JAMAICA VOTES : Live With The Consequence Of Your Vote.….


Today Jamaicans go to the polls to chose a series of constituent electors representing the two major political parties ‚the people’s National Party(PNP) and the Jamaica Labor Party(JLP).
Later this evening one of the two political parties will be elected to govern the country for the next five (5) years.

At stake is the future of of 2.8 mil­lion peo­ple and a nation whose stan­dard of liv­ing has dete­ri­o­rat­ed dras­ti­cal­ly over the last sev­er­al decades. The par­ty in pow­er the PNP has held office for 32 of the last 44 years. There has been twelve years of JLP rule since 1972 and 2016, these two JLP Administrations were between 1980 and 1988 and 2007 and 2011.
It is fair to say that Jamaica has been shaped large­ly by the PNP eco­nom­i­cal­ly , cul­tur­al­ly , and infra-structurally.
Or not!
Depending on whether you believe that the decay Jamaica has expe­ri­enced in a sys­tem­at­ic way is attrib­ut­able to the PNP’s gross mis­man­age­ment of our country.
Or not.

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The Jamaican elec­torate will have anoth­er shot at res­cu­ing their own lives and the future of their chil­dren from a cesspool of cor­rup­tion, Don-cul­ture, finan­cial mis­man­age­ment and thiev­ery, a dis­re­spect for the Island’s nation­al trea­sures and a host of oth­er malfea­sance, many of which would have land­ed the per­pe­tra­tors in prison in a coun­try of laws.
Today Jamaicans get to decide whether they want to con­tin­ue to be shunned by oth­er CARICOM nations.
Today Jamaicans get to decide whether they want the num­ber one for­eign exchange earn­er (tourism) to con­tin­ue to be so, even though the aver­age per­son hard­ly ben­e­fit from it
download (2)Today Jamaicans get to decide whether they want to con­tin­ue to have remit­tance as the coun­try’s num­ber two for­eign exchange earn­er. Meaning that our Nation is a depen­dent beg­gar nation.

Today Jamaicans get to decide whether it want to embark on a refresh­ing new path toward a mar­ket dri­ven econ­o­my or it wants to remain on a path of failed ide­o­log­i­cal social­ism long dis­card­ed by smarter nations.
Venezuela is reel­ing from the effects of ide­o­log­i­cal social­ism even though it is an oil rich nation. Supermarket shelves are emp­ty , med­i­cines in short sup­ply and no vac­cine to pre­vent the metas­ta­siz­ing of killer diseases.

These are all prob­lems which Jamaicans will, have to grap­ple with and then some.
Later today we will all know what the peo­ple decide .
One thing is cer­tain whichev­er way they vote they will have to live with the consequences.