Officer Raynor's mother grieves for her son. Observer photo
Officer Raynor’s moth­er grieves for her son.
Observer pho­to

GUNMEN yes­ter­day shot dead a police­man and left his body in an open wood­land in the com­mu­ni­ty of Hartlands, St Catherine. The Jamaica Observer was told that 26-year-old Constable Collin Raynor, who was assigned to Linstead Police Station in St Catherine, and his broth­er were in the remote area close to a fish pond when they were attacked by armed thugs about 3:30 pm. Constable Raynor died on the spot, but his broth­er, who was also shot, escaped and, accord­ing to the police, man­aged to dri­ve to the main road to call for help.

Officer Raynor's mother clutches his uniform shirt in utter grief. Observer photo
Officer Raynor’s moth­er clutch­es his uni­form shirt in utter grief.
Observer pho­to

The bru­tal mur­der left sev­er­al police­men who were at a fun day in Hellshire in shock. Following the inci­dent, Raynor’s moth­er arrived on the scene and wept. Too dis­traught to speak, she was seen hold­ing her slain son’s uni­form shirt. Marlon Nesbeth, senior super­in­ten­dent in charge of the St Catherine North Police Division, has launched a probe into the shoot­ing.http://​jamaicaob​serv​er​.com