States Rights Means Having The Power To Continue Abuse Of Minorities Without Federal Interference.


Republicans consistently argue they want to shrink Government, they want to roll-back many of the powers of the Federal Government.
Republican Ted Cruz the Canadian born T‑Party US Senator from Texas mentions the Federal Constitution every sentence regardless of the subject under discussion. Yet when it suits Ted Cruz he casually discards the constitution, as was the case when Antonin Scalia died. All of a sudden the President had no authority to name a replacement and the Senate should not advice and consent.This kind of “it’s only okay when I say it is“shows the callousness and blatant hypocrisy of Republicans .


During the American Civil Rights strug­gle Southern Governors declared that the Federal Government had no busi­ness telling them what to do with the peo­ple liv­ing in their states. The prob­lem was that they only con­sid­ered whites wor­thy of pro­tec­tion under the laws. They were opposed to fed­er­al Intervention because the Federal Government demand­ed that lit­tle black chil­dren be allowed into schools so they could learn to read and write.
It took Federal Troops to get black chil­dren into schools in Little rock Arkansas in 1957.

Fast for­ward to 2016 and the very same argu­ments dom­i­nate the Republican nar­ra­tive .One Candidate’s slo­gan is that he will make America great again .
The ques­tion is great for whom ? Those of us who pay atten­tion , par­tic­u­lar­ly in the Black com­mu­ni­ty know the slo­gan ‘make America great again’ is a thin­ly veiled dog whis­tle aimed at Nativist une­d­u­cat­ed white Americans who blame every­one for their fears and lack of accom­plish­ments. Simply put it means make ‘America white again’. Naturally this is total­ly nec­es­sary after the Black guy took America from them for two four year terms.[sic]

Rick Snyder
Rick Snyder

In case after case we have seen what State’s rights mean to poor Black and brown peo­ple in America and we get an under­stand­ing of why the so-called Conservatives are always push­ing for less Federal Government and more pow­er to indi­vid­ual states.
Taking cen­ter stage over the inces­sant exe­cu­tion of unarmed Black and Brown Americans by police is the nation­al dis­grace which is the Flint water cri­sis in Michigan.The city of Flint Michigan redi­rect­ed the city’s water sup­ply from it’s orig­i­nal source to a cheap­er more risky source to save mon­ey with dev­as­tat­ing consequences.
The cri­sis began in 2014 when Flint changed the source of its water from Detroit’s water sup­ply to the Flint River, osten­si­bly to save mon­ey. The new water sup­ply was cor­ro­sive, which caused lead from the system’s pipes to con­t­a­m­i­nate the drink­ing water sup­ply. Between 6,000 and 12,000 chil­dren have been exposed to lead dur­ing this cri­sis, some­thing that will take years — if not decades — to address.

The end result is that res­i­dents of Flint has been drink­ing and using con­t­a­m­i­nat­ed lead-poi­soned water and no one cared. The Governor of Michigan Republican Rick Snyder has tak­en respon­si­bil­i­ty yet he has not made the nec­es­sary funds avail­able to fix the prob­lem. Reports indi­cate that there is a one bil­lion dol­lar rainy day fund some of which could be made avail­able to fix the problem.
Additionally the Federal Government can step in and help as it would when nat­ur­al dis­as­ters strike .
Unfortunately Republicans in the US Senate have stalled leg­is­la­tion which would help res­i­dents suf­fer­ing from the fall­out of the lead con­t­a­m­i­na­tion in Flint.

Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah
Sen. Mike Lee, R‑Utah

The Daily beast reports that orig­i­nal­ly, approx­i­mate­ly 10 sen­a­tors took advan­tage of the “hold” maneu­ver, block­ing progress on the Flint pro­pos­al. Republican pres­i­den­tial can­di­date Sen. Ted Cruz made a hasty retreat after news of his hold was leaked to the press. Since then it is report­ed that all of the oth­er Republicans Senators have slith­ered away from the hold maneu­ver leav­ing Utah’s Mike Lee anoth­er T‑Party Senator stand­ing in the way of help for Americans includ­ing lit­tle chil­dren suf­fer­ing from lead poisoning .
These are the kinds of peo­ple who now make up the Republican par­ty . These are the peo­ple who came to pow­er because of cit­i­zens united.These are the robot­ic heart­less androids who now pop­u­late the American Government and are holed up in the Republican Party.
Think Donald Trump is bad think again? Ted Cruz , and Marco Rubio the two Cuban Hispanics vying for the pres­i­den­cy are far worse than Trump they will do any­thing to show their whiteness.
So one Republican Senator gets to hold up aid to an entire city of large­ly poor black peo­ple suf­fer­ing from lead poi­son­ing but in an instant they appro­pri­ate mon­ey to give to rich cor­po­ra­tions and to wage war on small­er weak­er nations who can­not ade­quate­ly defend themselves.
States rights means hav­ing the pow­er to con­tin­ue abuse of minori­ties with­out Federal interference.