Republicans In Red & Blue States Continue To Vote Against Their Best Interest…

There are a mil­lion and one rea­sons why Senate major­i­ty leader Mitch McConnell ought to have been removed by the vot­ers in Kentucky last November.
Alas, the major­i­ty of the vot­ers in that state, as in many oth­er states across the coun­try, con­tin­ue to elect Republicans, who in turn enact poli­cies that ben­e­fit the very rich at the expense of the very peo­ple who vot­ed for them.
It is an age-old prob­lem; the down-bal­lot suc­cess­es of the Republican Party in the last elec­tions were just the lat­est iter­a­tion of Republican par­ty vot­ers’ cog­ni­tive dissonance.
I will [not] attempt to out­line Mitch McConnell’s sins here suf­fic­ing to say that if you have been fol­low­ing pol­i­tics and are fair-mind­ed, you can relate to exact­ly what the Senior US Senator from the Bluegrass State stands for.
On November 3rd, 2008, Barack Obama, a young first-term sen­a­tor from the great state of Illinois, was declared President-elect of the United States.
Immideateltly there­after, Mitch McConnell declared that his sole pur­pose as Majority leader of the United States Senate was to make the new pres­i­dent-elect a one-term president.
Mitch McConnell did exact­ly that, obstruct that is. Despite his and the Republican’s best efforts, how­ev­er, Barack Obama was a suc­cess­ful two-term pres­i­dent.. One of his most igno­ble and dis­hon­or­able acts as major­i­ty leader of the sen­ate under President Obama was, of course, his refusal to give Obama’s supreme court pick of Judge Merrick Garland a meet­ing, much less a hear­ing that would have placed him on the Supreme Court, in the seat vacat­ed by the deceased Antonin Scalia.

Food lines in Texas

Mitch McConnell has nev­er seen a tax cut that would ben­e­fit his wealthy back­ers that he was not glee­ful to bring to the sen­ate’s floor. He had no prob­lem bring­ing to the Senate floor and pass­ing Trump’s tax cut that fur­ther enriched the very rich.
However, the coun­try is now in the deep throes of a pandemic.
Over 341 thou­sand Americans have so far died. Literally, every per­son in America now knows some­one who has either been infect­ed or died from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Additionally, the nation faces a seri­ous eco­nom­ic down­turn, one like no one alive has ever seen before.
Donald Trump, who nev­er cared about the poor, has sud­den­ly decid­ed that he wants hun­gry, near home­less Americans to have a $2’000 check from the gov­ern­ment. No one in their right mind believes that Trump actu­al­ly cares enough about any­one not named Trump, to want them to have $2’000.

In fact, there is ample evi­dence that Donald Trump only wants the larg­er $2’000 amount than the $600 num­ber his trea­sur­er sec­re­tary nego­ti­at­ed with both Republicans and Democrats because he knows it won’t pass.
If Trump real­ly want­ed Americans to have a $2’000 check, he would have had Steven Mnuchin nego­ti­ate to have that amount sent to the American people.
Donald Trump con­ve­nient­ly wait­ed until after the $600 amount was decid­ed on, then there­after decid­ed he would not sign the bill into law — –Of course, he then signed the bill he said he would not sign.
He then went ahead and demand­ed a $2’000 check he knew Moscow Mitch would not bring to the Senate floor as a stand-alone bill to be vot­ed on.
Trump has no inter­est in gov­ern­ing out­side of enrich­ing him­self, so it does not mat­ter how many Americans are dying from COVID-19, or are on the brink of star­va­tion; his sup­port for a $2’000 pay­out to the peo­ple is sole­ly designed to cur­ry favor with the pop­u­la­tion he wants on his side in his bid to pull off a coup in America.
Mitch McConnell does­n’t care either, so he attach­es the mea­sure to two oth­er mea­sures he knows Democrats can­not sup­port, and so the bill is all but dead.

