Why Were Magistrates Not Assigned To See To Recounts Immediately.…


The Law empowers Resident Magistrates to convene court on days which the court would not normally convene. That would be on weekends and public holidays, depending on the seriousness of the issues at hand. We have seen Resident Magistrate court convened to facilitate alleged drug dealers.
Will someone speak to my ignorance on this issue.

In a sit­u­a­tion in which the results of the elec­tions were so ambigu­ous that the Military had to place the National Reserve on readi­ness why could a Magistrate not be installed imme­di­ate­ly to over­sea the results of the seats in question ?
Why could sev­er­al state paid Resident Magistrates not be acti­vat­ed to attend to such a crit­i­cal issue regard­less of day or time ?
Why is the Saint Mary South East seat set to be count­ed today?
Why are the bal­lots in the Saint James Southern Magisterial recount set for next Monday?

Why are these mat­ters of National import treat­ed as periph­er­al issues when they are crit­i­cal to the integri­ty of the process and National security?
Lets hope that the new Administration under­stand the enor­mi­ty of the task it faces in the process of trans­form­ing the Psyche of the nation from a wannabe first world aspi­rant to one set on a decid­ed path toward that end.
There is absolute­ly no rea­son that two or three tax­pay­er paid Resident Magistrates could not be acti­vat­ed to get up off their back­sides to attend to this sim­ple task.
That one recount is sched­uled for next Monday defies all log­ic and can only serve to add to the neg­a­tive impact rumors have as a result of undue delays.
Lets get on with the damn task at hand and stop with the pussy-footing.

The task of Nation build­ing is far too impor­tant to be left up to the mind­set of the past which oper­ates on the stan­dards that we can take care of this tomor­row. Every minute is impor­tant .It is impor­tant that Jamaican lead­ers start think­ing with a 21st cen­tu­ry mindset.