Romney ..spells Disaster.

Gaff prone Republican presumptive nominee for president Mitt Romney has so far ran a campaign of loathsome lies against Barack Obama,which is unprecedented in our lifetime.

Yet despite the lies ‚mis­in­for­ma­tion and bla­tant distortions,Romney can­not seem to close the deal with his own par­ty, much less so-called independents.

Forgive me for the slight Independents, I just don’t buy the baloney you guys sell, I think you all know who you are going to vote for despite claim­ing that you are inde­pen­dents, I just believe you are a group of peo­ple who will change your votes based on who offers you what you want to hear.

I may be out on a limb here, but help me out Independents, do explain to me how you could pos­si­bly vote repub­li­can if you are a per­son who believes that every per­son should have a shot at life, that the tax­es com­man­deered from us, is bet­ter spent on health-care, edu­ca­tion, help­ing the old and indi­gent, than on wag­ing wars on coun­tries far less able than us to defend themselves?

Conversely my Independent friends, how can you vote demo­c­ra­t­ic if you believe in tiny gov­ern­ment that allows the poor to fend for them­selves or die from hunger, if you believe that women should car­ry a baby to full-term, even if she was vio­lent­ly raped,if you believe that health care should be made into a vouch­er pro­gram which cov­ers some ill­ness­es and when it runs out , well tough the patient is out of luck, if you believe that the super rich should be giv­en even more mon­ey even though they do not need it, how could you vote democratic?

You see my so-called Independent friends, you are real­ly not inde­pen­dent you are just cow­ard­ly unprin­ci­pled peo­ple who are will­ing to sell your votes to the high­est bidder.

Glad I got that off my chest.

Ok so we know that most Republicans are liars.

We know they will do any­thing to gain pow­er, we saw that in Bush V Gore that prin­ci­ples be damned, win at all cost even if it means stop­ping the vote count to get the result they wanted.

We know that there are racists every­where, most racists now have sanc­tu­ary in the Republican party.

There a lot of oth­er things we know and have seen in this par­ty which has lurched dras­ti­cal­ly to the right after the elec­tion of Barack Obama, so much so that it is now perched pre­car­i­ous­ly on the precipice of irrelevance.

What is it that fright­ened them you ask? “are you kidding”?Many whites ran to that par­ty from as far back as the 60’s after the sign­ing of the Civil Rights Act into Law by President Linden Johnson. Many peo­ple now find it ridicu­lous that some peo­ple could argue that the rights they have and take for grant­ed were some­how unique to them and their kind and off-lim­its to others.

Whether one agrees with same-sex union or not, it behoves all of us to look at their cause in par­al­lel prism, as we see our racial problems.

As I have argued pre­vi­ous­ly in oth­er blogs, some whites who have nev­er been exposed to oth­er cul­tures have very parochial views regard­ing oth­ers, whether on the issue of race , reli­gion, sex­u­al ori­en­ta­tion or any oth­er defin­ing char­ac­ter­is­tic, their views are lim­it­ed to their State, or in some cas­es their county.

Many peo­ple in parts of this great mass of land have nev­er left the coun­ty in which they were born and nei­ther have they allowed their minds to wan­der to oth­er parts of America ‚much less anoth­er coun­try. It in not incon­ceiv­able then to under­stand how some with evil intent would prey on these peo­ple allud­ing to and stok­ing their fears born from the par­ents of igno­rance, fear and parochialism.

The Republican Party is now the engine of fear, igno­rance, racial intol­er­ance, and hatred, lies, and dem­a­goguery. The Republican Party is des­tined to become a region­al par­ty of white peo­ple if they con­tin­ue on this course they are on. It is impos­si­ble to see how their direc­tion can be sus­tained in light of the fact that they have alien­at­ed Blacks, Hispanics, with the excep­tion of the Cubans in Miami, Gays and Lesbians,most Jews, Asians, Muslims, women, and the list goes on. With minori­ties now mak­ing up the major­i­ty in America, and the Hispanic pop­u­la­tion grow­ing at a rapid rate it bog­gles the mind to under­stand their strategy.

