Zimbabweans Voted For Change, Received Bullets And A Cleverly Disguised Coup D’état

The polit­i­cal par­ties which emerged out of the Colonial era in Africa the Caribbean, South and Latin America all but squan­dered the oppor­tu­ni­ty to estab­lish their respec­tive nations on the sol­id foot­ings of demo­c­ra­t­i­cal­ly trans­par­ent governance.
Instead, those who fought in the actu­al lib­er­a­tion wars across those geo­graph­ic areas and even those in the Caribbean who led the post­colo­nial strug­gles chose to devel­op patron­age sys­tems to ben­e­fit them­selves and those who sup­port them.

Political lead­ers and by exten­sion their polit­i­cal par­ties devel­oped a sense of own­er­ship for their respec­tive coun­tries even 50 years and more after those lib­er­a­tion strug­gles ended.
The pre­vail­ing sense is that those who did not live through and par­tic­i­pate in those strug­gles have no right to polit­i­cal power.

Nowhere is this sense of enti­tle­ment more evi­dent in my esti­ma­tion and the resul­tant dam­age it has caused more trans­par­ent­ly mea­sur­able, than in Zimbabwe which two Mondays ago held nation­al elections.
President Robert Mugabe’s rul­ing ZANU-PF par­ty has basi­cal­ly ruled Zimbabwe since white minor­i­ty rule end­ed in 1980.
until he was oust­ed from pow­er by the mil­i­tary last November.

Emmerson Mnangagwa a 75-year-old for­mer lieu­tenant of Mugabe and a vet­er­an of the mil­i­tary-installed him­self as inter­im pres­i­dent and a new elec­tion was called. Unfortunately, the removal of Mugabe did noth­ing to dis­man­tle the intri­cate ves­tiges of ZANU-PF which have been insti­tut­ed under Mugabe’s rule.


Mugabe a for­mer school teacher turned rev­o­lu­tion­ary in Ian Smith’s minor­i­ty-ruled Rhodesia rose to lead Zimbabwe after white minor­i­ty rule was dis­man­tled and elec­tions were held in 1980. Mugabe, like many rev­o­lu­tion­ary lead­ers who fought white oppres­sion and col­o­niza­tion, did not escape unscathed. After mak­ing anti-gov­ern­ment com­ments, he was con­vict­ed of sedi­tion and impris­oned between 1964 and 1974. On release, he fled to Mozambique, estab­lished his lead­er­ship of ZANU and over­saw ZANU’s role in the Rhodesian Bush War, fight­ing Ian Smith’s pre­dom­i­nant­ly white government.[wiki]

He reluc­tant­ly took part in the peace nego­ti­a­tions bro­kered by the United Kingdom that result­ed in the Lancaster House Agreement. The agree­ment dis­man­tled white minor­i­ty rule and result­ed in the 1980 gen­er­al elec­tion, at which Mugabe led ZANU-PF to vic­to­ry. Mugabe’s admin­is­tra­tion expand­ed health care and edu­ca­tion and — despite his Marxist rhetoric and pro­fessed desire for a social­ist soci­ety—adhered large­ly to main­stream, con­ser­v­a­tive eco­nom­ic policies.

Some of Mugabe’s poli­cies, most notably his land reform poli­cies which appro­pri­at­ed lands held by whites and gave them to blacks angered tra­di­tion­al pow­ers like the United States. The resul­tant eco­nom­ic sanc­tions were soon to fol­low, help­ing to make life dif­fi­cult for Zimbabweans.

Nelson-Chamisa leader of the NDC Alliance

Fidel Castro led Cuba in its own lib­er­a­tion strug­gle against Fulgencio Batista a cor­rupt dic­ta­tor who allowed the Island Nation to become a hedo­nis­tic den for gang­sters large­ly sup­port­ed by the United States. After top­pling Batista in January 1st, 1959 Castro, in turn, led Cuba down the road of com­mu­nist dictatorship.
Fifty-eight years lat­er despite the death of Fidel Castro Cuba remains immersed in a vice­like grip of dic­ta­tor­ship, still super­vised by some­one named Castro.

Zimbabweans had a chance to vote for a new direc­tion, [or so we thought ] for the very first time since 1980. The oppo­si­tion MDC Alliance led by forty-year-old Nelson Chamisa offered that chance to Zimbabweans.
It is incon­ceiv­able to imag­ine that despite the report­ed peace­ful nature of the vote on elec­tion day that the peo­ple went into the vot­ing booths and again vot­ed for ZANU-PF for anoth­er five years to the tune of a two-thirds major­i­ty in the legislature.

Zimbabwe’s Mnangagwa

It is incom­pre­hen­si­ble the lev­el of greed and hunger for pow­er which dri­ves these peo­ple to the extent that they are inca­pable of putting coun­try of their most base instincts.
Our own Jamaica is no different.
All to often in both polit­i­cal par­ties we see black lead­er­ship treat­ing state pow­er as their own per­son­al fief­doms to be passed down to their children.

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The nation of Zimbabwe was done a ter­ri­ble dis­ser­vice last week by ZANY-PF and all of the agen­cies of state includ­ing the Military , Police and (ZEC) the Zimbabwe elec­toral com­mis­sion. The ener­gy and enthu­si­asm of the peo­ple cer­tain­ly was not on the side of ZANU-PF. The peo­ple vot­ed for change but what they received were bul­lets and a clev­er­ly dis­guised Coup d’état