How Far Have We Come Since Bloody Sunday?

On Sunday March 7th. 1965 hun­dreds of peace­ful Civil Right marchers were attacked by armed Troopers as they attempt­ed to march across the Edmund Pettus bridge from Selma to the State cap­i­tal of Montgomery. Voting rolls in the south were 99% White and 1% African-American. Many African-Americans suf­fered immense hard­ships sim­ply because they dared to want to vote . Today many African-Americans sim­ply do not both­er, or does­n’t even reg­is­ter to vote.

I am par­tic­u­lar­ly incensed by this because of the abuse that gen­er­a­tion suf­fered to give our gen­er­a­tion the right to vote, yet we treat that pre­cious gift with impuni­ty, dis­re­gard­ing the sac­ri­fices that were made so we can have that right. In that march was the rev­erend Dr. Martin Luther King, John Lewis , and many oth­er stal­warts of the civ­il rights move­ment. On that sun­day which we now refer to as bloody sun­day no one was spared the dogs, water hoses and blud­geon­ing, as the full force of south­ern racism came down on inno­cent peace­ful marchers who just want­ed to vote.

Edmund Pettus Bridge where peace­ful marchers were attacked by Alabama state troop­ers as they made their way from Selma to Montgomery.

Fast for­ward to 2012 there is a black pres­i­dent in the White House and there are moves afoot in many south­ern and mid-west­ern states to sup­press the votes of minori­ties through dra­con­ian vot­er ID laws that dis­en­fran­chis­es large­ly African-American and lati­no voters.

Just how far has blacks come in their own coun­try, when a sit­ting senior Federal Judge in the state of Montana can for­ward a despi­ca­ble email which sug­gests that the moth­er of the pres­i­dent of the United States had sex with a dog?

Federal judge Richard Cebull.

The repub­li­can par­ty has become a haven for some of the most vile racist peo­ple . Many liv­ing in this coun­try, includ­ing Democrats refuse to call it what it is. After the vot­ing rights bill was signed into law by pres­i­dent Lyndon Johnson many whites sought refuge in the repub­li­can par­ty, feel­ing betrayed by the demo­c­ra­t­ic par­ty they felt was tak­en over by lib­er­als from the North. I would like to point out that lit­er­al­ly every­one involved at the high­er lev­els of the strug­gle has ben assassinated.

President John F Kennedy, his broth­er the for­mer attor­ney gen­er­al of the United States Bobby Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and the list goes on and on all have been mur­dered. Today Republicans in an effort to ensure there will not be anoth­er black pres­i­dent no time soon, in many states are turn­ing back the clock on vot­ing rights.


This year, more than a dozen states enact­ed new vot­ing restric­tions. For exam­ple, eight — Alabama, Kansas, Mississippi, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin — imposed new laws requir­ing vot­ers to present state-issued pho­to iden­ti­fi­ca­tion cards. Previously vot­ers were able to use oth­er forms of iden­ti­fi­ca­tion, like bank state­ments, util­i­ty bills and Social Security cards. (new york time .com) 

ThE Reverend Al Sharpton has planned a march for Alabama on Sunday, not to com­mem­o­rate the vot­ing rights Act, but to high­light the seri­ous threat that repub­li­cans pose to the vot­ing rights of minori­ties in this coun­try. Republicans argue that the new laws are designed to erad­i­cate vot­er fraud. However the num­bers do not sup­port their argu­ments. In fact in most case where vot­er fraud are alleged, an elec­tion com­mis­sions are oblig­ed to inves­ti­gate, the find­ings revealed thus: Bad data match­ing , which revealed motor vehi­cle was wrong in assum­ing the vot­ers were dead, cas­es where vot­ers were alleged to have vot­ed , but nev­er did. A few cas­es of absen­tee bal­lots were cast by vot­ers who died before the elec­tions. The few votes left were cas­es where sig­na­tures were not rec­og­niz­able. This sug­gest the laws are a solu­tion look­ing for a prob­lem.(the new york times)

Why then are repub­li­cans look­ing to turn back the clock?

The elec­tion of Barack Obama to the pres­i­den­cy has exposed the dirty under­bel­ly of racism in America, many fool­ish­ly thought was a thing of the past. President Obama was elect­ed to the pres­i­den­cy with­out win­ning the major­i­ty of white votes. This real­i­ty scared the hell out of the wing nuts on the right and as soon as Obama was inau­gu­rat­ed they con­spired to destroy his pres­i­den­cy. Senate Minority Mitch McConnell stat­ed quote “Making Obama A One-Term President Is My Single Most Important Political Goal”(medi​aite​.com) They have attacked his pres­i­den­cy with a fer­vor not seen in mod­ern times. Their attack has sev­er­al fronts. In the con­gress he is not allowed any leg­isla­tive accom­plish­ments because of repub­li­can obstruc­tion­ism. They have launched all out wars on immi­grants from Alabama to Florida, and from Georgia to Arizona immi­grants are under assault from overzeal­ous state law enforce­ment to include rene­gade Arizona sher­iff Joe Arpaio, a mod­ern-day Bull O’Connor whom have been accused of seri­ous abuse of minori­ties. Joe Arpaio sher­iff of Maricopa coun­ty Arizona has been under fed­er­al inves­ti­ga­tions by the Obama jus­tice depart­ment for Human rights vio­la­tions. For his part Arpaio has alleged­ly launched his own inves­ti­ga­tions into the non­sen­si­cal birth cer­tifi­cate drib­ble , he has since announced that his inves­ti­ga­tions have con­clud­ed that the pres­i­den­t’s birth cer­tifi­cate is a forgery. This has fur­ther cement­ed what many believed that this old geezer is a loose can­non with a racist tinge.

