Stop Trying To Speak To Those Ignorant Racists…

At some stage of the game black folks are going to have to face the real­i­ty that there are some irre­deemable Edomites they will either m****r F*****g go around or roll the f*** over.
You think they don’t know that when you say ‘BLACK LIVES MATTER”, they don’t know that you are say­ing that“black lives mat­ter too”?
Of course, they do, so clear­ly when they counter with the bull­shit, “all lives mat­ter”, what they are try­ing to do is to drown out your voice.
Worse yet, when they par­rot the non­sen­si­cal cocka­mamie “blue lives mat­ter”, they are telling you that they want their ter­ror­is­tic cops to keep killing you. 

One of the most bull­shit things I hear com­ing from these despi­ca­ble hate­ful things is that peo­ple need to respect law enforce­ment.
Law enforce­ment work for peo­ple, not the oth­er way around. It is incum­bent on law enforce­ment to respect the cit­i­zens they serve, all cit­i­zens, and from that respect, they will, in turn, earn the respect of all the cit­i­zen­ry.
But when law enforce­ment has always been pro­tec­tor to one group and a bul­ly­ing oppres­sor to anoth­er, the respons­es are some­what under­stand­able.
I say [some­what], because despite those two dif­fer­ing real­i­ties, those igno­rant racist white m***** f*****s know that it is wrong to shoot an inno­cent unarmed man, they know it is crim­i­nal and wrong to sit on the neck of a man until he dies, they know that it is wrong to apply a carotid neck-hold on a tiny wisp of a black man walk­ing home in the night, killing him.
It is the racist com­po­nent that desen­si­tizes them to the hor­rors of those evils.

Of course, those morons were always going to come out in sup­port of their killer cops. They had no prob­lem with the slave patrols, they had no prob­lem with the lynch­ings, they had no prob­lem with seg­re­ga­tion, they have no prob­lem with the prison indus­tri­al com­plex, they have no prob­lem with the school to prison pipeline, they have no prob­lem with the crim­i­nal­iza­tion of young black kids, they have no prob­lem with infe­ri­or schools, hos­pi­tals, hous­ing, health­care, neigh­bor­hoods or drink­ing water that poor black peo­ple are forced to endure, why would they all of a sud­den care about police slaugh­ter of our peo­ple today?

America has nev­er been good for African-Americans and those Edomites are quite con­tent with keep­ing it that way.
It is for those rea­sons that the next gen­er­a­tion must make it abun­dant­ly clear that hey will not tol­er­ate the s**t any longer.
They do not care about bro­ken black bod­ies, what they care about is bro­ken glass. They do not care about jus­tice, what they clam­or for is social order, a social order which keeps them on top based on their self-acclaimed non­sen­si­cal notion that their washed-out skin col­or is supe­ri­or to our melanat­ed rich­ness.
But if there is no jus­tice there can be no real peace.
Georgia Long-serv­ing con­gress­man and a true civ­il rights icon John Lewis just passed.
As con­do­lences pour in from all quar­ters, so too has the lying despi­ca­ble Republican racists try to pay lip ser­vice to this black icon, seek­ing to cash in on the dead body of our moral kings and queens. We do not need their con­do­lences for our heroes.
We do not need plat­i­tudes as they have done for decades using the good names and sac­ri­fices of our depart­ed cham­pi­ons Martin Luther King and others.

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Spare us your shit, black peo­ple have always been the con­science and moral­i­ty to the extent either of those two attrib­ut­es exists or, has ever exist­ed in America. So do not blow any more smoke up our ass­es when our con­science lead­ers pass on.
As Bob Marley asked in his song, “how long shall they kill our prophets, While we stand aside and look”?
Oh Yea, that march­ing and singing ish about “we shall over­come” is not cut­ting it any­more, it nev­er did.
The mis­takes of past strug­gles, have been and still remain, try­ing to appeal to the bet­ter angels with­in dev­ils.
Those hea­thens are not out there stand­ing up in defense of the police, they are in the streets offer­ing them­selves up as counter-demon­stra­tors against your God-giv­en right to exist.
Their police which is par­tial­ly paid by black peo­ple’s tax dol­lars are pro­tec­tors of their com­mu­ni­ties, but are oppres­sive race sol­diers oper­at­ing as judges, jury, and exe­cu­tion­ers in the black com­mu­ni­ties.
police have nev­er been of ser­vice to the black com­mu­ni­ty, they nev­er will.

Mike Beckles is a for­mer police Detective cor­po­ral, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer,
he is a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog chatt​-​a​-box​.com. 
He’s also a con­trib­u­tor to sev­er­al web­sites.
You may sub­scribe to his blogs free of charge, or sub­scribe to his Youtube chan­nel @chatt-a-box, for the lat­est pod­cast all free to you of course.