Netflix Docu, Sheds Light On America’s War On Blacks Disguised As A War On Drugs…

A ground­break­ing Netflix Documentary on the United States Federal Government’s war on Drugs, and the con­se­quences this war has had in the destruc­tion of mil­lions of lives. Disproportionately in the black com­mu­ni­ty.
Regardless of your feel­ings about law and order, regard­less of what you have been led to believe through the mas­sive indoc­tri­na­tion cam­paign waged by the American Government, this Documentary is bound to shock you into what’s wrong about what you may have believed.
The shock­ing real­i­ty is that tens of thou­sands of lives have been caught up in this igno­ble war, many have been utter­ly destroyed while count­less oth­ers (main­ly-black) have been robbed of the glo­ri­ous future they were des­tined for.
Through mass incar­cer­a­tion, mass depor­ta­tion, and mass den­i­gra­tion the American Government man­aged to wage war on a race of peo­ple under the guise that its war was a war on drugs.
In this race war, peo­ple were ille­gal­ly arrest­ed for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, count­less peo­ple had weed plant­ed on them while police were allowed to fab­ri­cate evi­dence all to beef up the incar­cer­a­tion rates and the depor­ta­tion of peo­ple they did not like.
Today not much has changed, police still con­tin­ue to arrest young black men for mere­ly hav­ing the smell of mar­i­jua­na com­ing from their cars.
Using the most bru­tal tac­tics police abuse and humil­i­ate them under the col­or of law, all for hav­ing a mar­i­jua­na cig­ar.
At the same time, the nar­ra­tive has shift­ed, because white men see the poten­tial for wealth in mar­i­jua­na.
And so while police ware lock­ing away young black men young and old­er white men are mak­ing hun­dreds of mil­lions from the very same weed in the very same country.

If you’re plan­ning to smoke and binge, kick off the holy smokin’ hol­i­day of 420with Netflix‘s lat­est weed doc­u­men­tary, Grass Is Greener.
The film is hip-hop pio­neer and for­mer MTV VJ Fab 5 Freddy’s homage to Mary Jane. Freddy, bet­ter known as Fred Brathwaite, made his direc­to­r­i­al debut with the provoca­tive film. In it, he explores the deep ties between the crim­i­nal­iza­tion of reefer and racism in America.

Brathwaite uses his music con­nec­tions to speak with some of the music indus­tries most out­spo­ken advo­cates of mar­i­jua­na includ­ing Snoop Dogg, Cypress Hill’s B‑Real, and Damian Marley. A vari­ety of oth­er celebri­ties and mar­i­jua­na advo­cates fur­ther unrav­el the pop­u­lar drug’s influ­ence on music and pop cul­ture. The film also speaks to the dev­as­tat­ing impact that the crim­i­nal­iza­tion of the plant has had on both black and Latino com­mu­ni­ties.
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