Certainly Obama Was Not Like Giuliani He Did Not Have A Stick-up Man For A Dad…


Rudolph Giuliani the man some dubbed America’s may­or dou­bled down on the inflam­ma­to­ry com­ment he made about the nation’s pres­i­dent not lov­ing America as oth­ers do.
On the face of it, the pub­lic­i­ty-hound Giuliani would have to have some sort of access to the brain of all Americans in order to mea­sure their degree of love of country.
There is no need to guess about the method Giuliani used in arriv­ing at the President’s patri­o­tism lev­els, he spelled it out when he made it clear he was not sor­ry about mak­ing an ass of himself.

Look, this man was brought up basi­cal­ly in a white fam­i­ly, so what­ev­er he learned or didn’t learn, I attribute this more to the influ­ence of com­mu­nism and social­ism” than to his race, Giuliani told the Daily News. “I don’t (see) this President as being par­tic­u­lar­ly a prod­uct of African-American soci­ety or some­thing like that. He isn’t,” the for­mer may­or added. “Logically, think about his back­ground… The ideas that are trou­bling me and are lead­ing to this come from com­mu­nists with whom he asso­ci­at­ed when he was 9 years old” through fam­i­ly connections.

Okay so now we under­stand the for­mu­la for Obama’s com­mu­nism, the rea­son for Giuliani’s igno­rance is made clear­er. his father had been arrest­ed in 1934 for rob­bing a milk­man at gun­point and had spent a year and a half in jail. This hap­pened when young Rudolph was about 7 years.
So if a 9‑year-old Obama is a com­mu­nist for being intro­duced to Communist, then it nat­u­ral­ly fol­lows that Giuliani is indeed a gun-tot­ing-stick up felon for his time spent with and being his father’s son.
It is a fair analy­sis to make using Giuliani’s logic.

I must admit I am no fan of El Deuce, that much must be clear by now. Why? Because he is a hyp­o­crit­i­cal racist.
He is nar­cis­sis­tic glo­ry hound.
There are ample exam­ples of Giuliani’s glo­ry hunting.
As a U.S. Attorney Giuliani devel­oped the rep­u­ta­tion as some­thing of a pub­lic­i­ty seek­er, some­times pub­licly hand-cuff­ing mob boss­es and busi­ness lead­ers on trumped up charges only to qui­et­ly drop the charges later.

The façade he pre­sent­ed as some kind of great American Mayor fed by the swoon­ing New York Press and a Nation look­ing for heroes after September 11th 2001 could nev­er stand the smell test, or with­stand scruti­ny when the scab is peeled back.
It is laugh­able when tele­vi­sion talk­ing heads tell us Giuliani is sul­ly­ing his image as America’s Mayor with this far right rhetoric.
The truth is Giuliani had no record to sul­ly, he made the deci­sion to place the city’s com­mand cen­ter in the world trade cen­ter build­ing after the build­ing had already expe­rienxced one ter­ror­ists attack in 1993.
If incom­pe­tence and bad judge­ment qual­i­fies one as a good American Mayor then Obama’s sol­id lead­er­ship since he took the reins of America’s col­lapsed econ­o­my cer­tain­ly makes him a can­di­date for sainthood.
Giuliani’s hor­ri­ble judge­ment and arro­gance far exceeds the deci­sion to house the con­trol cen­ter in the world trade center.
President Bush tapped Kerik, as his nom­i­nee for home­land secu­ri­ty sec­re­tary, but Kerik abrupt­ly with­drew his name after reveal­ing that he had not paid all required tax­es for a fam­i­ly nan­ny-house­keep­er and that the woman may have been in the coun­try illegally.

Kerik a for­mer NYPD com­mis­sion­er appoint­ed by Giuliani and lat­er his busi­ness part­ner was rec­om­mend­ed to Bush by none oth­er than Giuliani.
Bernard Kerik was lat­er to do time in a fed­er­al prison.
Giuliani’s abuse of his office through police pro­tec­tion he received as he trekked to Long Island to see his mis­tress Judith Nathan at the cost of tens of thou­sands of dol­lars to the city’s tax-pay­ers is well documented.

These are just a few of the trans­gres­sions we know of the hyp­o­crit­i­cal glo­ry-hound Giuliani. We also know that he gets paid hand­some­ly as a con­sul­tant and speak­er com­mand­ing up to 80K per speak­ing engage­ment where he pro­vides strate­gic coun­sel in emer­gency preparedness. 
If ever there was an irony.
Giuliani needs to be in the news, that’s how the mon­ey keep rolling in. He is pre­pared to say and do any­thing to be in the news and he is doing just that.

This guy is not run­ning for dog-catch­er yet every­one is talk­ing about him and that’s exact­ly what he craves.