Cowardice.Incompetence. Corruption.Criminality, And Worse.….…


In what reads like a Hollywood mur­der-for-hire movie script a Miami Herald Article laid out ver­ba­tim, what Jamaicans have known for decades and this writer have writ­ten about for years .
The Article doc­u­ment­ed point by point by point , mur­der for hire. Shootings. Murder. Corruption. Prosecutorial and Police cow­ardice and incom­pe­tence . And the fail­ings of a crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem which gives new mean­ing to the term “crim­i­nal jus­tice system”.

The Article spoke in chill­ing detail about Jamaica Labor Party St Thomas mem­ber of par­lia­ment James Robertson.
Alleging that Robertson attempt­ed to have peo­ple mur­dered, as well as peo­ple relat­ed to the sub­ject Robertson alleged­ly want­ed to do the killings because he was refus­ing to car­ry out the hits.
The Subject him­self was alleged­ly shot at sev­er­al times ‚and was shot three times in one incident.


The man Robertson alleged­ly con­tract­ed for the killings detailed that Robertson vis­it­ed him and promised that all his trou­bles would dis­s­a­pear if he com­mit­ted to doing the hits.
What con­found­ed me in the lengthy Article is why would Robertson need this par­tic­u­lar busi­ness­man to do con­tract killings as is alleged if Robertson could find oth­er shoot­ers as stip­u­lat­ed in the arti­cle who were shoot­ing and killing peo­ple around the sub­ject himself?

Les Green

As pro­found, chill­ing and intrigu­ing as the plot detailed in the arti­cle is, it comes as no sur­prise to those of us who wore the uni­form as police offi­cers in the Island-nation of Jamaica.
Whether or not the alle­ga­tions detailed in for­mer Assistant Commissioner of Police Les Green’s account are cor­rect, and there are no rea­sons to assume they aren’t , it high­lights that con­nect­ed peo­ple do not go to prison or even gets pros­e­cut­ed for their crimes in Jamaica,.

It showed that it took a white for­eign senior police offi­cer to com­mence and con­clude an inves­ti­ga­tion of a Jamaican politi­cian, a case file sub­mit­ted to the Director of Public pros­e­cu­tion, who cow­ard­ly or duplici­tious­ly refused to pros­e­cute, even as she now argue that the police could have laid those charges anyway.
The DPP should have known that her abdi­ca­tion of her sworn con­sti­tu­tion­al func­tion would not stand with a real police offi­cer like Les Green, who is unafraid and uncon­cerned about Jamaica’s lit­tle crim­i­nals who pose as polit­i­cal leaders.

The cir­cum­stan­tial evi­dence in sup­port of Les Greens stance can­not be ignored, when its con­sid­ered that his con­tract to help mod­ern­ize the force was not renewed. Why was the Government unable to pro­tect the pros­e­cu­tion witnesses?
The Nation need to con­sid­er why the visa of James Robertson and his wife were yanked by the Americans as well.

Paula Llewellyn
Paula Llewellyn

After the FBI con­clud­ed it’s inves­ti­ga­tions against for­mer sec­re­tary of State Hillary Clinton in the e‑mail scan­dal, the agency deter­mined there was not enough evi­dence to sup­port any crim­i­nal charge.
The Justice depart­ment did not over-ride it’s chief inves­tiga­tive arm by pros­e­cut­ing Clinton regardless.
The asser­tion by Paula Llewellyn that the police could have laid charges despite her advis­ing that the case would have been hard to prove because of who the wit­ness­es are. And fur­ther, because she her­self is the sole pros­e­cu­to­r­i­al author­i­ty, her asser­tions rings hol­low , it flies in the face of logic.

One would have to sus­pend real­i­ty to buy into the DPP’s log­ic. That even though she had doubts, she would then turn around and pros­e­cute the case against James Robertson with the vig­or and vital­i­ty it deserved.
Or at all.….….….….…..