Confirmed: Five Arrested, One Militant Killed During Ammon Bundy Arrest

The lead­ers of the occu­pa­tion of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, includ­ing Ammon Bundy, have been arrest­ed after a shootout with law enforce­ment offi­cials about 15 miles north of Burns on Tuesday night.

One of the mili­tia mem­bers was shot and killed dur­ing the con­fronta­tion, and though the iden­ti­ty of the deceased has not yet been released, many reports on the ground indi­cate that the deceased is LaVoy Finicum, who spoke at length about how he would rather die than be tak­en into cus­tody. State Rep. Michele Fiore (R‑Nevada), who speaks direct­ly to the Bundy fam­i­ly, has con­firmed Finicum was the casu­al­ty in the shootout.

Also among those arrest­ed were Ryan W. Payne, Brian Cavalier, and Shawna J. Cox. They have all been charged with felony counts of imped­ing offi­cers of the US from dis­charg­ing their offi­cial duties through the use of force, intim­i­da­tion or threats. Ryan Bundy of Bunkerville, Nevada, suf­fered a minor gun­shot wound but is in sta­ble con­di­tion and is expect­ed to be charged with the others.

The FBI, Oregon State troop­ers, and oth­er law enforce­ment agen­cies were all involved in the gun­fight and sub­se­quent arrest, but it is unclear who shot first.

The inci­dent appar­ent­ly began with a traf­fic stop that occurred while Bundy and his sup­port­ers made a trip to a meet­ing in the neigh­bor­ing town of John Day. Highway 395 has been tem­porar­i­ly closed between Burns and John Day.

Harney District Hospital, where some of the mil­i­tants involved in the gun­fight have been treat­ed, is also on lockdown.

In a sep­a­rate inci­dent the same night, Oregon Police arrest­ed Joseph Donald O’Shaughnessy, a sup­port­er of the Bundy occupation.

Ammon Bundy, along with dozens of oth­er armed right-wing extrem­ists, occu­pied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge on Jan 2 to protest the government’s treat­ment of Steven and Dwight Hammond, local ranch­ers who were con­vict­ed of com­mit­ting arson on fed­er­al land adja­cent to their prop­er­ty. The Hammonds declined Bundy’s sup­port, and the armed mili­tia group has been crit­i­cized and derid­ed by the vast major­i­ty of locals in the area. They have also found them­selves sub­ject tocon­fronta­tions with rival groups, inte­ri­or con­flicts and fist­fights, and pranks from detrac­tors as they have con­tin­ued their occupation.