All The Kings Horses And All The Kings Men

What’s real­ly shock­ing is the cult­like loy­al­ty which per­me­ates the fol­low­ers of Donald Trump. Just imag­ine this, the per­son­al lawyer of the pres­i­dent of the United States plead­ed guilty to com­mit­ting eight (8) felonies and named (the very same pres­i­dent as an unin­dict­ed co-conspirator).
Truth isn’t truth, crimes are no longer crimes and now well .… even if I did it can­not be a crime because I am not sub­ject to the laws.

The pres­i­den­t’s cam­paign chair­man was con­vict­ed on eight (8) felonies on the very same day that his lawyer plead­ed guilty. We are now learn­ing that he would have been con­vict­ed on all 18 counts as charged, but for one female Trump sup­port­ing juror who would not let the evi­dence get in the way of par­ti­san orthodoxy.
Image result for duncan hunter indicted

GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter,

On the very same day Duncan Hunter Republican Congressman from California, the sec­ond mem­ber of the Congress to endorse Trump was indict­ed on charges that he and his wife, Margaret, rou­tine­ly — and ille­gal­ly — used cam­paign funds to pay per­son­al bills …

Chris Collins.…

All of that hap­pened in one day .….. it does not include the fact that the first mem­ber of the Congress to endorse Donald Trump, Chris Collins of west­ern New York was indict­ed on Insider Trading Charges.
But the fore­gone does not even begin to tell the full sto­ry so here goes.

Image result for image of those indicted or plead guilty around donald trump

  1. Michael Flynn, Trump’s nation­al secu­ri­ty advis­er, plead­ed guilty to one count of lying to the FBI, coop­er­at­ing with Special Counsel Robert Muller’s inves­ti­ga­tions and await­ing sentencing.
  2. Rick Gates, Trump’s for­mer deputy cam­paign man­ag­er, and Manafort pro­tégé, on one count of con­spir­a­cy against the United States and one count of mak­ing false state­ments to FBI agents.
  3. George Papadopoulos, a low-lev­el Trump for­eign pol­i­cy advis­er, for mak­ing false state­ments to the FBI about his con­tacts with Russians dur­ing the campaign.
  4. Alex van der Zwaan, who worked with Gates and for­mer Trump cam­paign chair­man Paul Manafort while he prac­ticed law at a large inter­na­tion­al firm, admit­ted to lying and fail­ing to turn over emails to Mueller’s team in February, sen­tenced to 30 days in jail and a $30,000 fine did his time and is report­ed to be already out of the country.

Amidst all of this and with­out even one scin­til­la of account­abil­i­ty about the tor­rent of crim­i­nal indict­ments and guilty pleas Donald Trump did what he has done every sin­gle time he feels the walls clos­ing in on him.
No, I am not talk­ing about just appeal­ing to the wretched white racists’ crowd which blind­ly sup­port him, he tweet­ed an old right-wing trope about white South African farm­ers been killed and their lands tak­en from them.

I have asked Secretary of State to close­ly study the South Africa land and farm seizures and expro­pri­a­tions and the large-scale killing of farm­ers. “South African Government is now seiz­ing land from white farm­ers.”

There are so many things to be said about the expro­pri­a­tion of land, not the least of which is that it was not a prob­lem when the mur­der­ous Booer Voortrekkers stole the land, But the very rare instance of right­ing a wrong as is being con­sid­ered a‑la fair mar­ket price as a reme­di­al action, is a vicious alt right trope.

This is where Donald Trump wants to direct his atten­tion at the exact time that he was named in a fed­er­al felony plea deal as an unin­dict­ed co-conspirator.
Whether we like or believe Amorosa Manigualt-Newman is not real­ly impor­tant. She spent well over a decade with and around Donald Trump, as a con­se­quence, when she said he wants to start a race war her com­ments can­not sim­ply be brushed aside.

South Africa has a lot of crime, yet whites in South Africa are less like­ly to become vic­tims of crime large­ly on the basis of their wealth­i­er sta­tus in the society.
If Donald Trump need­ed to dip his beak into world affairs the least he could have done is read a few pages of a book instead of watch­ing Orwellian talk­ing points of FOX mis­in­for­ma­tion oth­er­wise knowns as state TV.

One of the endur­ing virtues of black peo­ple is that we gen­er­al­ly are quick to for­give and for­get, a virtue not found in oth­er races to the extent it exists in us.
What he should have tweet­ed about this (shit­hole coun­try)[sic] is the Magnanimity of the black peo­ple of South Africa(those who man­aged to sur­vive), who did not kill and abuse the white minor­i­ty who for decades upon decades made their lives a liv­ing hell.
Instead of try­ing to gin up racial ani­mos­i­ty across the world Donald Trump should seri­ous­ly wor­ry about how to stay out of prison when Muller is fin­ished with his investigation.