Trump As Of October.


Evol Graham .…

Trump as of October.

Lying racist Donald Trump hides behind former military brass to finally say Barack Obama was born in the United States...
Donald Trump

I don’t watch Pat Robertson, but maybe he has a point. I mean I should prob­a­bly tell my girls that it’s okay to be con­sid­ered a raw piece of meat rather than an indi­vid­ual. That if you “feel” that you have more to give soci­ety, ignore that you will not be tak­en seri­ous­ly. Trump should be pres­i­dent, because he has proven he knows eco­nom­ics (­ness/e­con­o­my/trumps-tax-mys­tery-points-toward-the-deal­ings-around-his-rst-bankruptcies/​2016/​10/​03/​6e217ba4-8975 – 11e6-bff0-d53f592f176e_story.html), deals with oth­ers well like NBC (http://​vari​ety​.com/​2​0​1​5​/​tv/news/n­bc-don­ald-trump-immi­grants-1201530568/) and hav­ing the sup­port of key repub­li­cans (http://​www​.usato​day​.com/sto­ry/news/2016/10/11/­elect­ed-repub­li­cans-not-sup­port­ing-don­ald-trump-pres­i­dent-con­gress-gov­er­nors/91913668/), knows ener­gy (­gy-plan-2016 – 10), and that the world lead­ers will respect him like Putin (­t/11/vladimir-putins-mas­ter-plan-a-russ­ian-century/​) and great rela­tion­ships with the mid­dle east (http://​www​.politi​co​.eu/arti­cle/­bil­lion­aire-sau­di-prince-to-don­ald-trump-drop-out/​).

A thought regard­ing perspective

The tough­est point of view to have is that of the “big pic­ture.” Do we only focus on the opin­ion we have about the things we like or on the real­i­ties that shape our world? Religion, econ­o­my, social mis­un­der­stand­ing, and fear of the unknown man­age our reac­tion to the imme­di­ate but leaves us not ready for the future. Act on the imme­di­ate and wor­ry about lat­er when it comes to the feel­ings of many posts, arti­cles, and seg­ments. What I have seen is the reluc­tance and the inde­ci­sion that makes us want to do right get over­shad­owed and changed to the think­ing that is pop­u­lar to a degree immoral. We care about an issue that is con­ver­sa­tion­al rather than find the solu­tions that encour­age, fos­ters, and exe­cutes a plan.

After read­ing an arti­cle from the Financial Times enti­tled, “Britain after Brexit: Lionel Barber’s lec­ture in Tokyo.” One thinks not only about the report­ing, but I begin to think about my on actions in the world. I am not a philoso­pher, a priest, a teacher, or a title hold­er in an indus­try; one can­not ini­tial­ly have an opin­ion that mat­ters unless you have a mea­sure, by soci­etal stan­dards, of that suc­cess. Even your fam­i­ly will love you because of blood but even then may not respect you unless you have reached some lev­el of “suc­cess.” This arti­cle speaks to an event that in the short-sight­ed reac­tions to fear of the unknown have caused the par­tic­i­pants to have for­got­ten what and how the past 100 years has shaped the cur­rent, and how the sim­ple can dam­age the future. The quick with­out a plan is a dis­as­ter wait­ing to hap­pen. If you notice it is not the “high­ly-edu­cat­ed” nor the devout­ly spir­i­tu­al who fes­ter and yell about the neg­a­tives in the news, but those who do not get atten­tion to one’s self who cry out to be heard. It is nar­cis­sism that dri­ves the ani­mos­i­ty between peo­ple’s ratio­nal thought and makes them dic­tate their morals which caus­ing “news­wor­thi­ness” of their actions against oth­ers. Only 60 to 70 years ago the issues then repeat today and have dri­ven peo­ple to act at their worst. What one needs to ask now is how do we remind our­selves of the past so we don’t keep reliv­ing those same events in the next 5 minutes?


Barber, L. (2016) Britain after Brexit: Lionel Barber’s lec­ture in Tokyo. Available at: https://​lnkd​.in/​e​n​-​f​ZRM (Accessed: 16 October 2016).