington DC, African-American mem­bers of the Capitol force say that their com­plaints about their white col­leagues’ racist atti­tudes have been sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly ignored.
A length Buzzfeed report­ing argues that the rad­i­cal­iza­tion of white cops start­ed after Laquan McDonald was mur­dered by a white cop Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri. The report sug­gest­ed that cops believed that the protest against them lacked appre­ci­a­tion for the work they do.
This writer, believes that is one part of the prob­lem. Still, the larg­er issue (a) of white suprema­cists infil­tra­tion into police departments,& (b) the fer­tile soil they find in those depart­ments, have gone a long way in foment­ing the cri­sis the nation faces today.

American Plague: Racism Is Killing Black People and the Nation Itself - Rolling Stone

Additionally, police depart­ments have always been ene­mies to the black com­mu­ni­ties they serve. Police depart­ments have more auton­o­my and pro­tec­tion under the laws than the cit­i­zens they are sworn to protect.
Across the United States, Police Departments are unable to dis­ci­pline or fire rouge ele­ments in their ranks because of Union con­tracts. The result is that as states and munic­i­pal­i­ties are sup­posed to run depart­ments, those roles have been flipped, and the tail ends up wag­ging the dog. Caught in the mid­dle are peo­ple of col­or who are sum­mar­i­ly mur­dered large­ly with zero con­se­quence to their killers.
(Injustice Watch), report­ed thatThe North Charleston, SC, police depart­ment fired an offi­cer for post­ing a pho­to of him­self wear­ing Confederate flag under­wear, days after a white suprema­cist killed nine black wor­shipers at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church just miles away. He lat­er set­tled a wrong­ful ter­mi­na­tion suit.
In oth­er words, despite the offen­sive nature of his offense, the depart­ment was forced to pay off a white suprema­cist who should nev­er have been a cop in the first place.

Images of police using excessive force against peaceful protesters are going viral - Vox

The Chicago Police Department has tried unsuc­cess­ful­ly to fire an offi­cer whose own com­man­der com­plained of his “big­ot­ed views.” A Facebook page called Chicago Code Blue attract­ed atten­tion for inflam­ma­to­ry com­ments — such as “Every Thug Deserves a Slug” — after an offi­cer was found guilty in the death of Laquan McDonald.“Just anoth­er sav­age that needs to be exter­mi­nat­ed,” wrote Booker Smith Jr., a Dallas police sergeant, about a homi­cide at a Dollar General store. “Execute all involved,” he wrote sep­a­rate­ly about a group of teens who were accused of killing a 6‑year-old. (One defen­dant plead­ed guilty to aid­ing in the kid­nap­ping. The alleged shoot­er and anoth­er defendant’s tri­als are sched­uled for lat­er this year.)
The Plain View Project, which mon­i­tors these behav­iors, said when they con­tact police depart­ments with evi­dence of their offi­cer’s behav­ior, they are told that the infor­ma­tion is for­ward­ed to their inter­nal affairs bureaus for review.
The lack of account­abil­i­ty that has become a sta­ple in American polic­ing is now becom­ing a nation­al secu­ri­ty nightmare.
Separate and apart from the African-American com­mu­ni­ty’s com­plaints about police behav­ior, law enforce­ment is a wider threat to the nation’s security.

Police Reform: For a U.S. in Crisis, Hard Lessons From Other Countries - The New York Times

From the Federal Level to Municipalities, politi­cians of both polit­i­cal par­ties have turned a blind eye to police’s egre­gious con­duct since polic­ing emerged from the slave patrols.
No one would bell the cat; now, police depart­ments are gar­gan­tu­an orga­ni­za­tions that gen­er­al­ly make their own rules and play by their own rules.
It is so bad that cit­i­zens can­not have inde­pen­dent and mean­ing­ful over­sight to the peo­ple they pay with their tax dol­lars. It is the great­est exam­ple of the tail wag­ging the dog.
Politicians who bow at the altar of police feal­ty are reward­ed with cash and polit­i­cal sup­port. This ren­ders elect­ed offi­cials pow­er­less to act to pro­tect the pub­lic from rogue departments.
New York City, with its mas­sive 30’000 plus depart­ments, politi­cians who dare to speak out against the crimes of that depart­ment face all kinds of threats, includ­ing threats to their fam­i­lies’ safety.
In a nor­mal world, those actions would not be com­ing from law enforce­ment that respects civil­ian authority.
The NYPD is not a nor­mal depart­ment but an orga­ni­za­tion of thugs that mur­der, assault cit­i­zens, fal­si­fy reports, and lie through their teeth in court.
Even when they are caught lying under oath, no mean­ing­ful action is tak­en against them.

Police unions, explained - Vox

Even when they pur­port to [put meth­ods in place to cur­tail racism, it turns out to be a bad joke.
(The Guardian reports)Deputy Inspector James Kobel had been relieved of his com­mand in November while offi­cials inves­ti­gat­ed the alle­ga­tions he penned mes­sages that the New York police depart­ment (NYPD) com­mis­sion­er, Dermot Shea, called “abhor­rent” and “utter­ly dis­gust­ing”. According to inves­ti­ga­tors, Kobel post­ed threat­en­ing, racist rhetoric on the plat­form known as Rant, a chat board for NYPD per­son­nel, using the pseu­do­nym “Clouseau,” draw­ing from the French detec­tive in the Pink Panther film series. For more than a year, he attacked pri­mar­i­ly Black and Jewish peo­ple and women, and the LGBTQ+ community.
The irony, James Kobel was tasked with lead­ing its work­place anti-dis­crim­i­na­tion office. .…..Don’t laugh.
Philadelphia police detec­tive Jennifer Gugger who attend­ed the Trump insur­rec­tion on January 6th, react­ed to Vice President Mike Pence’s tweet.
A screenshot from the Twitter account of Philadelphia Police Detective Jennifer Gugger. The account was taken down by Monday morning,




Mike writes for thinkers!
Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.