It’s Time To Remove From Magistrates The Power To Grant Bail In Murder Cases .….

Another in the long litany of instances where mag­is­trate release vis­cous mur­der­ers back onto the streets , even after they are accused of the most egre­gious killings.

This has got to stop .
Time after time peo­ple are mur­dered ‚the police go out and do the hard work of remov­ing the killers from the streets. As soon as they do, the crim­i­nal lov­ing bas­tards who sit on the bench return the killers to the streets where they kill over and over again.
The pow­er to grant bail rests in the hands of even the newest mag­is­trate. Despite the fact that these peo­ple are actu­al­ly act­ing as offi­cers of the courts and sit­ting as tri­er of facts , I believe many of them have ties to the underworld.

One has to remove one’s self from the cocoon of dis­be­lief and the insu­lar mind­set that the Island’s judges are all above board. In rul­ing after rul­ing , utter­ances after utter­ances from the bench and the instances where vis­cous killers are giv­en bail we must con­clude that there is some­thing rad­i­cal­ly wrong with the Island’s judges.

Jamaica’s Criminal Loving Judges Shows Disdain For Cops By Overturning Death Penalty Of Cop-killers:

We can no longer assume that the sys­tem which threw out the Kern Spencer case with­out even allow­ing him to answer to the charges against him is a fair untouched system.
It’s time that we rec­og­nize that the crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem has been com­pro­mised and is in seri­ous need of attention.

Man accused of killing after sex skips bail.

A bench war­rant has been issued for the arrest of a young man who report­ed­ly killed a woman in December 2014 and hid her body under his bed, after invit­ing her to his home for sex.

Parish Judge Tracey-Ann Johnson gave the order on Friday after Kino Gilzene, of New Haven, in Kingston, failed to appear in the Kingston and St Andrew Parish Court on a mur­der charge. The 21-year-old labour­er is accused of stab­bing 22-year-old Sudeen Jackson of Portmore, St Catherine, and bash­ing her face with a stone at his home on December 8, 2014. Meanwhile, Gilzene’s sis­ter, Alicia, who was also charged with mur­der fol­low­ing alle­ga­tions that she helped her broth­er to bury Jackson’s body in a pit latrine, has failed to take up her $300,000 bail which was re-offered.

Alicia is to return to court on September 3.

According to police report, on December 8, Kino con­tact­ed the woman by phone after he got her num­ber from a friend and made arrange­ments for her to meet him at his home the next day. The woman was report­ed­ly sched­uled to vis­it and have sex with Kino for a fee of $3,000. Jackson, who had nev­er seen Kino before, report­ed­ly met up with him in Duhaney Park, went to his house, fol­lowed through with the arrange­ment and was paid. However, the court heard that the woman lat­er request­ed to leave, but Kino got angry and stabbed her in her chest and neck before using a stone to bash in her face. Subsequently, the accused alleged­ly hid the woman’s body under­neath his bed and pro­ceed­ed to clean up the crime scene.

Alicia lat­er arrived home and report­ed­ly found the body under the bed. After mak­ing enquries, she was told by her broth­er that he had killed Jackson. Upon learn­ing of the mur­der, Alicia alleged­ly sent a text mes­sage to her boyfriend and told him that her broth­er had killed a woman. The fol­low­ing morn­ing the accused then report­ed­ly took the woman’s body and buried it in a pit latrine at their home. They then report­ed­ly con­coct­ed a sto­ry and told their moth­er, who called the police. Kino, when he was arrest­ed, alleged­ly said that he was at home when three men — one of whom was armed with a gun — barged in with Sudeen. According to the accused, the men were curs­ing that Sudeen had “dissed di pro­gramme” and told her that they were going to kill her. Kino said that the men raped Sudeen and then stabbed her to death and ordered him to bury her. Alicia, in her state­ment, cor­rob­o­rat­ed her brother’s sto­ry. http://​www​.jamaicaob​serv​er​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​M​a​n​-​a​c​c​u​s​e​d​-​o​f​-​k​i​l​l​i​n​g​-​a​f​t​e​r​-​s​e​x​-​s​k​i​p​s​-​b​a​i​l​-​_​6​9​070