3 Young Black Men Almost Lynched By Racist Westside Biker Gang

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In a KKK-style attack, sev­en­teen out­laws from the bik­er gang Hell’s Angels chased down and vicious­ly attacked three Black men back in June. Now, three months lat­er, a grand jury has indict­ed the gang on crim­i­nal and hate crime charges.
San Diego County District Attorney Summer Stephan said on June 6, a 19-year-old, 20-year-old, and 21-year-old Black man were on Newport Avenue when they were tar­get­ed. Allegedly, one of the men had spo­ken to a biker’s girl­friend, and seem­ing­ly out of the blue, the three were being chased by Hell’s Angels and their bud­dies. While run­ning, they were called racial slurs and told they “didn’t belong in the neigh­bor­hood,” the DA said.

Most of the shared phras­es pledge a member’s loy­al­ty to the group or to oth­er mem­bers. For exam­ple, OMGs, racist skin­head groups and racist prison gangs alike often use the phrase “X Forever, Forever X”, where “X” is the name of the group. Members of the Hammerskins racist skin­head gang often use the phrase “Hammerskin Forever, Forever Hammerskin,” while mem­bers of the out­law bik­er club Hell’s Angels use “Angels Forever, Forever Angels.” Often these phras­es are turned into acronyms, such as OFFO for “Outlaws Forever, Forever Outlaws,” or CFFC for “[Aryan] Circle Forever, Forever [Aryan] Circle.”

OMGs and white suprema­cists also share a love for alphanu­mer­i­cal­ly cod­ed phras­es. For exam­ple, one com­mon white suprema­cist sym­bol is the num­ber 88, which stands for “Heil Hitler” (because “H” is the 8th let­ter of the alpha­bet, so 88 is equiv­a­lent to “Heil Hitler”). Hell’s Angels mem­bers will sim­i­lar­ly refer to their club by the num­ber 81 (alphanu­mer­ic code for Hell’s Angels). One mem­ber of the White Knights of America, a racist prison 7 and street gang in Arizona and Texas, dis­played the num­bers 23 and 11 on the rear fend­er of his motor­cy­cle (an alphanu­mer­ic rep­re­sen­ta­tion of “W” and “K”).

The 17 defen­dants were arrest­ed on Sept. 21 and face charges of assault like­ly to cause bod­i­ly injury with gang enhance­ments and hate crime enhance­ments. Upon their arrest, author­i­ties seized 42 ille­gal firearms and drugs. If sen­tenced, they face any­where from three years to life in prison.

In San Diego County, we can­not, and will not tol­er­ate, vio­lence and racism of any nature, much less crimes like this hate­ful, vicious, and unpro­voked attack. It is a tes­ta­ment to the coöper­a­tion and coör­di­na­tion of our law enforce­ment part­ners, work­ing close­ly with our Gangs Division, that these defen­dants were iden­ti­fied and are being brought to face jus­tice,” said DA Stephan.