Trump Is Right About Marco Rubio…


Donald Trump labeled Marco Rubio a light­weight tech­ni­call, Marco Rubio is worse than a light­weight . Marco Rubio is a polit­i­cal oppor­tunist who should nev­er be elect­ed President of a stu­dent body much less the United States of America.
Maco Rubio com­mit­ted the unfor­giv­able sin for this writer when he said “Barack Obama has no class”. One can dis­agree with the oth­er’s pol­i­tics but to defame and demean some­one who has demon­strat­ed impec­ca­ble class in the face of mas­sive intran­si­gence and obstruc­tion is reprehensible.

Rick Snyder
Marco Rubio will dis­re­spect every­one and say any­thing to get elect­ed President That makes him dangerous …

Speaking to Fox and friends hate ped­dlers in July of 2015 the lit­tle Cuban said “I mean, we have a pres­i­dent now that you know, does self­ie stick videos, that invites YouTube stars there, peo­ple that, you know, eat cere­al out of a bath­tub,” . “You just saw the inter­view he did right now, where he goes on com­e­dy shows to talk about some­thing as seri­ous as Iran. The list goes on and on.”

Barack Obama thus far is the only President to have a scan­dal-free Administration since Jimmy Carter. Marco Rubio the son of ille­gal Cuban Immigrants has turned out to be like a rabid mon­grel against immi­grants. Here’s to kick­ing away the lad­der after you have climbed up lit­tle Marco, as per Donald Trump.
I mean at least with Donald Trump you know you are get­ting a mon­u­men­tal jerk. Trump makes no bones about the fact that he is a major league moron, Rubio on the oth­er hand is a bel­liger­ent lit­tle Obama wannabe who will do and say any­thing to get to where he wants to. That include throw­ing his par­en­t’s peers under the bus.

On Thursday March 3rd, in the Republican debates Marco Rubio once again showed that he is real­ly less than a low-life he is a com­mon punk. Responding to ques­tions sur­round­ing the death and ill­ness of Flint Residents as a result of Lead taint­ed water Rubio did not place the blame where the blame belonged.
Instead Rubio dis­re­spect­ed those res­i­dents on top of the hurt they are still suffering.

Rick Snyder
Rick Snyder Michigan Governor…

I give the gov­er­nor cred­it, “He took respon­si­bil­i­ty for what hap­pened and he’s talked about being held respon­si­ble for it.” 
“This should not be a par­ti­san issue,” Rubio said. “The way the Democrats have tried to turn this into a par­ti­san issue – that some­how Republicans woke up in the morn­ing and decid­ed oh, it’s a good time to poi­son some kids with lead. It’s absurd. It’s outrageous. “

No one should be sur­prised by any­thing Little Marco Rubio has to say. Rubio the off­spring of ille­gal immi­grants turned his back on immi­gra­tion the fuel behind America’s pow­er and growth. He is not just a an ene­my of immi­grants he is an immense­ly dis­re­spect­ful lit­tle guy who has no regard for whom he dis­re­spects in his quest for power.
The nar­ra­tive is that Trump is Crass. Cruz is Narrow, and Rubio is shallow.
There is noth­ing about Rubio ‚he is a shal­low emp­ty suit.