Whether it is Joe Wilson a con­gress­man shout­ing “you lie” at the pres­i­dent as he deliv­ers the state of the union address, or an asso­ciate Justice of the Supreme court Samuel Alito shak­ing his head and mouthing “not true”,or it’s Arizona’s class­less gov­er­nor Jan Brewer wag­ging her fin­ger at the pres­i­dent on the tar­mac as he dis­em­barked from his plane, or that despi­ca­ble life form parad­ing as a fed­er­al judge, who for­ward­ed that email , or the count­less oth­er instances that has come to light we have seen these instances of the most vile form of racism that many seri­ous­ly believed they had left behind in the 60’s. 

Republican assault have not spared groups like Acorn, a group which has tra­di­tion­al­ly reg­is­tered minori­ties to vote. They have launched attacks on planned par­ent­hood, using sur­ro­gates like the Susan G Komen to do their dirty work. Komen is a can­cer char­i­ty which receives most of its funds from reg­u­lar donors, received a shock when it announced it would cut fund­ing for planned par­ent­hood. This was def­i­nite­ly a repub­li­can attack on planned par­ent­hood which to Komen’s sur­prised ini­ti­at­ed a tremen­dous blow-back which forced them to reverse that deci­sion. Komen is still reel­ing from that blow-back and has since hired a con­sult­ing firm to ass­es the dam­age done to their rep­u­ta­tion.(huff­in­g­ton post .com)

The jury is out on what this will all mean by the time the next elec­tion comes around, to my mind the next elec­tion is the least of our wor­ries. Republicans have sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly elect­ed  right-wing oper­a­tives to coun­ty leg­is­la­tures state leg­is­la­tures, gov­er­nor­ships, con­gres­sion­al dis­tricts and to the US Senate. They have passed rad­i­cal new laws that looks fright­en­ing­ly like laws that were around dur­ing jim crow. Have you ever won­dered why peo­ple who com­mit crimes and paid their debt to soci­ety are still not allowed to vote? Well dur­ing the six­ties African-Americans would be giv­en things like a jar of jel­ly beans when they turn up to vote, if they failed to guess how many beans were in the Jar they were turned away with­out being able to vote. Potential vot­ers were giv­en writ­ten tests that asked about archa­ic ordi­nances that the ques­tion­ers them­selves did not know the answers to. Today vot­er sup­pres­sion laws are being insti­tut­ed broad­ly through­out the south and mid­west as fears over the brown­ing of America grows. Architects and sup­port­ers of these laws will tell you they are about the rule of law, they will tell you they are for the integri­ty of the process. But as I told you before they are about not see­ing anoth­er black man in the White House.

In many cas­es these bills are being signed into law with the sup­port of democ­rats, some of whom are not hap­py about Barack Obama’s pres­i­den­cy. The Roy Blount Amendment which was recent­ly vot­ed down in the United States Senate had the sup­port of sev­er­al Democratic sen­a­tors whom have demon­strat­ed a cow­ard­ly craven inter­est for their own polit­i­cal sur­vival over principle.

Rich com­pa­nies pay lob­by­ists to wine and dine law makers,they get what they want. Every per­son, every group must demand that gov­ern­ment work for them. Blacks are tak­ing this assault on their very exis­tence rather light­ly it seem. Our peo­ple are being arrest­ed and incar­cer­at­ed at a rate that is way above oth­er eth­nic groups, over 23 of our chil­dren are being born out-of-wed­lock, and I am yet to fig­ure out what it is that we are focused on as a peo­ple. Did African-Americans think the elec­tion of Barack Obama was going to mean a post racial America? It seem to me that his ascen­den­cy will actu­al­ly mean that the caus­es that are impor­tant to black peo­ple will be set back and made worse because of his rise. Some are unfair­ly blam­ing pres­i­dent Obama for some of the ills plagu­ing the black com­mu­ni­ty. They mean well, but they also lack a basic under­stand­ing of what a pres­i­dent can do, they also lack an under­stand­ing of what a first term black pres­i­dent, hat­ed by his ene­mies can accomplish.

There are about 40 mil­lion black peo­ple liv­ing in these United States. That is a very large coun­try with­in an even larg­er coun­try. There are between 5 and 6 mil­lion Jewish adher­ents liv­ing in the United States, not all of whom are reli­gious . However with the Jewish pop­u­la­tion a mere 18 of the black pop­u­la­tion, Jews in this coun­try wield sig­nif­i­cant clout and pow­er in get­ting their agen­da addressed both here and in the inter­est of the state of Israel. No politi­cian run­ning for office dare bad mouth Jews or their caus­es and hope to get elect­ed dog catch­er. Conversely any­one want­i­ng trac­tion in con­ser­v­a­tive cir­cles mere­ly have to dis­re­spect black Americans to become an instant hit.

As Netanyahu comes to the White House to tell Obama what he expects for the state of Israel, I won­der who speak for African-Americans in their own country?