Is the strat­e­gy to purge vot­ers lists as we have seen in Florida Pennsylvania, and oth­er states? Does the strat­e­gy include mass-depor­ta­tion of black and brown peo­ple, includ­ing chil­dren born in America to un-doc­u­ment­ed res­i­dents? Does the strat­e­gy include oth­er leg­is­la­tion which will fur­ther dis­en­fran­chise some peo­ple from vot­ing as we have seen with the tak­ing away of rights of peo­ple who had some prob­lems with the law even though they have paid their debt to society?

Just recent­ly Governor Duval Patrick of Massachuset sent back a bill to the Legislature that would arbi­trar­i­ly remove any dis­cre­tion from a tri­al Judge if an offend­er has three strikes, irre­spec­tive of the offence com­mit­ted by said offend­er. This leg­is­la­tion is of course as you guessed it the brain child of Republicans in the Massachuset Legislature. Patrick sent the bill back demand­ing changes which will give Judges dis­cre­tion to make deci­sions of mit­i­ga­tion depend­ing on the case. Some have stri­dent­ly argued that remov­ing the arbi­trary 3 strikes clause from the Bill has defeat­ed the pur­pose, and don’t be sur­prised to learn that those com­ments have come from at least one Democrat in the Massachuset Legislature.

Despite mount­ing evi­dence that 3 strikes laws do more harm than good, in states like California and New York, Republicans in the state of Massachuset are pre­pared to go ahead and insti­tute dra­con­ian laws that are sure to have seri­ous neg­a­tive con­se­quences on the lives of poor peo­ple who are unable to afford high-priced com­pe­tent legal representation.

Legislators may change the Bill, or they may send it back to him for his sig­na­ture, in which case he may sign or veto it, upon which the leg­is­la­ture will seek to over-ride his veto.

These it seem are the strate­gies Republicans have decid­ed to employ going for­ward, let see how long they will get away with it.

As Republicans employ strategies designed to steal the upcoming general elections, their standard bearer took a trip overseas to burnish his non-existent foreign policy credentials.

Mitt Romney went to England and insult­ed the Brits even as they staged the 30th Olympiad in the so-called mod­ern era. But before we get to his British débâ­cle, one of his cam­paign oper­a­tives crowed that “Romney will have a good trip ‚as both he and the Brits share an Anglo-Saxon heritage” .

You can­not make these things up, Romney’s cam­paign in the year 2012 believes that an under­stand­ing is guar­an­teed because peo­ple have a shared blood-line, this is the belief of the Romney cam­paign, dumb , racist igno­rant but we will come back to the dumb racist ignoramuses.

So Romney goes to England and did not take ques­tions from the American Press corps,but was still able to make a jack-ass of him­self, (no dis­re­spect to Jack-asses)

Being the pompous ego-mani­ac he is, he could­n’t con­tain him­self when asked by NBC’s Brian Williams how he felt about the prepa­ra­tions so far regard­ing the Olympics, eager to show his busi­ness bona fides Romney jumped head first telling Williams that there were a few things that were dis­con­cert­ing to him, detail­ing immi­gra­tion offi­cers on strike , insuf­fi­cient secu­ri­ty Guards and oth­er issues, he went into a litany of what he thought was wrong.

Romney was­n’t answer­ing the ques­tion as a poten­tial pres­i­dent of the United States , he is for­ev­er stuck as the head hon­cho of Bain Capital, and the guy who ran the Salt Lake City Olympics,and he would be damned if he was­n’t going to show how supe­ri­or his skills were. The only prob­lem is, he for­got he was in anoth­er country.

So he end­ed up get­ting impaled in Britain by London’s Mayor,who ref­ered to him as “This guy Romney”, British Prime Minister David Cameron a Conservative with whom Romney should have had a love fest, stat­ed pub­licly that England was putting on the Olympics in a major world Metropolis, which is dif­fer­ent from stag­ing the event in  “nev­er-where” , an appar­ent slight, in ref­er­ence to Salt Lake City. The British Media was not going to let this guy off the hook either, one pub­li­ca­tion blared the head­line, MITT the TWITT , anoth­er asked “who invit­ed Romney the par­ty pooper”?

