3 Indianapolis Cops Shoot Man Apparently Asleep In His Car

COPS- Cowards On Patrol

In the United States the Police pos­es the great­est risk to the safe­ty of law-abid­ing citizens.

Two Indianapolis police inves­ti­ga­tions are under­way after three offi­cers shot a man who appeared to have been sleep­ing in his car, author­i­ties said.

The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department’s Critical Incident Response Team is con­duct­ing a crim­i­nal inves­ti­ga­tion of the shoot­ing ear­ly Saturday on the city’s north­east side, and police Internal Affairs has begun an admin­is­tra­tive investigation.

Also, the civil­ian-major­i­ty Use of Force Review Board will con­duct a manda­to­ry hear­ing for any attempt­ed use of dead­ly force against a person.

The man is hos­pi­tal­ized in sta­ble condition.

The offi­cers involved in the shoot­ing are on admin­is­tra­tive leave.

Officers were dis­patched on a report of a sus­pi­cious vehi­cle in a dri­ve­way around 4 a.m., police said. They found a man who appeared to be sleep­ing in the driver’s seat armed with a gun.

An offi­cer knocked on a car win­dow and announced, “Police. Hands up,” Indianapolis police said.

It was­n’t clear what prompt­ed the offi­cers to open fire, but police said detec­tives found a hand­gun in the driver’s seat.

Several police body cam­eras were acti­vat­ed dur­ing the shoot­ing, the depart­ment said.

Police haven’t released the names of the injured man or the officers.