3 Innocent Black Men Awarded $18 Million Settlement After Serving 39 Years In Prison

Three men from Cleveland, Ohio — 63-year old Rickey Jackson, 65-year old Wiley Bridgeman, and 62-year old Kwame Ajamu — have been award­ed a set­tle­ment for $18 mil­lion near­ly 45 years after their wrong­ful con­vic­tion and impris­on­ment in con­nec­tion to a rob­bery and mur­der case in 1975.

Jackson, Bridgeman, and his broth­er Ajamu, for­mer­ly known as Ronnie Bridgeman, were then aged 18, 20, 17 when they were accused and con­vict­ed for the dead­ly rob­bery of Harold Franks. They were con­vict­ed based sole­ly on a tes­ti­mo­ny of a 12-year old boy, which even­tu­al­ly turned out to be false tes­ti­mo­ny. The boy admit­ted that he was coerced by Cleveland police to pro­vide wrong­ful tes­ti­mo­ny dur­ing the tri­al. The three men were all exon­er­at­ed and freed in 2014.

For 45 years, our clients nev­er gave up hope that some­day their night­mare would be over,” said their attor­ney, Terry Gilbert. “That time has come with this final res­o­lu­tion pro­vid­ing some mea­sure of jus­tice and clo­sure. But the phys­i­cal and emo­tion­al trau­ma our clients were forced to endure is an exam­ple of the deep flaws of a racist crim­i­nal legal sys­tem focused on results rather than truth and jus­tice.” The three have reached an $18 mil­lion set­tle­ment fol­low­ing a law­suit against the city of Cleveland for police mis­con­duct, fal­si­fy­ing evi­dence, and coerc­ing a wit­ness. It is report­ed­ly the largest set­tle­ment ever made in the his­to­ry of the state of Ohio.(BN.COM)

One thought on “3 Innocent Black Men Awarded $18 Million Settlement After Serving 39 Years In Prison

  1. Even though the set­tle­ment is bet­ter than noth­ing, they are still expe­ri­enc­ing an insti­tu­tion of racists who have fought tooth and nail to deprive the men of Justice; the mon­ey should be at least for each of them and not be divid­ed into threes.

    Whenever the sys­tem change in every way, then maybe black peo­ple will be treat­ed with respect and as a human you.

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