How Low Will Jamaica Go Before It Fixes The Problems?

Recent dis­play of boor­ish behav­ior and what amounts to a trag­ic race to the bot­tom by Parliamentarians, once again expos­es the need for our coun­try to get on the road to being a coun­try of laws.

It is not unusu­al to see rude coarse dis­plays on tele­vi­sion by some who ought to behave at the high­est lev­els and ought to set the best exam­ple because of their perch. This bad behav­ior is not con­fined to Jamaica’s house of representatives,but unfor­tu­nate­ly has become a sta­ple of oth­er coun­tries the world over.

As we pull our hair out in exas­per­a­tion and dis­gust, we wor­ry and are remind­ed that this new norm rep­re­sents a depar­ture from a kinder gen­tler time when peo­ple of all stripes respect­ed each oth­er. It is impos­si­ble to say whether we will ever return to civil­i­ty or ever desist as Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller demands, or we must now accli­ma­tize our­selves to these new normals.

South West Saint Catherine Member of Parliament Everald Warmington and North West St. Elizabeth Member of Parliament J.C. Hutchinson are the two offend­ers named in last week’s blow-up in the House of Representatives. Hutchinson seem like a kid who fol­lows oth­ers and gets into trou­ble ‚with strong cor­rec­tive mea­sures he can be saved from him­self, Warmington on the oth­er hand seem to believe that he is some kin­da thug, it seem this guy gen­uine­ly believe that he is some­thing spe­cial who should have no respect for any­one or any­thing big­ger than himself.

As such Warmington has become the face of what’s wrong with Jamaica’s par­lia­men­tary sys­tem, and the break-down of deco­rum which has ensued with­in that body.

As I have argued before, pass­ing laws and putting rules in place do not solve every prob­lem. God knows, as a Christian I rec­og­nize that the good Lord sent his son to die for our sins, the Bible stat­ed the Father knew we could not live by laws, it stat­ed if we broke one we were guilty of all, as such we are now liv­ing by God’s grace because he sent his son to die in our place. It does not mean spir­i­tu­al­ly that we are not respon­si­ble for our trans­gres­sions, what it means is that we have sal­va­tion through Jesus Christ.

Even though we are not bound by ancient Biblical laws we are still required to obey cer­tain rules and guide­lines in the way we live our lives. It also fol­lows that even though laws and rules does not solve all our prob­lems we can­not oper­ate with­out them.

With all of that said I must ask why is it in the year 2012 there are no real puni­tive reme­dies in place for those who breach the stand­ing orders or rules which gov­ern the peo­ple’s house?

The Prime Minister , well-inten­tioned though she may be, would be well advised that hug­ging and kiss­ing may assuage hurt feel­ings, it may soothe ruf­fled feath­ers but it does noth­ing to restore dis­ci­pline to the soci­ety and cer­tain­ly not in the high­est Legislative body in the nation.

The chil­dren are watch­ing, the world is watch­ing , as our coun­try gears up for the rev­el­ry that is sure to ensue, all in the name of 50 years of Independence from Britain, many are still sug­gest­ing that after all that time Jamaica is now worse off than it was before Britain cut the apron-strings.

The behav­ior dis­played by the two hood­lums in the house of Representatives toward the House Marshall Kevin Williams is symp­to­matic of what law-enforce­ment offi­cials have faced dai­ly for decades. The Marshall was report­ed­ly sent by the act­ing speak­er of the House to remove J.C.Hutchinson after his con­duct with­in the cham­ber was con­strued to be intol­er­a­ble, as per the reports, that is when the House Marshall was ver­bal­ly abused by the two scalawags.

Hutchinson and Warmington are from the Opposition Jamaica labor Party, Lloyd B Smith who gave the order to remove Hutchinson from the cham­ber, may have been seen to be abus­ing that posi­tion with the issuance of that order, the solu­tion how­ev­er can nev­er be to abuse the per­son act­ing legal­ly to remove him. Hutchinson should have left and then seek rem­e­dy if there is any , if none is avail­able as a leg­is­la­tor he should seek to devel­op leg­is­la­tion to fix that prob­lem, that is what leg­is­la­tors do.

It must also be clear that those two mem­bers by them­selves could not rea­son­ably be con­clud­ed to be in con­tra­ven­tion of House Rules or deco­rum, yet there was no men­tion of any Government mem­bers rep­ri­mand­ed in the process, as such Opposition mem­bers fol­lowed with a walk-out. Lloyd B Smith him­self con­ced­ed he had erred in incor­rect­ly apply­ing the stand­ing orders which led to the oppo­si­tion walk-out.

I had an exten­sive con­ver­sa­tion with a friend who hap­pens to be a senior mem­ber of the pub­lic sec­tor recent­ly, I told him that the pri­ma­ry func­tion of gov­ern­ment is to pro­vide a secure envi­ron­ment for its peo­ple. My friend a man who vot­ed for and believe in the allure of the present Government and the par­ty from which it was formed, delved into the com­plic­i­ty of what Government is respon­si­ble for. In the process he suc­ced­ed in tying him­self into an intractable knot from which he could not untan­gle or extri­cate himself.

His expla­na­tions seemed to mir­ror what I always thought about our coun­try’s lead­ers, they see their posi­tions and their task so com­plex that the aver­age per­son can­not rea­son­ably under­stand what they do , as such they are duty bound to do every­thing in their pow­er to stay in pow­er. The fact is, a secure envi­ron­ment does not mean only pro­vid­ing secu­ri­ty, say with effec­tive polic­ing, but rather a gov­ern­ment which is equipped to pro­vide answers to crime , out-break of dis­eases, and any oth­er prob­lem that may face the pop­u­la­tion. That is gov­er­nance, the pri­vate sec­tor is capa­ble of doing it’s part in the process.

If there is no secu­ri­ty for farm­ers from pre­di­al lar­ce­ny, farm­ers give up on farm­ing, so too if there are out­breaks of crop-desease with­out rem­e­dy. If ener­gy prices are too high it pre­vents the start-up of new busi­ness­es and makes it dif­fi­cult for exist­ing busi­ness­es to sur­vive. If there is no secu­ri­ty chil­dren can­not go to school out of fear for their lives. We saw that when the Security Forces went into Tivoli Gardens.

Simply put now, as I put it to my friend then, secu­ri­ty trumps every­thing else, no one in lead­er­ship seem to under­stand this and nei­ther does my friend.