Thirty men all armed with high-powered weapons carried out the massacre in August Town Saint Andrew Jamaica last week-end:

Our coun­try is once again awash in blood, many on the ground there are begin­ning to come around albeit late to the fact that what the secu­ri­ty forces are up against is gueril­la warfare.

At least one of the coun­try’s news­pa­per The dai­ly Gleaner cap­tioned one of its arti­cles [GUERILLA WARFARE], this speaks vol­umes about what is real­ly hap­pen­ing in our coun­try. On April 18th of this year I wrote a blog titled [JAMAICALEADERLESS NATION]. In that opin­ion piece I out­lined that our coun­try was essen­tial­ly like a ship rud­der­less on the ocean, filled with peo­ple, with no cap­tain on deck.,

As blood runs, the coun­try’s Prime Minister is not only clue­less, she is woe­ful­ly bereft of any idea what to do. Unfortunately for those who vot­ed for Portia Simpson Miller and those who did­n’t , her game plan and her idea of lead­er­ship is to be in pow­er, that’s it. Subsequently as Rome burns, the Empress con­tin­ues to glide around the car­ribean and the world attend­ing func­tions and receiv­ing gra­tu­itous awards in the naked­ness of her new clothes.

Jamaica glean­er photo

I have spent many days and nights as a mem­ber of the Rangers Squad, in the Wareika Hills over­look­ing East Kingston. I have spent count­less nights and days fac­ing down heav­i­ly armed urban ter­ror­ists in ever gar­ri­son with­in our coun­try, I have spent an entire week in the Montpelier Mountains of west­ern Jamaica in the quest to appre­hend and pre­vent drugs and weapons smug­gling into our coun­try, no real food oth­er than army rations, no drink oth­er than brack­ish water, and no shel­ter from the rain, heat, mos­qui­tos and oth­er pests. And then there are the armed drug and gun runners.

As a mem­ber of the CIB I have put many drug deal­ers in Jail only to see them walk out after a few months, I have assist­ed and per­son­al­ly removed guns from the streets ‚get­ting shot in the process. I have received valu­able infor­ma­tion from mem­bers of the pub­lic which has saved lives , recov­ered weapons and pre­vent­ed hard drugs from get­ting dis­trib­uted into our communities.

As the secu­ri­ty forces con­tin­ue to do the heavy lift­ing, short­com­ings and all , the Jamaican peo­ple con­tin­ue to be pris­on­ers in their own homes and in their com­mu­ni­ties as dan­ger­ous blood-thirsty demons run their com­mu­ni­ties using intimidation,murder and mayhem.

Here are three of the accused men as pub­li­cized by the police from left to right Michael Morgan alias Frisky, Dilton Foster alias Dil, and Owen Whitley alias Howie.(Photographs cour­tesy of the Jamaica Gleaner)

Thus far we have no evi­dence whether these men are guilty or not , but the police have pro­vid­ed these por­traits nam­ing them as men of inter­est in the mas­sacre of the four over the weekend.

Inner city com­mu­ni­ties all over our coun­try con­tin­ue to feed the mon­ster of crime and ter­ror with com­plic­it silence, the long-estab­lished cul­ture of informer fi dead” has giv­en life to a gen­er­a­tion of blood-thirsty rabid killers who are hell-bent on hav­ing it their way. This rabid blood-lust did not occur in a vac­u­um, it ger­mi­nat­ed on the fer­til­ized bed of acqui­es­cence and was allowed to metas­ta­size on the bla­tant and overt sup­port it received from crim­i­nal rights orga­ni­za­tions , oper­at­ing as legit­i­mate human rights orga­ni­za­tions in our country.

Unfortunately for our coun­try , our police offi­cers are fight­ing this scourge with the same tac­tics it used 20 years ago when I was still a serv­ing mem­ber, for the most part reactive.

As more and more inno­cent , defense­less cit­i­zens are slaugh­tered the silence is deaf­en­ing from the froth­ing mouth lib­er­al char­la­tans at the crim­i­nal rights sur­ro­ga­cy group (Jamaicans for justice).

Pictured from left to right is Earl Witter pub­lic defend­er, exec­u­tive direc­tor of JFJ Carolyn Gomes and Susan Goffe also of JFJ.

These are three of the promi­nent Jamaicans who on a dai­ly basis give unmit­i­gat­ed sup­port to mur­der­ers, they wage and main­tain a blis­ter­ing cam­paign against the secu­ri­ty forces, the result of which we are see­ing in the grue­some mass slaugh­ter hap­pen­ing in com­mu­ni­ties all over our coun­try. They have stri­dent­ly argued that in order for the killing of crim­i­nals to be jus­ti­fied an equal amount of police offi­cers must also be killed.

They are all dubi­ous­ly silent when inno­cent Jamaicans are mur­dered in the sanc­ti­ty of their own homes. What hap­pen to the human rights of the inno­cent, are those not killed by police with­out rights? 

The deaf­en­ing silence comes from the fact that those faces above are of peo­ple scared shit­less of the maraud­ing mur­der­ers who are destroy­ing our beau­ti­ful coun­try. They only come out of the wood-work when police kill the scum, that is how they remain rel­e­vant, that is how they secure for­eign funding.

The acts of home-grown ter­ror­ism seen today are noth­ing new, this have been going on for decades, Jamaica’s crim­i­nal under-world has been wag­ing this kind of war­fare against inno­cent defense­less cit­i­zens for as long as I can remem­ber. Those cops stand­ing there are a buffer between the com­mu­ni­ty and the ter­ror­ists, for years I was one of those cops who stood there in places like Brook Avenue in Duhaney Park stand­ing between the killers who use the van­tage point of the high­er ter­rain to deter­mine when to strike.

We stood there fac­ing down killers with no bul­let proof vest and only the vehi­cle we drove as cov­er. We did it in Nannyville and Back-to, In places like Olympic vil­la and a pletho­ra of oth­er com­mu­ni­ties rav­aged by crime which is fed by silence.

Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller.

Ask the clue­less Prime Minister what she plan on doing about the ter­ror­ism grip­ping the coun­try and she will prob­a­bly tell you to ask the PNP. That seem to be the only answer she is intel­lec­tu­al­ly capa­ble of giv­ing to every question.

Our coun­try is in for a rough time with no end in sight and no lead­er­ship on this and many more issues, God help the good peo­ple who did not ask or vote for this.