Local Police are arms of state gov­ern­ments, like the (FBI) is an arm of the Federal Government, so too is the Secret Service respon­si­ble to pro­tect whomev­er the President is at the time. At the State lev­el, the State Police has respon­si­bil­i­ty for pro­tect­ing the Governor.
State Police also has the respon­si­bil­i­ty to pro­tect Legislators when­ev­er they are con­vened in state Capitols doing the peo­ple’s busi­ness.
Police do not get to make the deter­mi­na­tion that they are step­ping back from pro­tect­ing mem­bers of leg­is­la­tures when they are in ses­sion, based on their polit­i­cal beliefs.
Neither do Police get to make the deter­mi­na­tion that they are going to with­draw and allow heav­i­ly armed mili­tia-mem­bers to invade a Legislature with­out tak­ing any steps to stop it.

White rightwing Militia invade state capi­tol Police stood down. Legislatures are not in charge, the police deter­mine the politics.That hap­pens when law­mak­ers give police the impres­sion they can do as they please. They did as they pleased.

Which brings us to the events that occurred in Michigan recent­ly. Heavily armed Militia mem­bers with noos­es and con­fed­er­ate flags lit­er­al­ly invad­ed the Legislature and demand­ed to be let onto the floor.
One Legislator, African-American Sarah Anthony, said of the event; she want­ed to high­light what she saw as the fail­ure of the Michigan capi­tol police to pro­vide leg­is­la­tors with ade­quate secu­ri­ty dur­ing the protest, which saw demon­stra­tors with rifles stand­ing in the leg­isla­tive cham­ber above law­mak­ers.
“When tra­di­tion­al sys­tems, whether it’s law enforce­ment or what­ev­er, fail us, we also have the abil­i­ty to take care of our­selves.” 
If I don’t vote the way that these peo­ple want me to vote, are they going to rush in and start shoot­ing us?” she said. “You could feel the floor rum­bling. You could hear them yelling and screaming.”Anthony said.

Across the coun­try, peo­ple point­ed to the shock­ing dis­play of arro­gance by the heav­i­ly armed thugs. But they lam­bast­ed the police for fail­ing to act appro­pri­ate­ly.
In the African-American com­mu­ni­ty, the dis­play of cow­ardice & was only anoth­er exam­ple of the two Americas that has always be man­i­fest­ed by gross police mis­con­duct. Police decid­ing to stand down against heav­i­ly armed mili­tias was noth­ing new.
Anthony said, she felt law enforce­ment had sim­ply left them to their own devices dur­ing last week’s protest.
They sure did, they abdi­cat­ed their oaths in sup­port of their polit­i­cal beliefs and that’s all there is to it.
As a for­mer law enforce­ment offi­cer, I can­not envis­age a sce­nario in which I would abdi­cate my sworn duty based on polit­i­cal lean­ings, nev­er­the­less, this is exact­ly what hap­pened here.

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The Michigan state police report­ed­ly host­ed a call with leg­is­la­tors on 4 May to brief them on avail­able secu­ri­ty ser­vices, includ­ing secu­ri­ty escorts, after learn­ing that some rep­re­sen­ta­tives were fear­ful for their safe­ty.[According to the Guardian]
Well isn’t that just great? “Oh wait, we are just learn­ing that you are fear­ful for your safe­ty, so here let me tell you about some options you have”.
What total bull­shit?
Oh by the way we are s con­cerned after the fact, nev­er mind that the horse is long out the gate”.
Anthony said it had been mean­ing­ful to receive a per­son­al offer from con­stituents to help ensure her safe­ty. A few of whom turned up to escort her to work.
The shame of American fail­ure, con­tin­ues to be open­ly man­i­fest­ed in its police every sin­gle day. Ironically it is these very same leg­is­la­tors who con­tin­ue to vote to allow them to treat cit­i­zens with utter con­tempt.
The chick­ens are com­ing home to roost, the police are run­ning the show and it may be too late to take back the pow­er and give it back to the people.


Mike Beckles is a for­mer Jamaican police Detective cor­po­ral, busi­ness­man, researcher, and blog­ger. 
He is a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog chatt​-​a​-box​.com. 
He’s also a con­trib­u­tor to sev­er­al web­sites.
You may sub­scribe to his blogs free of charge, or sub­scribe to his Youtube chan­nel @chatt-a-box, for the lat­est pod­cast all free to you of course.