The Culture Of American Police Aggression Is A Systemic Policy, Not Random Acts…

Day after day, case after case, the pat­tern is the same, police lit­er­al­ly attack and bru­tal­ly assault and mur­der mem­bers of the pub­lic (usu­al­ly black or brown peo­ple), a sham inves­ti­ga­tion is done by the very depart­ment from which the attack­ers come, and an even­tu­al pro­nounce­ment, some­times sev­er­al months or years lat­er, “the actions of our offi­cers were with­in depart­ment poli­cies and there­fore jus­ti­fi­able.“
That is, if they even both­er to release a report. It is one of the strangest of para­dox­es; the cit­i­zens whose tax dol­lars pay for police ser­vices are lit­er­al­ly serfs and peas­ants to the police depart­ments and unions.
In some states, they try to pull the wool over the peo­ple’s eyes by cre­at­ing a façade. The idea is to have inves­ti­ga­tions of police crimes done by anoth­er police agency, and they do so to give the appear­ance of fair­ness.
So the idea is to con­vince the pub­lic that the inves­ti­ga­tions are total­ly fair, impar­tial & uncor­rupt­ed as if the police don’t still do them.
If you believe that, please con­tact me; I have a few bridges for sale.
The cul­ture of mur­der & vis­cous assaults per­sists & con­tin­ues because they are gen­er­al­ly con­fined to black cit­i­zens and are large­ly car­ried out by white cops.

Daniel Donovan (Republican pros­e­cu­tor) bla­tant­ly and will­ful­ly botched the Eric Garner mur­der case to aid NYPD killer cop Daniel Pantaleo.

Police tam­per with, destroy & plant evi­dence, intim­i­date wit­ness­es, and con­duct them­selves as if they are over­lords. The rights of black & brown cit­i­zens are like a mat under their feet to be tram­pled on; the con­sti­tu­tion­al rights of black cit­i­zens mean noth­ing to most of them.
Whenever you see anoth­er video in which police attack and bru­tal­ize a mem­ber of the pub­lic, or worse, bru­tal­ly mur­der an unarmed man, look at your US sen­a­tor who autho­rized and re-autho­rized the Patriot Act.
Take a look at your Governor who has a clus­ter of state troop­ers sur­round­ing him or her; he or she does not care whether you live or die. What they care about are the police Unions that endorse their cam­paigns and deliv­er blocks of cop-vote; they dare not evoke the ire of those police unions.
If you do not accept my prof­fer, google the NYPD police benev­o­lent asso­ci­a­tion.
Take a look at the pros­e­cu­tors who are friend­ly with the cops that they are lit­er­al­ly unable to bring charges against them. This is so even when they mur­der cit­i­zens of a cer­tain race in plain sight of wit­ness­es, and the mur­der is cap­tured on record­ing devices.
That is why Daniel Pantaleo, an NYPD cop, mur­dered Eric Garner, an inno­cent man. Yet the cor­rupt, moral­ly bank­rupt Staten Island dis­trict attor­ney, Daniel M. Donovan empan­eled a grand jury of white Staten Islanders to hear the evi­dence.
A grand jury is basi­cal­ly a cir­cus, as the pan­el mem­bers only hear what the pros­e­cu­tor wants them to hear.
Staten Island is a bed­room com­mu­ni­ty for cops and fire­fight­ers, many of whom have basi­cal­ly had the job hand­ed down to them from gen­er­a­tion to gen­er­a­tion.
Asking these peo­ple to find that one of their own mur­dered a black cit­i­zen is an exer­cise in futil­i­ty.
Yet that is what Daniel M. Donovan did. The evi­dence he placed before the pan­el was evi­dence to result in a return ver­dict of no indict­ment rather than one that ordered an indictment.

