Aspects Of New PM’s Speech Line Up With What We Have Said Repeatedly For Years…


Independent Jamaica must remove the cul­ture of depen­den­cy from our midst. We must teach our chil­dren that there is no wealth with­out work, and no suc­cess with­out sac­ri­fice. We must remove the belief from the psy­che of our chil­dren that the only way they can step up in life is not by how hard they work, but by who they know.(Andrew Michael Holness).

Going for­ward, Jamaica’s devel­op­ment must rest on its abil­i­ty to cre­ate propo­si­tions of val­ue and attract invest­ments to con­vert the val­ue into wealth. In this mod­el, Government is not the main investor, it is the Private Sector whether they be large enter­pris­es or small busi­ness. In the eco­nom­ic part­ner­ship with the Private Sector, Government’s role, among oth­ers, is: To ensure the rule of law Create a safe, secure, and fair envi­ron­ment for busi­ness .Make mar­kets where none exist .Ensure trans­paren­cy and access to infor­ma­tion ‑and cre­ate an effi­cient and sup­port­ive pub­lic sec­tor bureau­cra­cy. (Andrew Michael Holness)

Any Economic Recovery Must Begin With Suffocating The Crime Monster…

This medi­um is proud that at least one aspect of our con­tin­ued drum­beat is includ­ed in the address of the new Prime Minister.
This writer has said con­sis­tent­ly that this is the only way to change the eco­nom­ic par­a­digm of our country.