Anti Police Hall Of Shame..

This medi­um will hence­forth be tak­ing a more proac­tive approach in speak­ing out against the present crime sit­u­a­tion in our coun­try Jamaica.
As a part of that approach, we will be tak­ing a series of actions which include but is not con­fined to nam­ing and sham­ing cer­tain indi­vid­u­als and enti­ties on the Island which pre­tend to sup­port the greater good but which are con­tribut­ing to the present cli­mate of crime and lawlessness.



The Office of Public Defender is a cyn­i­cal exam­ple of big gov­ern­ment gone out of control.
It rep­re­sents a clear indi­ca­tion that there are peo­ple run­ning our gov­ern­ment who should­n’t be.
To begin with, Jamaica’s pol­i­cy­mak­ers lack vision, are woe­ful­ly unex­posed and sub­se­quent­ly ill-equipped to for­mu­late policy.

The office of the Director of Public Prosecution is the pub­lic defend­er’s office.
Additionally, there is an Attorney General’s Department and a Justice Ministry.

The cre­ation of a Public Defender’s Office was an unin­formed mis­guid­ed deci­sion which should nev­er have left the draw­ing board.
If we set aside the fact that the office is a waste­ful dupli­ca­tion of efforts, An ill-advised addi­tion to the mud­dled and incom­pe­tent gov­ern­ment bureau­cra­cy, we begin to see how that bud­getary set aside could have gone toward improv­ing the Chief Prosecutors office and the gen­er­al sys­tem of jus­tice overall.

This could be done by (a) cre­at­ing addi­tion­al space for the DPP, (b) Hiring more and bet­ter pros­e­cu­tors,© Hiring more Judges to hear cas­es at the cir­cuit lev­el (d) get­ting rid of the stu­pid Michaelmas, Hilary and Easter ses­sions which guide the cir­cuit courts and place judges in courts to hear cas­es all year round.

The resources could have gone toward build­ing 21st cen­tu­ry Police Stations, train­ing detec­tives, pay­ing offi­cers bet­ter and giv­ing them bet­ter tools to do their jobs.
Instead of shoring up and adding to the exist­ing jus­tice infra­struc­ture they instead opt­ed to enlarge the over-bloat­ed dys­func­tion­al bureaucracy.

Below is a syn­op­sized mis­sion state­ment of the Public Defender’s office.

I am not mak­ing this up, this is their own mis­sion state­ment, with the excep­tion of the last three lines which promis­es to pro­vide attor­neys fees to aggriev­ed par­ties to pur­sue con­sti­tu­tion­al reme­dies in court this mis­sion state­ment could eas­i­ly have come from the Police or the DPP.
So why was this new office cre­at­ed and why was it empow­ered to become an antag­o­nist against the police department?

Why was Arlene Harrison-Henry placed in this job?
The Public Defender’s Office was not sold to the Jamaican peo­ple as anoth­er police watch­dog agency yet the for­mer head Earl Witter was an anti-police troll and the present head Arlene Harrison Henry has stead­fast­ly estab­lished her­self as an anti-police antagonist.

In fact, Harrison Henry had a his­to­ry before being giv­en this job.
♦ Chairman of the Independent Jamaican Council for Human Rights.
♦Member – Police Civilian Oversight Authority.
♦Member of the Police Service Commission.
Why are peo­ple like this allowed to sit on the police ser­vice com­mis­sion when they are vehe­ment­ly opposed to the police?

People who have made careers of being against the police should nev­er be allowed to sit on sen­si­tive com­mis­sions and boards which are respon­si­ble for nation­al security.
It is these rep­re­hen­si­ble kinds of actions which are caus­ing the lack of will to for­mu­late good effec­tive crime policy.
We can­not con­tin­ue to put the lions into the sheep­’s pen and expect the lion to look after the sheep.
Why do we con­tin­ue to place anti-police peo­ple any­where near law enforce­ment com­mis­sions sim­ply because they have a law degree?

It makes no nat­ur­al sense unless the goal is to turn the coun­try into a Sub-Saharan waste­land which it is fast becoming.
On that basis, Arlene Harrison Henry pub­lic Defender has earned the dis­tinc­tion as a mem­ber of the shame­ful hall of fame of anti-police dem­a­gogues wreck­ing our country.