Since Big Money Is Free Speech, The Poor Have No Right To Free Speech!

Recent Supreme Court deci­sion Citizens unit­ed has brought to the fore what has been a seri­ous prob­lem in American pol­i­tics for a very long time, the issue of soft mon­ey buy­ing influ­ence essen­tial­ly dilut­ing the con­cept of one man one vote.

Both Political par­ties rake in huge sums of mon­ey to fund cam­paigns, it is allowed it is held to be free speech, of course those with deep pock­ets invari­ably will get to shout loud­er, or drown out those with holes in their pockets.

If the giv­ing of mon­ey is tan­ta­mount to free speech, it leaves your hum­ble blog­ger to con­clude that those who have none to give, real­ly have no free­dom of speech.

It is no won­der then, that Rich Industrialists who own large cor­po­ra­tions, from oil com­pa­nies to lum­ber, and prod­ucts which Americans use every day, to Casinos, see fit to give huge sums of mon­ey to straw can­di­dates to ful­fill their agen­das, agen­das which have noth­ing to do with the aver­age person.

President Obama  Mitt Romney

Where does this leave the aver­age per­son? Certainly the aver­age per­son under this premise have long lost the right to speak! The right to vote then becomes the only way that an informed pop­u­lace could fight back, informed being the oper­a­tive word. If the pop­u­lace is un-informed, ill-informed, or mis-informed because of the bar­rage of shout­ing from those with free speech, I mean mon­ey… you know what I mean , they are one and the same, Then it behoves those with free speech to shut up the peas­ants by lim­it­ing their right to vote. Am I start­ing to make sense to you yet?

So then, if the only way an informed pop­u­lace may be heard with­out the ben­e­fit of immense wealth/​free speech, is through the bal­lot box, why would the vocif­er­ous élite allow them this loop-hole through which to be heard?

Is it any won­der then that after Citizens United, the par­ty of the vocif­er­ous élite has a launched a scorched earth cam­paign to sup­press the vote in numer­ous States all over this country?

I have long argued that the strength of this great exper­i­ment , the con­tin­ued dom­i­nance of this ever improv­ing exer­cise, is as a result of the con­tin­ued infu­sion of new blood , peo­ple of all class, col­or stripe, reli­gion, sex­u­al ori­en­ta­tion, or any oth­er strat­i­fy­ing cri­te­ria com­ing togeth­er to make this coun­try what it is.

Like a great River cas­cad­ing south, made greater and more pow­er­ful as it sucks in more streams and trib­u­taries, so too is America made great. Not as some would have you believe, that this coun­try which was built on the blood tears and anguish of African-Americans, Native Americans and oth­ers, was made great by only those who came over on Columbus’ Pinta ‚Nina and the Santa Maria , or those who fol­lowed on the Mayflower.

The great­ness of America is in it’s diver­si­ty, its strength is not despite its car­na­copia of cul­tures, races, reli­gions and beliefs, it is exact­ly as a result of them.

The blind­ness of many to the dev­as­tat­ing effects repub­li­can poli­cies will have on them is a direct result of race. Remove Barack Obama from the equa­tion and this would not be a close race between the two par­ties. The real tragedy for poor whites who vote against their own inter­est as a result of their igno­rant hatred of Obama, is that it will have dire con­se­quences for the entire mid­dle and work­ing class in this country.

Shrouded in Romney and Paul Ryan’s plan for America is a secret agen­da which will lit­er­al­ly remove for all time the abil­i­ty of the mid­dle and poor­er class to ever have a voice again. The inter­est of all work­ing peo­ple irre­spec­tive of col­or, are inex­orably linked, mid­dle class whites vote for repub­li­cans who have con­sis­tent­ly shown that their agen­da is the fur­ther­ance of the inter­est of the filthy rich.

White mid­dle and poor­er class peo­ple who are recip­i­ent of medicare, Medicaid, and social secu­ri­ty have aligned them­selves to Tea Party caus­es, some bear­ing signs car­i­ca­tur­ing and demean­ing pres­i­dent Obama, demand­ing he keep his hands of their Medicaid and medicare, at the same time they are denounc­ing gov­ern­ment and all it represents.

Voter sup­pres­sion on the face of it seem to impact the lives and inter­est of minori­ties, the truth is when the votes of minori­ties are sup­pressed , repub­li­cans will invari­ably show their true col­ors, they have no inter­est in poor whites, as they have shown dis­dain and revul­sion to blacks and Latinos, so too is their dis­dain for poor whites. The only rea­son they romance poor whites is for their votes, soon enough poor and mid­dle class whites will real­ize they are in the same posi­tion as the rest of us.

No mon­ey equals no free speech that will be true for all poor peo­ple irre­spec­tive of color.