El Duce’ Giuliani Attacks Beyonce.…

Beyonce and her dancers during super bowl 50...
Beyonce and her dancers dur­ing super bowl 50…

Who is sur­prised by any­thing this one dimen­sion­al rel­ic has to say?
I mean seri­ous­ly does this guy sit around the tele­vi­sion watch­ing to see what Black peo­ple are going to say and do?
It appears that El Duce Rudolph Giuliani believes only white peo­ple have a right to opinions.
He obvi­ous­ly believes as does count­less oth­ers that any­one, not a white Anglo-Saxon has no right to free speech or any free­doms not grant­ed to them by Caucasians.
What plan­et is this fool liv­ing on?
They real­ly think this world is theirs, and peo­ple’s rights are their’s to determine.

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