According to a New York Times report, two wit­ness­es said they heard a sergeant tell the offi­cers to ease up as they held Mr. Garner down on the side­walk. “Let up,” a beau­ty store man­ag­er, Rodney Lee, recalled hear­ing the sergeant say that day. “You got him already.” For min­utes as Mr. Garner lay on the ground, he was not giv­en oxy­gen by the respond­ing emer­gency med­ical per­son­nel from Richmond University Medical Center.
Despite the moun­tain of evi­dence, the cor­rupt District Attorney sent the case to a Staten Island grand jury rather than indict the mur­der­ous NYPD gang­sters who mur­dered in plain sight for the world to see.
The Eric Garner case was just one of the hun­dreds of thou­sands of cas­es in which police sim­ply mur­dered inno­cent unarmed cit­i­zens, and there were zero con­se­quences.
There is no offi­cial account­ing for the thou­sands of peo­ple police kill in the United States each year. The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) has no idea how many peo­ple are actu­al­ly mur­dered by the thou­sands of police depart­ments across the coun­try.
Police depart­ments have no oblig­a­tion to report to the (FBI) the num­ber of peo­ple they kill each year.
Whatever account­ing is being done today is done by a few media hous­es like the Washington Post and the Guardian. 

Over the last sev­er­al years, the killings have been brought to the fore due to cell phone cam­eras in the hands of ordi­nary cit­i­zens & social media plat­forms. Despite the killings and abuse hap­pen­ing in plain sight, Police & their unions, Prosecutors, and Judges have insist­ed that the gen­er­al pub­lic sus­pend real­i­ty and embrace the fan­tas­ti­cal non­sense that you should not trust your own eyes.
Unless, of course, the evi­dence you are wit­ness­ing is sup­posed to incrim­i­nate a mem­ber of the pub­lic, or worse yet, if the alleged offend­er is African-American, then you must revert to san­i­ty and believe your eyes or, worse, accept the police ver­sion of events.
So whether you wit­ness this hap­pen­ing while you are on the street or worse, see­ing them kick down your neigh­bor’s door and com­mit mur­der, Or whether you just hap­pen to see it on a social media plat­form, please under­stand that it is hap­pen­ing with the silent acqui­es­cence of all of your elect­ed offi­cials from top to bot­tom.
Police depart­ments are mere arms of state and local gov­ern­ments. State and local leg­is­la­tures have the pow­er to make laws that pro­tect cit­i­zens from the rav­ages of crime, includ­ing from the crim­i­nals who wear a badge and gun but are far more dan­ger­ous to the cit­i­zen’s exis­tence than those with­out badges.
It is up to them to rein in the out-of-con­trol crim­i­nals they have unleashed on the pop­u­lace. If you want to change how your com­mu­ni­ty is policed, vote only for can­di­dates who believe in your rights and not in a police state.
It also fol­lows that you must vet those can­di­dates run­ning for elect­ed office if they have the back­ing of major police unions; guess what?
They will not have your inter­est at heart.


On Nov. 4, 2016, two plain­clothes cops from the Euclid Police Department in the state of Ohio, Kyle Flagg & Vashon Williams, approached Lamar Wright with guns drawn while he was using a cell phone and sit­ting in his car. Wright, who had recent­ly had stom­ach surgery and was using a colosto­my bag at the time, ini­tial­ly thought he was being car­jacked.
Yelling and curs­ing at the motorist, the two thug cops then assault­ed mis­ter Wright. The body cam­era video shows them approach­ing the car and yelling at Mr. Wright to get out of the vehi­cle. The white thug then grabbed Mister Wright’s arm.
Wright can be heard in the video say­ing the offi­cer is hurt­ing his arm. Seconds lat­er, offi­cers use a stun gun and pep­per spray on him. Wright then exits the car and lies face down on the ground.
After the assault, they pro­ceed­ed to pile on a slew of charges to try and jus­ti­fy their bla­tant assault on an inno­cent unarmed, and sick cit­i­zen.
They also pro­ceed­ed to search his car with­out ask­ing for his con­sent.
A year lat­er, the charges which could not be sub­stan­ti­at­ed were all dropped.
Mister Wright filed a civ­il rights law­suit which claimed that the two crim­i­nals in uni­form filed false reports and charged him with resist­ing arrest and oth­er offenses.

