White Woman Attempts To Weaponize NYPD Against Black Man(video)

I recent­ly wrote on the phe­nom­e­non of white women weaponiz­ing hate against black peo­ple and the con­se­quences it has had on the African-American com­mu­ni­ty.
Not only has white women played a huge part in the bru­tal­i­ty and geno­cide of black men and women dur­ing slav­ery, but they also con­tin­ue to do so today as social media is replete with icon­ic images of them weaponiz­ing police against black peo­ple.
Here again, is a sit­u­a­tion in which a white woman called the NYPD and accused a black man of threat­en­ing her and her dog after an exchange that start­ed when the man asked the woman to leash her dog in Central Park.

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They know that the for­mer slave catch­ers that now oper­ate under the label of [POLICE] have long been weaponized against black peo­ple. In fact, the police have become killing machines over and above what they were tra­di­tion­al­ly, and in par­tic­u­lar, since the FBI warned that white suprema­cists are tak­ing over police depart­ments almost two decades ago.
In this inci­dent, this woman ide­al­ly expect­ed that they would arrive and bru­tal­ize, and kill him as the man in ques­tion as they are so hap­py to oblige in so many instances.
It is the old­est and most clas­sic white woman damsel in dis­tress tac­tic that they have used against black men in par­tic­u­lar.
It has result­ed in the geno­cide of entire black towns in sev­er­al states across America, and it per­sists in indi­vid­ual cas­es each and every day.