Rudolph Giuliani the man some dubbed America’s mayor doubled down on the inflammatory comment he made about the nation’s president not loving America as others do.
On the face of it, the publicity-hound Giuliani would have to have some sort of access to the brain of all Americans in order to measure their degree of love of country.
There is no need to guess about the method Giuliani used in arriving at the President’s patriotism levels, he spelled it out when he made it clear he was not sorry about making an ass of himself.
“Look, this man was brought up basically in a white family, so whatever he learned or didn’t learn, I attribute this more to the influence of communism and socialism” than to his race, Giuliani told the Daily News. “I don’t (see) this President as being particularly a product of African-American society or something like that. He isn’t,” the former mayor added. “Logically, think about his background… The ideas that are troubling me and are leading to this come from communists with whom he associated when he was 9 years old” through family connections.
Okay so now we understand the formula for Obama’s communism, the reason for Giuliani’s ignorance is made clearer. his father had been arrested in 1934 for robbing a milkman at gunpoint and had spent a year and a half in jail. This happened when young Rudolph was about 7 years.
So if a 9‑year-old Obama is a communist for being introduced to Communist, then it naturally follows that Giuliani is indeed a gun-toting-stick up felon for his time spent with and being his father’s son.
It is a fair analysis to make using Giuliani’s logic.
I must admit I am no fan of El Deuce, that much must be clear by now. Why? Because he is a hypocritical racist.
He is narcissistic glory hound.
There are ample examples of Giuliani’s glory hunting.
As a U.S. Attorney Giuliani developed the reputation as something of a publicity seeker, sometimes publicly hand-cuffing mob bosses and business leaders on trumped up charges only to quietly drop the charges later.
The façade he presented as some kind of great American Mayor fed by the swooning New York Press and a Nation looking for heroes after September 11th 2001 could never stand the smell test, or withstand scrutiny when the scab is peeled back.
It is laughable when television talking heads tell us Giuliani is sullying his image as America’s Mayor with this far right rhetoric.
The truth is Giuliani had no record to sully, he made the decision to place the city’s command center in the world trade center building after the building had already experienxced one terrorists attack in 1993.
If incompetence and bad judgement qualifies one as a good American Mayor then Obama’s solid leadership since he took the reins of America’s collapsed economy certainly makes him a candidate for sainthood.
Giuliani’s horrible judgement and arrogance far exceeds the decision to house the control center in the world trade center.
President Bush tapped Kerik, as his nominee for homeland security secretary, but Kerik abruptly withdrew his name after revealing that he had not paid all required taxes for a family nanny-housekeeper and that the woman may have been in the country illegally.
Kerik a former NYPD commissioner appointed by Giuliani and later his business partner was recommended to Bush by none other than Giuliani.
Bernard Kerik was later to do time in a federal prison.
Giuliani’s abuse of his office through police protection he received as he trekked to Long Island to see his mistress Judith Nathan at the cost of tens of thousands of dollars to the city’s tax-payers is well documented.
These are just a few of the transgressions we know of the hypocritical glory-hound Giuliani. We also know that he gets paid handsomely as a consultant and speaker commanding up to 80K per speaking engagement where he provides strategic counsel in emergency preparedness.
If ever there was an irony.
Giuliani needs to be in the news, that’s how the money keep rolling in. He is prepared to say and do anything to be in the news and he is doing just that.
This guy is not running for dog-catcher yet everyone is talking about him and that’s exactly what he craves.