Here is what the Euclid Mayor had to say about the vio­lent and fraud­u­lent arrest and abuse of an inno­cent man.
“As Mayor and Public Safety Director, it is my respon­si­bil­i­ty to ensure that the Euclid Police Department serves the pub­lic pro­fes­sion­al­ly, cour­te­ous­ly, and con­sci­en­tious­ly. The fine men and women of the Euclid Police Department con­stant­ly strive to main­tain the high­est lev­el of pro­fes­sion­al­ism and ser­vice to the pub­lic. I have, and will con­tin­ue to take the nec­es­sary steps to sup­port these efforts on behalf of the city of Euclid’s res­i­dents, busi­ness own­ers, and vis­i­tors.“
According to Wright’s team of attor­neys, mis­con­duct in the Euclid Police Department has been repeat­ed­ly exposed in the media and caught on cam­era. “There is no jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for this lev­el of force and vio­lence against an unarmed, com­pli­ant civil­ian. And on top of the unjus­ti­fied, unpro­voked attacks, EPD offi­cers have also filed false crim­i­nal charges against these indi­vid­u­als in an effort to cov­er up their own mis­con­duct,” said attor­ney Jacqueline Greene.

Black man sues Ohio town over alleged police violence | Daily Mail ...
Richard Hubbard 111 after Euclid gang­ster cop Michael Amiott beat him,

As if the Mayor’s state­ments weren’t offen­sive enough, Mister Wright’s case was thrown out by a judge who ruled that the cops were jus­ti­fied in their actions. Mr. Wright’s attor­neys appealed the rul­ing. We are yet to learn what has hap­pened to that appeal.
As bad as that was, in the same depart­ment, anoth­er white cop who repeat­ed­ly punched a black motorist over a minor traf­fic infrac­tion was fired by the very same Mayor.
Michael Amiott, a white cop, repeat­ed­ly punched Richard Hubbard III dur­ing a traf­fic stop. The assault was so egre­gious that the may­or fired Amiott.
The police union appealed the fir­ing, and an unelect­ed arbi­tra­tor gave Amiott his job back. Mister Hubbard’s lawyers were furi­ous.
Mr. Hubbard, Ms. Tirado, and I are all very dis­ap­point­ed that an unelect­ed arbi­tra­tor has usurped the author­i­ty of the duly elect­ed may­or of the City of Euclid and rein­stat­ed a rogu­ish police offi­cer with a doc­u­ment­ed his­to­ry of insub­or­di­na­tion and a pat­tern of using exces­sive force upon most­ly African-American arrestees,” McNeal wrote in an email to CNN. Hubbard’s Lawyers said.


In August 2016, Amiott “lost his tem­per” at the scene of an arrest and used his gun as an “impact weapon” to sub­due a sus­pect, accord­ing to his Euclid police per­son­nel file.
Before join­ing the Euclid force, he had to resign from a neigh­bor­ing police depart­ment after mak­ing a false state­ment in a police report, accord­ing to a Mentor Police Department inter­nal inves­ti­ga­tion report.
“It is trou­bling that any­one would see it pru­dent to place such an indi­vid­ual back into a posi­tion where he can again abuse his author­i­ty and do vio­lence to cit­i­zens under col­or of law.” The lawyers for Hubbard stat­ed.
The brazen assaults and unpro­voked mur­ders you are wit­ness­ing at the hands of police are not just a thing about bad police offi­cers.
It is a sys­temic and thor­ough­ly thought-out pol­i­cy of state-spon­sored oppres­sion of African-American peo­ple, from slav­ery through the igno­ble peri­od of black codes dur­ing recon­struc­tion. From Jim Crowe to the present day, these are state-insti­tut­ed poli­cies aimed at keep­ing the black pop­u­la­tion in check. It includes elect­ed offi­cials at all lev­els.
Police are mere pawns, usu­al­ly une­d­u­cat­ed thugs who do what they are told to do; most only have a high school edu­ca­tion.
Your prob­lem is not with them; your prob­lem lies with the peo­ple you idol­ize and place in high elect­ed office.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.