So like every­thing he had done before by the next day Romney was in dam­age con­trol, walk­ing back his com­ments, explain­ing that every­thing would be fine, the more he kissed up the ugli­er the sit­u­a­tion became. I can­not stand the guy, but I had pity for him , he showed him­self to be an absolute fool. Conservative icon Charles Krauthammer stat­ed emphat­i­cal­ly that he had run out of adjec­tives, he was mys­ti­fied, it was incom­pre­hen­si­ble he lament­ed “all this guy had to do is say nothing”.

Romney was­n’t done embar­rass­ing him­self , which is cool with me, but the poten­tial harm he has done to the United States on this trip is seri­ous and no laugh­ing mat­ter. After meet­ing with the Palestinian pres­i­dent he tried to kiss up to Jews in Israel includ­ing Casino mag­nate Sheldon Alderson who is hell-bent on buy­ing the elec­tions for republicans.

You notice a stark dif­fer­ence in eco­nom­ic vital­i­ty” between Israel and the Palestinians, Romney said, pro­ceed­ing to bad­ly flub the eco­nom­ic out­put num­bers on both sides. “And as I come here and I look out over this city and con­sid­er the accom­plish­ments of the peo­ple of this nation, I rec­og­nize the pow­er of at least cul­ture and a few oth­er things,” he said, cit­ing an inno­v­a­tive busi­ness cli­mate and the Jewish his­to­ry of thriv­ing in dif­fi­cult cir­cum­stances).(The Seattle

Saeb Erekat, a senior Palestinian offi­cial, said Romney’s com­ments are hurt­ing U.S. efforts to restore Washington’s stand­ing in the Muslim and Arab world.

There are 57 Muslim and Arab coun­tries here, and while U.S. diplo­mats are exert­ing every pos­si­ble effort to explain their posi­tion, here comes Romney, with no knowl­edge of the region, its his­to­ry and cul­ture, and gives such state­ments, which will only serve as ammu­ni­tion in the hands of extrem­ists in this region,” Erekat said.The Seattle Times​.com)

Can you imag­ine the lev­el of vit­ri­olic bile laden attacks which would have been thrown at Barack Obama had he done a tenth of the dam­age Romney has done when he took a sim­i­lar trip in 2008? What makes Romneys flubs even more dis­gust­ing and infu­ri­at­ing are the con­tin­u­ous lies he tells about Obama apol­o­gis­ing for America, as if apol­o­gis­ing is a bad thing, had the pres­i­dent done so.

He lies that the pres­i­dent does not under­stand American excep­tion­al­ism, code word for (supe­ri­or­i­ty over oth­ers). It is that racist, igno­rant, arro­gance which caused him to make the state­ments he did in Israel.

He works him­self into a lath­er , froth­ing at the mouth as he lies about Obama’s record, yet he refus­es to release his tax records, he refus­es to tell vot­ers that he indeed has mon­ey in tax shel­ters in the Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Switzerland nad God knows where else , yet he has the nerve to ques­tion the pres­i­den­t’s com­mit­ment to America.

This is a guy who find no per­son objec­tion­able as long as they give him mon­e­tary or oth­er sup­port, Donald Trump among the many, no com­ment is deemed to be offen­sive by this guy, he has no scru­ples, no soul , he has no moral char­ac­ter, many argue that he is a good fam­i­ly man, I would humbly ask what makes a man good if he is only good to his own fam­i­ly? Where is the benev­o­lence of Romney oth­er than to the Mormon Church? This guy is like water, no shape , no char­ac­ter, he say and does any­thing to get what he wants . He takes the shape of what­ev­er cir­cum­stance he is in.

These are the char­ac­ter­is­tics of a poten­tial­ly dan­ger­ous per­son who can eas­i­ly be manip­u­lat­ed.

This kind of per­son is eas­i­ly manip­u­lat­ed, eas­i­ly used, hence we see the neo-cons have start­ed draw­ing clos­er to his cam­paign, Don Señor, Dick Chaney and oth­ers who led this coun­try into two wars and almost finan­cial ruina­tion are back around the Romney campaign.

Can Mitt Romney be trust­ed with the Nuclear codes ????????????