The trag­ic irony is that the peo­ple who will suf­fer the most are the ones who came out in droves and re-elect­ed Mitch McConnell last November. They also elect­ed and reelect­ed Republicans down-bal­lot across the length and breadth of the country.
Amidst the noise and hog­wash fed you by the main­stream media are the facts that they won’t both­er to divulge.
White Americans will vote against their own moth­er if the abil­i­ty to coa­lesce around racial griev­ance and white suprema­cy is on the ballot.
They rose against President Barack Obama’s push to have the wealth­i­est Americans pay a lit­tle more in tax­es, dur­ing his pres­i­den­cy. They came out with pitch­forks, tiki-torch­es, and the most despi­ca­ble posters depict­ing the pres­i­dent as every­thing but human.
Obama want­ed those earn­ing more than half a mil­lion each year to pay a lit­tle more in tax­es. Those in the mid­west who came out against the idea, and across the south were earn­ing some­where between $38’000 & $48’000.
They came out to fight a war that was not theirs to fight.
At the time, those actu­al­ly earn­ing half a mil­lion and more annu­al­ly, told the President that they would be hap­py to pay a lit­tle more in taxes.

The same was true of the afford­able care act (ACA) intend­ed to help [them], the most vul­ner­a­ble, the poor­est, and those in par­tic­u­lar, with what is char­ac­ter­ized as pre­ex­ist­ing health conditions.
Republicans know­ing just how stu­pid and racist their vot­ers are, attached Obama’s name to the leg­is­la­tion; this auto­mat­i­cal­ly became poi­son to their voters.
Republican elect­ed offi­cials knew just how easy it was to turn their vot­ers on a dime. All they had to do is appeal to their racist hatred, and they will mil­i­tate against drink­ing water, which is crit­i­cal to their abil­i­ty to survive.
Republicans and Mitch McConnell do not care whether they live or die as long as they can give tax cuts to their rich puppetmasters.
Republican recip­i­ents of the ACA, told Journalists that they did not want Obama Care, they were hap­py with their Affordable Care health care.[sic]
Those who were pay­ing atten­tion knew that those upris­ings were not organ­ic grass­roots move­ments by peo­ple who felt their way of life threat­ened; it was a well-orches­trat­ed cam­paign fund­ed by über-wealthy bil­lion­aire broth­ers Charles and David Koch.
David Koch is now dead, but his old­er sib­ling Charles now wants for­give­ness for what they did with their wealth.
The hatred poor whites have for oth­er races is work­ing to keep them impov­er­ished. Today they no longer work as over­seers on the plan­ta­tion in the tra­di­tion­al sense; they are no longer oper­at­ing under the moniker [slave catch­ers]; they are now called police officers.
Unfortunately, their men­tal­i­ty is the same as it was four-plus hun­dred years ago.

Which brings us to the ques­tion of why these peo­ple con­tin­ue to mil­i­tate against their own self-interest?
From time to time, I write about the his­to­ry of whites who came to America as (inden­tured ser­vants), anoth­er name for slaves.
The dif­fer­ence between the white European inden­tured ser­vants, and the African peo­ple brought into bond­ed servi­tude, is that they had com­mit­ted no crimes.
The act of kid­nap­ping and enslav­ing them was a crime against human­i­ty and remains so today, with­out ade­quate mea cul­pa, resti­tu­tion, and commupence.
The white inden­tured ser­vants were, in fact, the worst crim­i­nal offend­ers in Europe, Murderers, Rapists, Child-moles­ters, who were giv­en the option of being ban­ished to the colonies or be executed.
Naturally, they chose the Colonies.
The prac­tice of dump­ing them in America, con­tin­ued up until the end of the civ­il war. Other nations were pop­u­lat­ed by them as well, Australia and New Zealand. Wherever they went, the death and destruc­tion they brought with them is a mat­ter of his­tor­i­cal record.
Their venge­ful actions against the enslaved African peo­ple are no mys­tery; they were depraved crim­i­nals, end of the story.
Convinced by the plan­ta­tion own­ers that they were supe­ri­or because of their white skin, they exact­ed untold geno­cide on the black enslaved peo­ple in their capac­i­ty as over­seers and slave catchers.
The Planters fear­ing that the two groups of slaves would be too much for them to han­dle, came up with the bril­liant idea to divide them up based on race.
They con­vinced them that they would some­day be free and own plan­ta­tions and be rich as well. That idea is now a part of their DNA; they con­tin­ue to believe in the fal­la­cy that if the rich man is giv­en enough, some will fall from his table, and they will ben­e­fit. That con­cept has all but ensured that the rich have got­ten rich­er and the poor poorer.





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog mike​beck​les​.com. 
He’s con­tributed to sev­er­al websites.
You may sub­scribe to his blogs, or sub­scribe to his Youtube chan­nel @chatt-a-box, for the lat­est videos.