Donald Trump labeled Marco Rubio a lightweight technicall, Marco Rubio is worse than a lightweight . Marco Rubio is a political opportunist who should never be elected President of a student body much less the United States of America.
Maco Rubio committed the unforgivable sin for this writer when he said “Barack Obama has no class”. One can disagree with the other’s politics but to defame and demean someone who has demonstrated impeccable class in the face of massive intransigence and obstruction is reprehensible.

Speaking to Fox and friends hate peddlers in July of 2015 the little Cuban said “I mean, we have a president now that you know, does selfie stick videos, that invites YouTube stars there, people that, you know, eat cereal out of a bathtub,” . “You just saw the interview he did right now, where he goes on comedy shows to talk about something as serious as Iran. The list goes on and on.”
Barack Obama thus far is the only President to have a scandal-free Administration since Jimmy Carter. Marco Rubio the son of illegal Cuban Immigrants has turned out to be like a rabid mongrel against immigrants. Here’s to kicking away the ladder after you have climbed up little Marco, as per Donald Trump.
I mean at least with Donald Trump you know you are getting a monumental jerk. Trump makes no bones about the fact that he is a major league moron, Rubio on the other hand is a belligerent little Obama wannabe who will do and say anything to get to where he wants to. That include throwing his parent’s peers under the bus.
On Thursday March 3rd, in the Republican debates Marco Rubio once again showed that he is really less than a low-life he is a common punk. Responding to questions surrounding the death and illness of Flint Residents as a result of Lead tainted water Rubio did not place the blame where the blame belonged.
Instead Rubio disrespected those residents on top of the hurt they are still suffering.

“I give the governor credit, “He took responsibility for what happened and he’s talked about being held responsible for it.”
“This should not be a partisan issue,” Rubio said. “The way the Democrats have tried to turn this into a partisan issue – that somehow Republicans woke up in the morning and decided oh, it’s a good time to poison some kids with lead. It’s absurd. It’s outrageous. “
No one should be surprised by anything Little Marco Rubio has to say. Rubio the offspring of illegal immigrants turned his back on immigration the fuel behind America’s power and growth. He is not just a an enemy of immigrants he is an immensely disrespectful little guy who has no regard for whom he disrespects in his quest for power.
The narrative is that Trump is Crass. Cruz is Narrow, and Rubio is shallow.
There is nothing about Rubio ‚he is a shallow empty suit.