How To Kill One’s Legacy :Ask Ben Carson.….

He’s an ‘African’ American. He was, you know, raised white,” said the world-renowned neurosurgeon, whose single mother worked three jobs – and occasionally relied on government aid – to elevate Carson and his older brother from the grinding poverty of ghetto life. “I mean, like most Americans, I was proud that we broke the color barrier when he was elected, but … he didn’t grow up like I grew up … Many of his formative years were spent in Indonesia. So, for him to, you know, claim that, you know, he identifies with the experience of black Americans, I think, is a bit of a stretch.”
Ben Carson
Ben Carson

WOW !!!
If some­one asked what was the for­mu­la for destroy­ing one’s own lega­cy I would point to Ben Carson the once famed Nuero Surgeon as the per­fect template.
This could eas­i­ly be taught as a College course … How to destroy one’s own legacy.
So lets have a lit­tle fun with Dr.Carson’s statement.
Quote : “I mean, like most Americans, I was proud that we broke the col­or bar­ri­er when he was elect­ed, but.…
Okay so Carson was proud to latch onto the suc­cess of Barack Obama and was­n’t ashamed to take cred­it for Obama’s black­ness then. He cer­tain­ly has not turned Black since win­ning the White House , Carson can­not claim he did­n’t know Obama was Black.
Quote: He didn’t grow up like I grew up … Many of his for­ma­tive years were spent in Indonesia. So, for him to, you know, claim that, you know, he iden­ti­fies with the expe­ri­ence of black Americans, I think, is a bit of a stretch.” !

Okay this is where Ben Carson’s igno­rance shows . This is where his dirty draw­ers start­ed to show for all the world to see, that being a world renowned neu­ro-sur­geon does­n’t mean an intellectual.
By Carson’s rea­son­ing one has to have been born and raised in the ghet­to of America’s cities to first qual­i­fy as (1) Black enough) and (2) be able to under­stand what it means to be black in America.
It is the great­est load of cocka­mamie I have seen in a long time.
In the first instance there is a huge sub-set with­in the African-American com­mu­ni­ty which has no idea about what it means to be black out­side of the con­sis­tent desire to be victims.

Blackness is nev­er and was nev­er defined by American-blacks . Being black has noth­ing to do with geog­ra­phy. In fact it was our black­ness which caused us to be lumped into ships and cart­ed into the west­ern world in the first instance, long before Ben Carson and his kind could begin to be per­pet­u­al vic­tims we were black.
If Ben Carson is say­ing that in order that one can be tru­ly black that per­son has to squan­der his/​her entire life away in that same ghet­to is non­sen­si­cal and lame .
After Barack Obama grad­u­at­ed from Harvard he could have gone on to a lucra­tive career in the pri­vate sec­tor , instead he went to the south side of Chicago and became a com­mu­ni­ty organizer.
This placed Obama in the unique posi­tion to feel the pulse of the ghet­to in ways Ben Carson has­n’t. Ben Carson’s claim to being Black is about attempt­ing to stab some­one. If that is what Carson means about iden­ti­fy­ing with the expe­ri­ences of black America I am immense­ly proud that the 44th President did not par­tic­i­pate in the stereo­typ­i­cal car­i­ca­ture his detrac­tors have of him.

It’s remark­able that Dr, Carson who has the pro­to­type on Blackness has­n’t yet fig­ured out that his 15 min­utes of polit­i­cal fame came at the expense of President Obama .
It’s iron­ic that even though Dr, Carson has accom­plished so much aca­d­e­m­i­cal­ly and in his career, pri­or to his for­ay into pol­i­tics the major­i­ty of peo­ple in the Black Community would have no idea who he was.
Ben Carson 15 min­utes of fame came not because of his exem­plary and stel­lar edu­ca­tion but because of the non­sen­si­cal things he said about the Affordable Care Act referred to pejo­ra­tive­ly as (Obama care).
Carson said the Affordable Care Act was worse than Slavery. You can’t make up that kind of idio­cy. Barack Obama accom­plished what sev­er­al Presidents before him want­ed but could not accomplish.
By his com­ments Ben Carson unwit­ting­ly and igno­rant­ly dimin­ish­es the hor­rors of over four hun­dred years of slav­ery and oppres­sion and shows that to some degree you can get some Negroes out of the ghet­to but you can nev­er get the ghet­to out of some Negroes.
Interestingly for Carson he received fund­ing because he was will­ing to tear down the nation’s first black pres­i­dent how­ev­er the very same hate-filled com­ments will bury his can­di­da­cy once and for all.

The only per­son who did not receive the memo that repub­li­cans would not nom­i­nate a black man as their nom­i­nee was Ben Carson , his friends like Armstrong Williams and the likes of Clarence Thomas.
Referencing Progressives Carson said: “They assume because you’re black, you have to think a cer­tain way,” . “And if you don’t think that way, you’re ‘Uncle Tom,’ you’re wor­thy of every hor­ri­ble epi­thet they can come up with; where­as, if I weren’t black, then I would just be a Republican.”
No Dr. Carson you chose to be an Uncle Tom all by yourself.
Being a Black Republican is a path to nowhere-land.
It’s the same as going in an East-Westerly direction[sic]
Your polit­i­cal stance will be a huge Albatross around the neck of what would have been a stel­lar lega­cy, because you could not be hap­py for anoth­er brother.
Shame on you!!!